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Text codes


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[.] is a very small pause

[A] stops text and waits for the player to press A to continue

[....] and its extended variations all pause text at varying lengths.

These codes are all listed within FEditor's docs.

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[spoiler=every text control code from the doc]

<bh:00>: End convo/text [X]

<bh:01>: New line [NL]

<bh:02>: Two new lines [2NL]

<bh:03>: Blue arrow (push A to continue) [A]

<bh:04>: Short pause in speech [....]

<bh:05>: Longer pause in speech (alltext uses this one) [.....]

<bh:06>: Longer pause in speech [......]

<bh:07>: Long pause in speech [.......]

<bh:08>: Open speech bubble [OpenFarLeft]

<bh:09>: Open speech bubble [OpenMidLeft]

<bh:0a>: Open speech bubble [OpenLeft]

<bh:0b>: Open speech bubble [OpenRight]

<bh:0c>: Open speech bubble [OpenMidRight]

<bh:0d>: Open speech bubble [OpenFarRight]

<bh:0e>: Open speech bubble [OpenFarFarLeft]

<bh:0f>: Open speech bubble [OpenFarFarRight]

<bh:10>: Character 0x10 sets a portrait with the byte that follows; use Portrait List.txt

to check value labels [LoadFace]

<bh:11>: Clear current speaker's face [ClearFace]

<bh:12>: Sets text speed to display normally [NormalPrint] (FE 6 only!)

<bh:13>: Sets text speed to display quickly [FastPrint] (FE 6 only!)

<bh:14>: Close speech bubble quickly [CloseSpeechFast]

<bh:15>: Close speech bubble slowly [CloseSpeechSlow]

<bh:16>: Makes characters move their mouth or stop [ToggleMouthMove]

<bh:17>: Makes characters use their smiling frames or cease [ToggleSmile]

<bh:18>: Gives a yes/no prompt (starts on yes) [Yes]

<bh:19>: Gives a yes/no prompt (starts on no) [No]

<bh:1a>: Gives buy/sell prompt (glitches if no shop?) [buy/Sell]

<bh:1b>: Gives a prompt about whether the player would like to continue with using the shop

[shopContinue] (FE 8 only!)

<bh:1c>: Sends selected character to back of display [sendToBack]

<bh:1d>: Play text faster for the open speech bubble [FastPrint] (FE 8 only!)

<bh:1f>: Short pause - text printing SFX still play [.]

20-7F: Standard ASCII with 0x20 as a space, etc.

80: Movement flag/extended controls


<wh:0480>: Load face at overworld map [LoadOverworldFaces]

<wh:0580>: Print monetary amount [G]

<wh:0a80>: Move to far left [MoveFarLeft]

<wh:0b80>: Move to mid left [MoveMidLeft]

<wh:0c80>: Move to left [MoveLeft]

<wh:0d80>: Move to right [MoveRight]

<wh:0e80>: Move to mid right [MoveMidRight]

<wh:0f80>: Move to far right [MoveFarRight]

<wh:1080>: Move to off screen left [MoveFarFarLeft]

<wh:1180>: Move to off screen right [MoveFarFarRight]

<wh:1680>: Enables blinking [EnableBlinking]

<wh:1880>: Delays blinking for a fixed amount of time after the line fills [DelayBlinking]

<wh:1980>: Pauses blinking for a short time; calling repeatedly doesn't seem to queue pauses

properly [PauseBlinking]

<wh:1b80>: Disables blinking [DisableBlinking]

<wh:1c80>: Open eyes (if closed or half) [OpenEyes]

<wh:1d80>: Close eyes [CloseEyes]

<wh:1e80>: Close eyes halfway [HalfCloseEyes]

<wh:1f80>: Wink (character's outside eye) [Wink]

<wh:2080>: Say Tactician's name [Tact]

<wh:2180>: Change text red (if used again, changes text back to black) [ToggleRed]

<wh:2280>: Display name of item that has been loaded [item]

<wh:2380>: Sets name of speaker with text that appears after until next line break (used for

dialogs that appear over CGs) [setName]

<wh:2580>: Toggles whether to invert the colors of the dialog box for that creepy ghost voice

effect [ToggleColorInvert]

Using the position a character is already in as a destination causes them to "bounce". Using a destination that already has a character filling it will cause the characters to switch places. Also, notice the simililarities between the movement types and the "[Open]" commands. Note that there is a 4 character limit for conversations - clear one before loading a fifth each time.

/obligatory READ THE DOC

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are you


[0x16], [0x1A], [0x02], and [0x01] are portrait IDs

alternatively, they are also different punctuation mark ex: ", 'p

[0x01] is used at the end of a [LoadFace] command

You can't possibly argue that [LoadFace] is not in there, since it's probably the most basic command, it Loads a face


loads face 0x16


does what it says, closes the speech box slowly

you'll never guess what [CloseSpeechFast] does

welp dan said it

alex said it first

Edited by Kitty of Time
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