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Rate the Pokemon, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Edition


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The demand for a fighting-type is high in RSE, and while Machop misses out on helping with Wattson, where his help would be appreciated, he still comes on time for Norman's gym. It's a good way of managing resources to get Machop to lv. 28 for evolution and then trade evolve into Machamp right before facing Norman. You'll probably be OHKOing Slaking(s) with Revenge without any need for Bulk Up setup or making use of Guts, though the former does help with withstanding Facades. Being a fighting-type helps during the story too, with Team Aqua's members running plenty of dark-types, though Machamp is noticeably slower than Blaziken (you either have him or don't) or Medicham (late availability), and lacks Breloom's priority to outspeed some of them, so it'll be taking hits. Faces stiff competition from Breloom, Blaziken, Medicham and Hariyama, all of whom have some advantages over Machamp. For example, Hariyama (a quickly growing MAKIT in RSE) could abuse Norman's Slakings badly by switching in and using Fake Out on the odd turns, punishing them on the next one. Still, if you train it and take it to the E4, it will prove useful against Sydney and Glacia there, and it's generally useful throughout the game. 8/10

I'll use this.


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One of the latest available fighting-types in the game, Meditite misses out on helping out with Wattson and Norman, but compensates for it by possessing certain unique qualities other fighting-types do not have; namely, being moderately fast (faster than Hariyama and Machamp and about as fast as Blaziken and Heracross), having the highest offensive potential thanks to Pure Power, and the best movepool with access not only to Brick Break and Bulk Up (it misses out on Earthquake though, which all the other fighters happen to get, but the move stops being very useful against any other trainers besides Steven at this point of the game anyway) but also Shadow Ball and Calm Mind for bolstering its special defence. It even gets a tutored Ice Punch, so you could combine Calm Mind and Ice Punch and add Drake to the list of E4 members whom Medicham single-handedly sweeps. Shadow Ball makes Medicham the sole fighter who is not only not afraid of Phoebe, but is actually one of the best choices for defeating her. Dual Psychic/Fighting typing means, besides having to fear ghost-type moves, also receiving neutral damage from fellow Psychic specialists, so it's a good choice for Liza and Tate.

Meditite's sole weakness besides late availability is that both Hi Jump Kick and Brick Break are a little distant from it when it arrives, and it lacks good moves to hit things with for a bit; however, it's one of those special Pokemon who have just the right stats, typing and movepool in relation to the opposition faced that make them capable of soloing the game, and Medicham happens to boast of being a great sweeper. Absent in Emerald, but that shouldn't really be counted against him.


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As usual, I haven't used it. Still, doubled 60 base from pure power looks rather impressive, but is it that much better than all of the other fighting type options? And Shadow Ball and Ice Punch are useful, but coming from 60 base special attack? Against Phoebe's Dusclops that won't fly thanks to their spec. defense, and her other 3 aren't weak. Thanks to the 4x weakness of Salamence, Flygon, and Altaria, Ice Punch might be OK, but I'm still curious.

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As usual, I haven't used it. Still, doubled 60 base from pure power looks rather impressive, but is it that much better than all of the other fighting type options? And Shadow Ball and Ice Punch are useful, but coming from 60 base special attack? Against Phoebe's Dusclops that won't fly thanks to their spec. defense, and her other 3 aren't weak. Thanks to the 4x weakness of Salamence, Flygon, and Altaria, Ice Punch might be OK, but I'm still curious.

If I understand ehat I think your saying correctly, Shadow Ball is a Physical move in GEn. 3, so it runs off of MEdicham's Attack stat.

well, I'll give this guy a 8/10 for reasons stated previously

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Ghost is physical!?!?!?!?!

Only until the Special/Physical Split in Gen 4, which never made sense to me, to be honest. I mean, I guess it was to make it a sort of opposite to Psychic, but then why did they make the Dark type Special? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Really they should have switched the two in the first place, because even up to Gen 4 most Ghost types were Special based and to my knowledge all Dark types were Physical based.

/end rant

And unfortunately I've never used Medicham, so I can't give a rating.

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Only until the Special/Physical Split in Gen 4, which never made sense to me, to be honest. I mean, I guess it was to make it a sort of opposite to Psychic, but then why did they make the Dark type Special? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Really they should have switched the two in the first place, because even up to Gen 4 most Ghost types were Special based and to my knowledge all Dark types were Physical based.

Houndoom's the only special-oriented dark type I can think of. (At least, before Generation 5.)

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Medicham gets you to the top.


Pure Power is an awesome ability, having that massive attack stat is a boon when you have decent speed.

Other points have already been said, but I say Medicham is awesome.

Using this. Tallying now.

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Sorry for the delay, don't have much time on the computer. 8.50 for the Meditite family.

Alright, here's a fan favorite: Electrike/Manectric!

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High special attack and speed, useful typing against Winona and the tough water-type Pokemon especially pervasive in the Emerald version (you have Juan, Glacia and Wallace). Demands a Thunderbolt TM to hit harder (it gets stuck with Spark for a while otherwise), which you can either buy or do the short sidequest for Wattson to receive it for free. Regardless, suffers from a terribly shallow movepool, as Bite doesn't compare to Thunderbolt's damage (unless you're somehow thinking it's a good match-up against Claydol or something) even when it hits super-effective, and it's only okay with attacking with Strength and whatnot (I think even Skitty hits harder with normal-type moves though). But yeah, fast and strong, available early and doesn't take too long to evolve, what's not to like. 7/10

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Good ol' Electrike. Personally I usually catch him on Route 110 and baby him from there, but from an efficiency viewpoint it's better to wait until you get Surf and to catch a Manectric on Route 118. The Manectrics there are level 24-26 and know Spark, which is enough to start contributing. On top of that, there's a free Thunderbolt TM in Mauville along with buyable (albeit expensive) ones, so Manectric can grab that as well. With Thunderbolt and his good offensive stats, even Pokemon neutral to electric will have trouble avoiding a OHKO from him. The real selling point though is that most of late Hoenn is filled with water enemies, especially in Emerald, so Thunderbolt is all Manectric needs to kick lots of ass. Sadly, his coverage is a joke and his survivability isn't much better, and his availability is a bit low if you catch him on Route 118.

8.5/10, +1 bias for a total of 9.5/10.

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Electrike is fairly decent.

I think it gets worse with the physical / special split, maybe I'm wrong, but this is Advanced Gen.

The fact that you have good moves to fight 6th / 8th gym / Team Aqua? / Water pokemon everywhere is a boon.


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Really helpful for water gyms/E4!Wallace, and yay early spark! Availability is variant, though not horrid if you catch it early and it fares well if you catch it late.

8.5/10 -.75 because not a fan.


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Electrike is fairly decent.

I think it gets worse with the physical / special split, maybe I'm wrong, but this is Advanced Gen.

The fact that you have good moves to fight 6th / 8th gym / Team Aqua? / Water pokemon everywhere is a boon.


Using this. Tallying.

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>Decent speed


>Fake Tears + Spark

>Being an Electric-type in a Water-heavy region


>Awful defense and HP

>Horrible movepool

It's outclassed by the other available Electric-types such as Electrike and Magnemite. 3/10

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Shares availability with Electrike, and is terribly similar to it in many ways, except Manectric ends up with slightly higher stats in the end. Plusle is very competent as soon as you get it though, though it struggles to deal good damage until it learns Spark (shouldn't take too long). Very similar stats and limited movepool, too similar to Manectric, but pure electric-types have always been kinda boring. 6/10

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