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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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As the Avatar, can you reclass back to tactician/grandmaster again and still have a good unit?

Pretty much. All reclassing affects base stats, growths, and available weapons after all. Don't know why anyone would want to have a Grandmaster after getting Rainbow Cry though. Considering postgame that is. But to each their own. Edited by Little Al
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Thanks! Really wanted MU and Velvet to shack up, dunno why but I find her tail to be quite cute >.>

Yeah, MU can pair with anyone. Aside from Mark, of course.

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Couple questions about forging.So I under stand you have a maximum amount of raises for weapon stats but this seems rather limiting to me when compared to past FE games I have played so I am wondering if its possible to forge the same weapon multiple times till you max out all the weapon stats in this game. Also by how much does skill and critical increas when you make those stats go up?

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To me I don't think it would... I t just means you would have to pay alot more money and with the way I worded the question You wouldn't be able to go past a weapons max stat... Its just that a total number of 8 stat ups only seems rather limiting to me when it comes to forging, well compared to the FE games I have played anyway.

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It just means you would have to pay alot more money

No, it wouldn't.

And yeah, it's limited. The DS forges could already get insane and in a game with grinding for unlimited cash, it'd get even crazier.

Also, the stronger you can forge, the worse it is for the non-forgeable weapons. Hauteclere is fixed at 21 Mt and 70 Hit, while a Steel Axe has 11 Mt and 70 Hit but can be forged. If you could forge as absurdly as in the DS games, you could have a Steel Axe match its Mt with far better hit, and overall ending up just as a better weapon. This is to say nothing of weapons stronger than Steel. Granted, most ultimate weapons have their own advantages, but it still really takes away from the point of them.

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Can't you forge an unlimited amount of items in this game? If so, that would be a great reason to put a cap on forging. Imagine every single character having a completely maxed out brave weapon. There would be no challenge left in the game.

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Can't you forge an unlimited amount of items in this game? If so, that would be a great reason to put a cap on forging. Imagine every single character having a completely maxed out brave weapon. There would be no challenge left in the game.

Exactly. Of course, if you're grinding enough to have that, you can make the game pitifully easy in the first place.

And granted, in a situation where weapons with all fifteen upgrades are broken, weapons with just eight would... still be broken. You can max out Mt and get a substantial Hit or Crit boost, so the rest really doesn't matter, making it not a big deal either way.

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I actually wouldn't be surprised, though, if NoA tweaked it to allow you to change MU's skin color. Since America is much more diverse than Japan and all. If I remember correctly, they've done it before with games like Pokemon: Battle Revolution.

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That'd actually be pretty cool, although I think it's kinda unlikely. If I remember correctly, PBR just added 2 new trainer cards for each build, there was no option to change that when editing your character. I think for this game they'd have to edit the menus and make a whole 'nother option or something.

Also I've kinda been dead. Not that anyone really knows me though.

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Exceli is male. He said that personally somewhere in the game's main chapters... in his usual extremely feminine tone.

So basically, he's a more extreme Valtome.

Does Exceli's battle model use the male sage form of attack? The male attack animation differs from from the female animation. Females twirl when they counter attack, but males jump and spin in the air when they attack.

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Does 13 have the mid-mission save points of 11 and 12?

I actually wouldn't be surprised, though, if NoA tweaked it to allow you to change MU's skin color. Since America is much more diverse than Japan and all. If I remember correctly, they've done it before with games like Pokemon: Battle Revolution.

I think NoA also changed the skin tone customization in another game so the darkest skin tones was black instead of "slight tan". Forget what it was.

Edited by deuxhero
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Does 13 have the mid-mission save points of 11 and 12?

I think NoA also changed the skin tone customization in another game so the darkest skin tones was black instead of "slight tan". Forget what it was.

Only on casual, and it's more like RD/FE4(kinda...) that you can make a permasave anywhere.

We've already seen the character creator in the english version, no skin tone. Unless it's on another page(of the creator), but IDK.

Pretty sure international PBR just gave some characters darker skin, the dark skin options were available in the japanese version, IIRC.

Edited by L95
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