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Eh, now that Prims has outed my role for me... I was on Bizz N1. I was on Prims N2 because they didn't go for the obvious target on N1, so I thought they wouldn't go for it again N2. I probably should have just been safe...

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You do realize that right now, it's also incredibly easy to fake these reports, right? Particularly with a scumbuddy. Which you conveniently scanned N1. And also, scum could have the role.

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This is exactly what I thought would happen, as well. Everything is falling exactly into place.

And surprise: Yes I knew Bizz was Amnesiac from D1. I knew that meta as well, in addition to my pick.

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Exactly what I thought would happen: BBM claims doc onto Prims N2, Prims was follower, which followed BBM N1 to pseudoclear. Kill just conveniently was elsewhere that night. For maximum confusion, you should have killed Proto.

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Like seriously if you're town then


is quickhammering me w/ Proto once he gets in here. Unless Rothene is scum which I don't see happening

oh cut thx

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Actually Manix gains +++townpoints+++ because if he thought I was Follower and wanted to force me into a 1v1 as scum he would've gone on the kill.

If this is true, my reads up until now have been ridiculously wrong. <_< I'm pre-occupied atm but will re-read when I'm not.

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So you think BBM is scum then? I could get on that lynch right now as well.

It's plausible. By the end of Day 2, Elieson had outed enough info from me that scum would have to be VERY DENSE to not realize that BBM was the doc and kill him. I also don't buy that a town!doc wouldn't have been on Levity last night after people were treating her as clear.

On the other hand this means all my logic regarding the doc being townie obvtown is completely wrong.

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Hmmmmm, now that I think about it, I could see BBM/Proto as a scumteam. Rothene is just ehhhhhhhhh anyway, wouldn't lynch.

Proto, what did you try and pick for your role?

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It's plausible. By the end of Day 2, Elieson had outed enough info from me that scum would have to be VERY DENSE to not realize that BBM was the doc and kill him. I also don't buy that a town!doc wouldn't have been on Levity last night after people were treating her as clear.

On the other hand this means all my logic regarding the doc being townie obvtown is completely wrong.

The alternative is that the doc was on you because they expected you to die because you were pretty much a investigative role? And then the kill is somewhere else... no, it's far to convenient.

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Also: my claim was telegraphed pretty openly.

ED1 vote was a crumb (but not a serious point beyond a reaction test, otherwise I wouldn't have picked Follower) because Levity has a CARA meta of getting trackeresque roles

ED2, I thought Levity was scum!dayvig because I knew who the doc and follower were and the other two important PRs had died. I couldn't think of anything a town in her draft position would've picked, which was why I expected she was scum and picked the best scum role.

I was actually -not- aware of her Amnesiac meta until she softclaimed (because it was the only EM role on the list and Rothene implied he picked it and got Vanilla). Or if I was it didn't stick with me.

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Question. Manix, can you think of any plausible BBM-less scumteams where hooker!Levity would've been a bigger problem for them than doc!BBM? I'm trying but I can't think of any, unless we have like Proto and Rothene or something and they're both really absent-minded, but I still don't think Rothene is scum after his Amnesiac-Turned-Vanilla D1 claim.

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Question. Manix, can you think of any plausible BBM-less scumteams where hooker!Levity would've been a bigger problem for them than doc!BBM? I'm trying but I can't think of any, unless we have like Proto and Rothene or something and they're both really absent-minded, but I still don't think Rothene is scum after his Amnesiac-Turned-Vanilla D1 claim.

I'm drawing nothing as well. But even if the scumteam was you/Proto, the doc probably would have been a bigger threat. But on that note, I don't see you/Proto being a scumteam at all. And Rothene is lurktown.

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Why did you think that offering to prematurely hammer him D1 was a good idea?

Because town loses less from a vanilla lynch than a PR lynch. And if he's fakeclaiming scum, more power to us.

This is why I was okay with being lynched D1, because town wouldn't have lost as much from me being lynched.

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Ugh, it's consistent enough with your ideals that I can see it.

What do you think is scummy about BBM's play individually? I'm reading the thread and he doesn't actually bug me outside of Levity's death. I thought his D2 looked pretty solid.

I don't think I was an obscure choice for the NK yesterday like BBM claimed given that I was an obvious investigative role though. Maybe I was from BBM's point of view if he thought he could get me lynched.

I am like this close to just voting him right now and getting the day over with because I can't think of any other options and told myself Levity dying would probably mean I was wrong on him but GDI I was pretty damn sold on him as town due to the situational doc tells. :waffles:

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The thing is, is that unless the other scum busses BBM (which I doubt highly), Rothene actually needs to get in here to vote.

BBM's scummy play: Being quite unmemorable, really. And other stuff I can't be really bothered to remember right now, I'm sure there was something else.

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Again, ;/

I'll hold off on doing whatever until Rothene pops up. If we lynch correctly today then I'm pretty sure he's the ideal nightkill for every single potential scumteam in the game so this is most likely his last chance to say anything.

I repeat: proto waht r ur thoughts

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Can we just lynch BBM right now?

This is really bad... we're at LYLO and I don't trust anybody... except Prims, because I think he'd have eliminated BBM once he found out he was a Doctor. I chose Amnesiac btw, but I seriously didn't think it'd be such a popular pick. I personally think the scumteam is BBM+Rothene. Actually, I wanna lynch Rothene more than BBM because Manix+Rothene looks more likely than BBM+Manix.

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Why's Rothene scum, Proto?

Like, what use is there for scum to claim Vanilla Townie unprompted in the middle of Day 1? I've had heavy lurktown readings on him all game and I don't believe he's scumhiding, just apathetic.

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What you guys are doing here is picking a conclusion (I am scum) and then interpreting the facts that you have to make them fit that conclusion. Manix, you said yourself that the only scummy play I have exhibited all game has been "being unmemorable". That's not exactly an obvscumtell. Yeah, I guess I made a mistake protecting Prims last night instead of Bizz. But that doesn't make me scum either. And Prims, you said that you weren't exactly an "obscure target". You weren't. Bizz was the towniest, but I interpreted you, at that moment, as the second towniest person, after Rothene whom I didn't think they'd kill because he has neither a PR nor has he been contributing a lot. And I thought they would be more likely to go for the second-towniest person than the first towniest.

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