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Draft Minimafia


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Prims (2): Blitz, Proto, Elieson

Manix (2): BBM, Prims

Proto (1): Blitz

StSS (1): Manix, Blitz

BBM (1): StSS

Blitz (1): Levity

Rothene (0): Blitz

Levity (0): Prims

Voteless Scum: Rothene

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I'm pretty sure her vote on Blitz is a random vote.

Come on guys, who's looking the most suspicious/townie? I think Blitz is looking a bit scummy, because he started discussion about the roles and stuff. I'm not saying he's rolefishing, but at the same time, it's not a conversation that would really lead to anything fruitful. He also prodded a couple of other people to speak, but other than one-liners here and there, never really said anything himself. I don't have much of a read on anyone else, but I think Bizz is townish, because from what I remember of the one game I read where she was mafia, she tends to tunnel, which she's not really doing here.

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some people say i tend to tunnel more when i'm town but that's your judgement i guess

and yeah, my blitz vote is a random vote. I haven't decided who I want to set a new vote down on yet, but throwing the same accusation back at the accuser can be somewhat of a scumtell sometimes, elieson.

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BBM: If Blitz is the scummiest to you, why aren't you voting him?

Elie: I'm not being vague, I'm just not saying more than what needs to be said. I'm not going to claim ED1 over a half-serious point against Levity which I have explained multiple times. Yeah, I'm not the only person who knows anything about roles, but bringing up the elephant in the room is hardly scummy in this context.

I want to hear more than role speculation from Proto and Rothene. "nothing's happening" not really, I have a serious vote on Manix, Blitz and Levity have been posting enough to make them analyzable and now Elie and BBM have serious opinions too.

Blitz should speak up again, too. He was an early town read for getting engaged in discussion, but then he sort of petered out and resorted to typical ED1 prodvote nonsense and I've made my stance on that being useless multiple times in past games. I'm still content voting Manix because he hasn't really done much aside from fumble around. No opinions whatsoever means there's no reason for me to move my vote.

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Eh, people say I'm too quick to vote so I thought I'd hold off it.

Also, Prims, monkeys make a much bigger mess of your pots and pans then herons.

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You can change your vote to somebody else instantly if you change your mind, so outside of LYLO / MYLO there's no such thing as "being too quick to vote" unless the person you're voting is at L-1.

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Oksy so Prims, what do you want me to address then?

But before you answer that...

I feel like Prims is acting different this game. There's something about his playstyle that is different. I couldn't quite tell you what it is, but something is different. And something is wrong.

Eh, just something I thought about.

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That's not actually what you said.

You said people say you're too quick to vote. I said people can't actually be too quick to vote outside of LYLO / MYLO (where scum can hammer instantly) or situations where the other player is at L-1, because this is true. We are not in LYLO / MYLO and Blitz is not L-1.

People act like you can't take back votes or move them once you make them and that's absolutely retarded because not only is it not true, it's a mentality that leads to people being conservative with votes when they shouldn't be (and therefore, playing worse).

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That's not actually what you said.

You said people say you're too quick to vote. I said people can't actually be too quick to vote outside of LYLO / MYLO (where scum can hammer instantly) or situations where the other player is at L-1, because this is true. We are not in LYLO / MYLO and Blitz is not L-1.

People act like you can't take back votes or move them once you make them and that's absolutely retarded because not only is it not true, it's a mentality that leads to people being conservative with votes when they shouldn't be (and therefore, playing worse).

No, I mean that's what I told the people who said I was too quick to vote, that votes can be changed easily, but they still kept on saying that I was overreacting.

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also I ISO'd myself in Stop Crying Psych and anybody who says I'm acting differently than I usually do this game is literally making shit up

I'm talking more and harping on people for not saying stuff when posting ED1 more than usual because half of the playerlist in this game consists of lurkers (Strawduck Proto Rothene) or people who end up disappearing over IRL stuff or timezones a lot (Elie Manix), and I surprisingly do not enjoy slow Mafia games!! That's it.

BBM: If you disagree with them and they never explained why they think you're voting poorly then I'm not sure why you're listening to them but w/e

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I think that if scum is later on the draft, they probably picked Ninja. Early on, they'd want something like Hooker or Redirector to screw with town's PRs. Or dayvig, because scum dayvig is crazy strong.

Okay, that's fine for speculation, but you mention it again:

As scum I would just pick dayvig cuz meta would let me get away with shooting somebody on impulse

Why oh why would you mention that? If I wanted to meta the shit out of this, I'd almost say that it's quite likely that you picked dayvig, no matter what your alignment is. But since you keep harping on about scum dayvig, I don't like that.

Not gonna lie when I signed up for this game I had the thought that if i was mafia with top priority I would choose the doctor just to be a bastard and not give the town a doctor. But hopefully none of you think like me.

lol that much is obvious

however , I was thinking, what if scum took doc?

Hold up a sec. waitwaitwait

I don't like those quotes, particularly since they were pretty much at the same time. The below quote is worse, though

hey guys, just had a terrible thought that the doc wasn't picked

Okay, this implies the following: Blitz is breadcrumbing doc, or after the whole "what if scum picked doc", that he could be scum trying to make town paranoid. Iunno, but there might be a third reason; not having a single clue at all.

Manix is just acknowledging that we're being silly but not really doing or saying any of much, which is scummy enough for a vote at this stage of the game.


I addressed the votes on me (all of my cares are not present), and thought that it was better to not delve into the whole "what is Bizz's possible role" thing, because we don't want to give maf information. I swear you must have missed my meaningful posts up to that point. (Although it was all of 2, admittedly)

I'm still content voting Manix because he hasn't really done much aside from fumble around. No opinions whatsoever means there's no reason for me to move my vote.

*insert facepalm pic*

this is what accurately determines by feeling on the subject

please please please don't claim this early, not even I'm that stupid


if I know what you're talking about, then no, you're wrong, because I think I know (if I'm right about which thing it is)

but I have been known to be wrong before.

it's not exactly significant to the others, so I say we let it rest until it is needed to be known.

/is late because he went out, soz

really Prims


Hello content, I didn't see you there. notes: The first quote was 12 hours after the second quote. Prims, I have half a mind to say you're purposely trying to get me mislynched.

also I ISO'd myself in Stop Crying Psych and anybody who says I'm acting differently than I usually do this game is literally making shit up

That's one game, and one game does not make a sample size. Don't try and flip around the subject my using a specific example.

Happy now Prims? You better be.

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I like how Prims self-meta'd when he got on me for self-meta'ing

that's beautiful

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Why oh why would you mention that? If I wanted to meta the shit out of this, I'd almost say that it's quite likely that you picked dayvig, no matter what your alignment is. But since you keep harping on about scum dayvig, I don't like that.

<it was a joke>

That's one game, and one game does not make a sample size. Don't try and flip around the subject my using a specific example.

Well, you're the one making the accusation, so the burden of proof's on you, not me. I was just posting an example. Give me a recent NOC game where I was town and played notably different from the way I am now. Games where I was under special circumstances such as Being Town Leader (only SFMM2 to my knowledge) do not count.

misc shit in the middle of your post:

Content is "I think Player X leans Alignment Y because Z". ED1 Content is "Vote Player X because jokevote" with the addition of "also, I think Y, because Z" if people are talking about stuff that you can't manage Content out of. "I don't care" is not either of these. "I am confused" is also not either of these. If you meant to say that you didn't think we should be focusing on Prims/Bizz then you didn't make that clear at all.

I think it's scummy that when I call you out for fumbling around when other people were being serious, you try to pass it off as content and give me an overblown accusation as a reaction.

Levity cut: I posted a counterargument to somebody posting meta on me. You posted meta as a counterargument to somebody getting on your case for reason that weren't your meta.

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Well, you're the one making the accusation, so the burden of proof's on you, not me. I was just posting an example. Give me a recent NOC game where I was town and played notably different from the way I am now. Games where I was under special circumstances such as Being Town Leader (only SFMM2 to my knowledge) do not count.

Okay, fine then. Carnival Phantasm. You weren't tunneling onto people like you are now with me. Hmm?

And you still seem to ignore the actual content of my posts (ie; you don't actually address the fact that I did have opinions), okay then, Strawman (the fallacy) away Prims

I'm done with this. If I can't break it through your head, whatev.

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Okay, fine then. Carnival Phantasm. You weren't tunneling onto people like you are now with me. Hmm?

a) I wasn't alive in that game until D2

b) Did you read that one day phase where I tunneled on Marth like a rabid mole until he had a wagon of like 8 votes?

And you still seem to ignore the actual content of my posts (ie; you don't actually address the fact that I did have opinions), okay then, Strawman (the fallacy) away Prims

I'm done with this. If I can't break it through your head, whatev.

Important question: am I scum?

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If anything I was being passive-aggressive towards Manix and not you. He referenced an ongoing game and gave up his argument way too easily, and I didn't like seeing that from him.


##Vote: Manix

also I didn't like Elieson's Prims vote + defense

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don't reference ongoing games please

frick, soz

It may as well be over, anyway

a) I wasn't alive in that game until D2

b) Did you read that one day phase where I tunneled on Marth like a rabid mole until he had a wagon of like 8 votes?

Possibly. Although to be fair, most of town was tunneling on him, so it's not like it changes much to my point

Important question: am I scum?

Right now, since you seem to be doing everything in your power to annoy the shit out of me with bad logic, yes.


##Vote: Prims

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