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Do you get mad when someone spoils something for you?

Gold Vanguard

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I usually don't really mind. Often times, I'll spoil something for myself if I get too impatient; like if I ordered a game that I am dying to play and I don't want to wait to find out the story. Though spoiling things doesn't really do anything for me, it doesn't make me lose interest in anything unless the story was really awful.

What does irritate me though is if I ask someone to spoil something for me and they say "LOL NO PLAY/WATCH IT URSELF AND FIND OUT" which is what my brother does to me all the time...

Why not just spoil to for me if I don't mind and it doesn't really affect my interest in anything anyway, especially since I asked?

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What does irritate me though is if I ask someone to spoil something for me and they say "LOL NO PLAY/WATCH IT URSELF AND FIND OUT" which is what my brother does to me all the time...

Why not just spoil to for me if I don't mind and it doesn't really affect my interest in anything anyway, especially since I asked?

INDEED. I'm glad someone else feels this way...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not really. If something is unearthed before I have the chance to get to it, no worries, cause I'll enjoy da sht anyway. I mean, people talk a lot about sex, I never had sex, yet I'll enjoy it the first time and other times anyway, right?

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It depends what it is getting spoiled. Books are terrible things to get spoiled for you. Most video games, not so much because they tend to be a lot less deep. Though I still haven't finished FE10 so I still don't know who the Black Knight is (though I have a pretty good idea). inb4 BK spoiler.

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Oddly, according to a National Public Radio piece I heard recently, getting something spoiled often bolsters our excitement with the work, as long as it's not so extensive a spoiler so that we basically know the whole story ahead of time. Since we're waiting for the spoiler to happen, we might be constantly on edge about it, and when it happens we supposedly feel some strange kind of relief. One might actually be doing somebody a favor by telling them SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE

I myself don't "appreciate" being spoiled any more than the next person, though.

Edited by Rehab
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