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First Official SSB4 Character Poll Results


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Gaia, huh? :XD: He's like an ensemble darkhorse already! But I doubt he will get in, since he's a random FE character, one who has no plot importance. Also, I barely recognize some of the characters on the second page.

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Hatsune Miku? Really? Like, really?

I'm loving that FE has more or as many characters on there than any other series. Also, since everyone on the first page is basically guaranteed to be in regardless of whether or not they were voted for, FE kinda sorta has the top three spots.

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They need to include more FE characters. It would really help push the series some more. Just two from the series isn't enough. If I had to pick 3 FE characters I'd go with Krom, Marth (he's never going to be leaving the SSB series), and MAYBE Ike, since his series is now well and truly gone - like Roy. Ike's most at risk of getting shafted from SSB4, assuming they are going to stick to only 2 FE characters appearing in the series.

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I find it difficult to believe that Ike will stick around regardless. I'm of the opinion that he was a "flavor of the month" addition to the roster. He's now outdated, like Roy before him.

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I find it difficult to believe that Ike will stick around regardless. I'm of the opinion that he was a "flavor of the month" addition to the roster. He's now outdated, like Roy before him.

In regards to Ike in general, after Marth, he's the only other lord to star in more than one game and still plenty popular apparently. His move-set was also plenty unique, but that could be shifted to Krom really. I don't think Ike's going any where if Fire Emblem gets more than 2 spots.

Edited by Shun One
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I want Elincia but she will never happen. Why not include non-lords? Most of the lords are carbon copy of another. Although Miccy is interesting I'd like her or the other mage girl lord.

*looks at FE DLC* Well, it happened once.

I thinhk we may get more FE Assist Trophies if anything. However it's done, I'll just be glad to see more FE.

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  • 1 month later...

Don't recognize #18,13,12,10. If number 1 isn't Pit, I don't know who it is.

10 is Skyward Sword Zelda, 12 is Hatsune Miku, 13 is Viridi from Kid Icarus Uprising, and 18 is Ranmaru Kirino from the soccer game by Level-5, Inazuma Eleven GO.

Edit: On further notice, I noticed the game that Nachure (13) was from is actually Kid Icarus: Uprising. A little more digging and it turns out her English name is Viridi, the Goddess of Nature. She's one of the villains.

Edited by Samias
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These aren't SSB4 polls, this is a Nintendo popularity poll, Sakurai put it on his twitter because Pit was high.

This has NOTHING to do with Smash.

Guys, Esaka is likely right in how this was a character popularity poll that isn't affilated with Smash Bros. (barring how a lot of the most popular characters are in Smash Bros). I can't think of any other explanation as to how Dark Pit, Waluigi, and Hatsune Miku are in over requested Smash Bros. characters like Shulk, Megaman, and Ghirahim.

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I can't exactly see the text very well though I did believe it had to do with Smash Bros. But it could just very well be a monthly popularity ranking (I definitely see the characters for "this month"). Sakurai tweeted about it but it's probably because there are four Kid Icarus characters AND Kirby who made the list. It just goes to show the taste of Japanese fans is very different from what fans from America or Europe want. Nintendo would never seriously consider Hatsune Miku, who is hardly famous as a videogame persona, as a character for Smash. These types of polls are sent in by fans who can nominate whoever they want, so you end up with some weird choices of characters after the typical top 5.

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Ooh, Ike is pretty high on that list, even higher than Marth! SQUEE! I love him too much, I'd cry if he didn't stay!

But Krom higher than BOTH? That's strange... I would've thought Marth would have that spot.

Edited by Anacybele
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