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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Asides from Chrom x (most), which gen 1 romantic supports known to be different to the standard 36/36/45/45? I seem to recall both Stahl x Cordelia and Sully x Stahl both being 27/36/45/45, but I feel like I'm wrong about at least one of those (likely it's Sully x Stahl which is faster).

Also, could a mathematically skilled person check if my description of supports below is equivalent to the one on the site:

Fighting together gives 3 battle points. A Dual Strike/Dual Guard/Heal/etc. gives 1 battle point. At the end of a battle you gain 1/2/3 support points, if you gained at least 3/7/12 battle points respectively. Event tile conversations, Seeds of Trust etc. give 1 support point. Most romantic supports take 4/4/5/5 support points to make. Some, like Chrom x Sumia are quicker and take 2/4/4/4 support points to make.

My reason for asking is quite straightforward: I think this is an easier way to think of supports, and our current way was more or less based on making the numbers work while we deduced HOW it worked. But now we've done that, we can streamline and simplify things (after all, we have no coding data to work on for it).

3/7/12 might look like weird cutoffs at first but I'd note a few things. Firstly 3/7/12 is the same as +3/+4/+5, which are kinda numbers that make sense. Secondly, this negates the need for rounding, and since numbers are mostly halved, I think it's easier to quickly add up how many points you've gained. Thirdly it makes it easier to understand that support points from events and bonuses are separate from the possible support gains during the chapter.

Edited by Tables
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I'm not seeing anything wrong with that, though do remember that there's a cap on how many battle points can be obtained per map.

I did mention that, actually, although it's slightly more implicit:

At the end of a battle you gain 1/2/3 support points, if you gained at least 3/7/12 battle points respectively.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The continents in Awakening are Ylisse, formerly Archanea, and Valm, formerly Valentia. The over-arching world is never explicitly named, IIRC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not getting the little birthday messages in the barracks, and I'm not quite sure why. The date and time on my 3DS are correct, but the message doesn't pop up. Its not that much of a loss, but it was pretty cute.

Anyone know how to make it show up again? Or maybe I'm just a little stupid...

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Have you changed your 3DS clock in the last 48 hours? That would prevent it happening. Otherwise maybe you already saw the birthday event and forgot, or maybe whoever's birthday it is hasn't been recruited yet/died?

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Have you changed your 3DS clock in the last 48 hours? That would prevent it happening. Otherwise maybe you already saw the birthday event and forgot, or maybe whoever's birthday it is hasn't been recruited yet/died?

Oh yes, I have actually! Argh, then that means I can't see it. Oh well... Thanks for the answer!

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I would like to know what is the general opinion on how good each of the classes in Awakening is perceived as being.

In other words… tier them for me (based on general consensus)? Include DLC classes (I think just Dreadfighter and Bride), but assume no DLC skills like Limit Breaker and Iote's Shield. For instance, I know classes like Berserkers and Sages are considered 'High-Tier'.

Much obliged in advance.

Edited by BANRYU
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I would like to know what is the general opinion on how good each of the classes in Awakening is perceived as being.

In other words… tier them for me (based on general consensus)? Include DLC classes (I think just Dreadfighter and Bride), but assume no DLC skills like Limit Breaker and Iote's Shield. For instance, I know classes like Berserkers and Sages are considered 'High-Tier'.

Much obliged in advance.

I think that this goes beyond the scope of the thread, and it might be better suited to it's own thread for discussion - especially since I doubt you'd get the same answer from any two people. Like, I would probably put Tactician as the top class (because Veteran), but if you're looking at postgame (i.e. apotheosis) performance, Grandmaster would probably me middling at best and likely lower.

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I think that this goes beyond the scope of the thread, and it might be better suited to it's own thread for discussion - especially since I doubt you'd get the same answer from any two people. Like, I would probably put Tactician as the top class (because Veteran), but if you're looking at postgame (i.e. apotheosis) performance, Grandmaster would probably me middling at best and likely lower.

Yeah, I figured that might be the case, but I wasn't sure I should make a new thread yet. Perhaps I'll do that, thanks.

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You know, this thread being titled "blahblah One Thing" makes me not want to ask more than one question.

Just wanted to share that

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If I unlocked and viewed Chrom and Sully's C support and then killed her, and then had Olivia dance Chrom 485729734892469 times, who will he marry?

Nobody. By the time you dance that many times you'll probably have died of old age and your 3DS will be falling apart.

Also you haven't provided enough additional information elsewhere. Like who else does Chrom have supports with? If he has no others then he'll marry Olivia, since 485 trillion > 7 and 7 dances is the magic number to force Olivia to marry a supportless Chrom.

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He has a C support with Sully, so I think that means he would normally marry her, but she's dead/retreated, so will Olivia marry him instead?

That is his only support (well he also has a A support with Vaike but that doesn't count)

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If I unlocked and viewed Chrom and Sully's C support and then killed her, and then had Olivia dance Chrom 485729734892469 times, who will he marry?

Here's a guide describing how to get Olivia to marry Chrom, and basically she only needs to dance for him 7 times to marry him. Anything less, he will marry the maiden or anyone else he has the highest support with.

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SHFOUFGYGBLSF I misread the part about not viewing the other supports and then danced Olivia for literally 203 turns (to pass down good stats) and the chrom married Sully.

*throws 3DS off a cliff*

And I'm on Lunatic+ so I can't restart... D:<

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SHFOUFGYGBLSF I misread the part about not viewing the other supports and then danced Olivia for literally 203 turns (to pass down good stats) and the chrom married Sully.

*throws 3DS off a cliff*

And I'm on Lunatic+ so I can't restart... D:<

Oof, that sucks a ton. It's probably really gonna deter you in a way since Sully isn't that great of a match-up with Chrom... Best of luck though.

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I can't grind because I don't want to waste my money on DLC. :( At least Lucina/Kjelle's base stats will be hilariously bad. That should be funny for 10 seconds.

To be fair, Olivia!Lucina's bases would be laughably horrid too. Also, seconding the part where I have no clue why someone would marry Chrom off to Olivia on Lunatic+.

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To be fair, Olivia!Lucina's bases would be laughably horrid too. Also, seconding the part where I have no clue why someone would marry Chrom off to Olivia on Lunatic+.

SHFOUFGYGBLSF I misread the part about not viewing the other supports and then danced Olivia for literally 203 turns (to pass down good stats) and the chrom married Sully.

*throws 3DS off a cliff*

And I'm on Lunatic+ so I can't restart... D:<

He actually dance spammed to level her up...

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