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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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Fuck it. I give up. Quite annoyed by a few things. I'll talk about them at some other time.

This game was lylo on day 2, and should have actually have been over yesterday when there was 6 people alive. Meh.


##Vote: Shinori

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urgh. Ill.screw my 24hr hammerproof rule in light.on unanimous voting. thanks Camdar.

gimme a minute. I juuuust woke up.

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Yes town has won why are we still waiting?

EDIT: All I care about is postgame anyway. Where you will be told how bad I was this game(and possibly annoyed Eli)

Edited by Bluedoom
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[23:17] <Manix> power level is low this game

[23:17] <Manix> I suspect town vanillas

seriously, how the hell were we meant to do anything against a full town of PR's? really, it was stupid.

of course, this statement will make sense when the flip occurs

Claiming (general)

Seriously people, I’m actually really disappointed in the number of early claims this game. You pretty much gave us everything we needed to know D1/N1 (we scanned Bizz N0, Blitz softclaimed, Helios flip and BBM) But anyway, scum or not, I was trying to learn from my past mistakes of claiming too early without necessitation. And with pretty much everyone claiming early, it gave us a good idea of what people were. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t claim this much in future, it gives the mafia too much information, which they can then use to determine good NK targets (hai Marth). Also, if you are a town PR that needs to stay alive to help town, claim under a wagon only, that’s fine. But expect to be the NK or similar that night, without exception. Scum should be trying to fakeclaim a reasonably strong PR under the same pretense, but not one that they can’t easily prove (eg: Lynchproof/Bulletproof, role that would be found out easily by faking). Sometimes, you shouldn’t claim your role as town if you’re about to be lynched, because that way you don’t have a sudden wagon jump and force someone else to claim. That would give the mafia more information early, so sometimes withholding your role and accepting being a mislynch can help town more than scum.

And on that note: Sometimes, townies have to be a mislynch to advantage town. I don’t think being selfish and making your survival a priority will necessarily be the best plan of action all the time. Yes, you know you’re town, but consider: Information for mafia against your role? If your role isn’t terribly strong, I’d just shut up and deal with being lynched. (eg: Vanilla’s are case in point (ie: what I do as vanilla town is exactly this)). If your role needs to be kept alive to help town, chances are that you won’t stay around that long after you claim anyway, so you need to weigh the consequences of actually claiming under a wagon in that case.

Remember that scum already has more information than town, and the more they get early, the quicker they can deduce the rest of it using NK’s. Town needs to limit the about of information they give to scum early. Later on, once town has more information from investigative roles, then you can be a bit more open with information.

quoted and adapted from SSBU postgame. Why isn't anyone listening?

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With three survivors left, the trio just couldn't figure out what to do. All numbers and facts had Tea Gardner pinned as the most innocent person alive, while the other two played a serious game of (s)he did it.

Tea: This is it, you two should duel. Loser admits defeat, and we call it as it is right then and there. It's what Kaiba would want, and it's his tournament.

So our two remaining duelists stood on stage, armed their duel disks, and called start.

Mai: I open with the Harpy Lady, in attack mode! Then, I equip her with the Electric Whip and Cyber Shield to boost her attack points to 2100. Then I play Elegant Egotist to turn my one Harpy into a classic triple threat, and end my turn.

Tristan: I won't let you win this, and to ensure my victory, I play the Magician if Faith in defense mode, and lay four facedowns. Your move.

Mai: Oh hun, that's just embarassing. Harpy Feathet Duster, go! Destroy his facedown spells and traps!

Tristan: No...Noooo....Nooooooo! This can't be. This just can't!

Mai: Don't cry hun. You didn't stand a chance against me. Harpies, go! Destroy his puny monster, and his life points too!

Tristan has lost the duel.

Tristan: I just...I....Heh. Heh. Heh.

Tristan reached up behind his shoulders, and dramatically ripped off his facemask. Yes, he was indeed not Tristan.

????: I'm Odion, servant to Lord Marik, and you all taking his life was the worst thing you could possibly have done. Mai, dear sweet Mai. I hate to break it to you, but I have a spell. An ancient Egyptian spell. When I finish uttering this spell, you will have your mind lost in the Shadow Realm.

Mai: What, don't kid yourself...wait...I can't move. Why can't I move?

Odion: I placed an ancient rune trap under your feet just before our duel started.

Mai: I don't...I can't... You can't trap me in that awful world.

Odion: *closes his eyes an's begins hand signs for his spell* Oh I fully intend to, and you have no choice but to concede your soul to m.


Odion: How did...how did you get my...

Tea: Turn around, big, bad, and baldy! I snuck behind you and snagged it during your duel. I knew Mai was innocent, and I didn't know how to deal with you any other way.

Odion: If only you knew...if only you knew the hell of which you just...wait...what, what is happening to me? What...i can't control by body. I don't...

*The voice from the shadows spoke*

Your time is up. Come to me.

Odion pulls out a small dagger, and with fear in his eyes, yells out in agony as he impales his chest, and collapses to the ground.

The spell on Mai was broken. Tea and Mai ran to each other, and grasped eachother in a tearful, emotional hug.

It's over...it's finally over.

Shinori was Lynched. He was.....

Dear Player Shinori, Odion Ishtar.

You are Marik Ishtar's loyal servant, and friend. You have done to yourself what no normal man would do, in order to prove your allegiance to Marik, since he was a small child. You also help keep Marik's evil self from emerging, through virtually unknown means.

You are powerful, and smart, and normally quiet as well. Except when you are acting as Marik. Then, you are pompous and ruthless, and under telepathic command, act just as the real Marik would.

Marik's telepatic communication has also endowed you with special abilities, but they have taken a long time to show form, and will take even longer to recharge. They are all meant to aid him, of course, in his quest for world domination.

You are Jack of All Trades. Your abilities are:

One time and one time only, you may reply to your role PM with: "##Night XX: [uSER], your mind belongs to me now." You will recieve the entire role PM of another player. (Full Cop)

One time and one time only, you may reply to your role PM with: "##Night XX: Shadows, protect me." You will create a shroud of shadows around yourself, making it impossible for anyone to detect your night action. (Ninja)

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all Town are eliminated.

The Finals have concluded, with Mai Valentine as the victor. Tea Gardner also survived, as did Ryo Bakura, who had escaped earlier in the tournament.

Town has won.

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gg town.

Also, for reference: (As of Night 1)

Blitz: softclaimed

Bizz: Gov

BBM: neighbor

SB: deathproof

Manix: hook

Shinori: Jack

Aere: rolecop

Iris: 3rd party

Marth: ?

Helios: Neighbor

This is what we knew. Hence the above thing on claiming.

Marth was a targeted kill, because we had the ninja shot, which implied the existence of a tracker

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Fuck it. I give up. Quite annoyed by a few things. I'll talk about them at some other time.

This game was lylo on day 2, and should have actually have been over yesterday when there was 6 people alive. Meh.


##Vote: Shinori

6ppl. 4:1:1(+1) equals 4:3 if joint. That's not game over. That's lylo.

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I wonder... what would have happened if I hadn't outright claimed hooker in my exit post?

What if I had picked someone else as my "buddy"? Specifically, what if I picked Shinori for it? Would people have believed that Shinori would have been town?

Would it have changed anything? Who knows.

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