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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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That reminded me of Excellen's game where Bizz's wincon was to kill my character. So what do I do? She CPSes me asking me to character claim and I oblige and end up dying that night phase lol.

Man I had hoped you wouldn't out your character like that, you even had my favourite role! :(

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General Opening:

Here's Toast Office, as promised. Sorry I got to it late. I refused to build it on my phone, and have been awfully busy with school shopping for my son, helping my father repaint his house, dealingwith a leaking bathtub, general parent responsibilities, and basically running the game from my phone on the go, while either at home with my kids or at oneof my two jobs.

I hope you all enjoyed the setup. It was based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series, featuring Battle City (obviously), and the 8 duelists and 2 other story-important people. Coincidentially, the roles alltied to flavor in the game. Death flavor was purely for fun, and mostly pregenerated, with the exception of the Final Day flavor, so I kinda worked with it. Odion and Marik for evil, Bakura for his own seperate evil, and therest of the good guys being good guys.

I sort of intended the game to be a weakergame. I knew the setup needed modifications, and Prims helped a lot with the early development of it. As the game played, I saw mistakes and things that I could've changed. I ended up modifying theLyncher/Mayor, adding the Informed town role, and some switching with the Cops and such, you know, general things.

I'll address specific changes and issues in the Character, Player and Role analysis area below.


Mafia MVP: Shinori, for notclaiming Universal Bomb and not pulling the self-vote and Aere suspicion (Sobasically, not being Manix), and blending in rather well until late game.

Town MVP: Blitz, for callingscum early on, somewhere around early D1, and overall better quality posting.

Third Party MVP: Iris Aere,for this post right here. He Hammered(though he didn't know), and essentially gave Iris the win.

##Vote: SB

May or may not be around for deadline, I don't think Iris is scum.

She may as well win,huh? Fuck, I don't even know anymore.

It's a 66% chance of getting scum with BBM, SB, and Shinori.

Honorable mention to BBM for pursuing a Yugi lynch for the entirety of the game after his Deathproof claim.

Overall LVP: Serious Bababas(For inactivity, especially while being in IP.Chat, and quiet all game)

Analysis of Characters, Roles, and Players.

[spoiler=Serious Bababas]

Dear Player 1, Yugi Moto.

You are incredibly skilled and knowledgable in the art of duel monsters. You have assembled and unlocked the secret of one of the Millenium items, the Millenium Puzzle. Within youlives a spirit released from the puzzle, of a powerful Egyptian Pharoah wholived over 1,000 years ago. Because of the spirit of the Millenium puzzle residing in your mind and body, you have the ability to survive any direct attempt at your life, but only one time. You are One-Time Deathproof. You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

You played alright, when you were around. You were shy and sheepish, and didn't do very much overall. I was surprised that you got lynched, tbh, Well, I was kinda expecting it, as you were a designated Lyncher target without your knowledge, but you should havebeen able to argue yourself out of it. I think the main reason you got lynched was due to your inactivity and your suspicions being based around Meta and Flavor. Granted, in this game, flavor actually was relevant to innocence, butstill, you shouldn't ever assume that. EVER.
Eclipse Said:

Serious Bananas: Three tips. Take them to heart.

1. Work on making yourself productive, and not meta/flavor-hunting. You should NOT have been a lynch target, ever.

2. Work on existing more.

3. You have the beginnings of logic - expand on this.

Role Purpose: Now, I designed this role to essentially reflect that main character of the show, never losing. I originally wanted a strong PR, but couldn't come up with anything. Then the Deathproof came to mind, and that just sort of stuck. I think the role itself worked, and everyone (bar BBM) played properly as to handling your claim.


[spoiler=La Levedad]

Dear Player 2, Seto Kaiba.

You are an incredibly powerful and skilled duelist, as well as one of the most successful businessmen in the entire world. You have rebuilt Kaiba Corp. from a militaristic monopoly to an internationally successful gaming company. You and your brother run the company together, but it is your strong arm and quick mind that keep the technology in the company advancing. With all this money and skill, you are not the best. You have failed to defeat Yugi Moto in a legit duel, and have decided to use your resources to better yourself. You have put on the world's largest dueling competition, and are also one of its top competitors. Because of your immense wealth and power, and the fact that you host your own tournament, you have the ability to negate the lynching of one of the participants. However, this uses up the majority of your available resources, as you are hosting the tournament on a blimp, and cannot land. Also, you cannot use this ability to protect yourself. You are One-Time Governor.You may post in thread "Who do you think you are? I run this tournament, and I alone control the destiny of its competitors!" You will cancel the lynch of any player other than yourself, and end the day phase immediately. You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

BIZZ! You were doing so well! Then, the horrible happened. You sent in your phase end call, and didn't include the exclamation point. I didn't realize it at first, which is why Iended up calling Phase End right there. You did way better in this game than I've seen you normally play (well, in MoMM, you totally stomped Helios, butthat aside). In this game, I saw you use your emotions much less and your brain much more, and that was really a pleasure to see.
Eclipse Said:

Bizz: You're talking, and that's a good thing! There's quite a bit of logic in your posts, despite what you say about gutplay. List example~! - Explaining vote via motive - Perfectly logical question regarding something in-thread - Referring to concrete things, like past posts - Player interactions. . .etc. Many of them are subtle, but there's a method behind your scum reads. However, just because someone is scum/town and does something, doesn't mean that it's always a scum/town read. Take context into consideration!

Role Purpose: Your role was placed in this game to help prevent an alliance between Mafia and Third Party (as Third Party was rather OP). I didn't anticipate a 6:2:1(+1) scenario creating that much trouble for the town, but you saw it. Had I modified the Bakura role properly, you'd have been more powerful as a role, I think, and things may have been different.



Dear Player 3, Joey Wheeler.

You are a fairly new duelist in the world of Duel Monsters, but a fierce competitor nonetheless.Your typical gambits rely on simple brute force and luck, and they've pulled you pretty far so far. You're a streetwise punk with a Brooklyn accent, buteveryone seems to find you just fine. You are a solid friend though. You through yourself into the frey of danger without second thought just to dowhat's right, because it's well...right. Because of your first tournament performance and taking a gift of the prize money from the Duelist Kingdom tournament to help your sister regain her eyesight, you have proven yourself as a truly good person, and won the heart of your new friend Mai Valentine. Because of this, you may communicate with her outside of the thread. In short, you are a Neighbor. You may communicate with [Player 6] in a logged PM including the host and any Informed Observers. Also, in your role PM, the italicized portion will be <Snipped> from any instance in which your RolePM is to be viewed by another player(s). You are allied with theTown. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Hi Helios. You were selected as my favorite character in the series, and I was sad when you died. You didn't really do a whole lot though, and that was unfortunate. N0 was pretty boring, and you didn't say too much though. I figured you might talk a lot more in Neighbors chat, but it was barely 1 page full by the time you died, and that hurt. You need to talk more, anywhere.
Eclipse Said:

Helios: That was a LOT of N0 talking, followed by a rather inactive D1. First relevant post. There's a lot of one-line stuff with very little explanation in terms of logic. In mafia, things are always changing, so even if you think someone else has already explained your logic, post it anyway. If you end up dead as town, it will help the town to understand what was running through your head before you died.

Role Purpose: I pretty much built this role from our previous small game, ICBINSFMM2, where Shinori was scum neighbor and someone else (I think Aere) was town neighbor. I wanted both neighbors to be town, in the situation that one player would die, giving the other one a decent chance to look like mafia. I'm really surprised that BBM was not really approached with that idea, except by Shinori using it as a temporary defense. I'd probably use this role again, but modify it in a way that makes your communication partner, Mai, look like just another player, and not a "good person" that might imply town.



Dear Player 4, Ishizu Ishtar.

You are a blood child ofthe Egyptian guardians of the Millenium items of ancient past. You and yourfamily have withstood the test of time, and have learned to harness the power of the items in order to protect them from falling into the wrong hands. You are now involved with the Battle City Tournament in order to preserve the safety of the Millenium items, and restore your brother's sanity. You are best known for your abilities of clairvoyance, as you can use your Millenium item to predict events with seemingly flawless accuracy. Because of your ability to see what others cannot, you can see what others cannot, and by that, you can see who another has visited, but not what happened to that individual. You are the Tracker. Youmay reply to your role PM with "##Night XX: "Millenium Necklace, show me where [uSER] is right now." You will be alerted of who [uSER] has visited during the night that you use this, but not what they did. If you learn nothing, you will recieve "##Night XX: No Result". You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Night Actions: N0, target Helios, Success(No Results) N1, target Bizz, Success(No Results) Marth. You came up emptyon both of your tracking actions. Poor guy. You got yourself lynched simply onthe premise that Mafia didn't know your role, and they knew a bunch of others,and they had a One-shot Ninja. It was just assumed that you were some form of Tracker role, and that wasn't really your fault. Your posts were ok at best,because you were so hesitant to make any firm decisions. Then, when you died, everyone was left in the sand as to what you really, truly thought. If you show more conviction in your actions, your words will be worth something even if youare dead. Remember that.
Eclipse Said:

Marth: Far too much early fluff; if everything before this was ignored, then very little of value would be lost (early third-party discussion isn't helpful, but thisisn't directly Marth's fault). Once he started addressing stuff that was relevant to the topic, it was better. This wasn't a great post. The logic part was fine; justifying indecisiveness wasn't. The inability to act on yourown convictions, as well as accept the consequences of whatever actions you have is more harmful that good (and this applies to RL too). Don't be afraid toweigh your options, but once you've made up your mind, go forward with it. Ifyou get new information that causes you to change your mind, that's fine; don'tlet the fear of "what if" paralyze you into doing nothing.

Role Purpose: This role was put in to try to help town figure out a few things, as the only other investigative role fortown was Role cop. Unfortunately, there were only 3 active roles in the game(well, and Mafia kills), and 2 of them were One-Shot, so it relied a lot on sleuthy thinking to use.



Dear Player 5, Marik Ishtar.

You are a blood child ofthe Egyptian Guardians of the Millenium items of ancient past. You have studied through and through, the power the the Millenium items are capable of. However,this knowledge has unleashed a greed inside of you and your Millenium Rod, thathas created an alternate personality within yourself that you cannot control,and is obviously evil. You are facading as Namu, an innocent boy, in thetournament, to get closer to Yugi and Kaiba and take their Egyptian God cards for yourself. You use your mindcontrolling powers of the Millenium Rod to take what it is that you want,through the efforts of the Rare Hunters, in an ultimate hunt for the 3 Egyptian God Monsters' cards. You have one, but seek the power of all three. With your Millenium Rod, you have the power to stop others from acting on their own, but because of some strange presence within the tournament, you are unable to use this ability consecutively. You are the Non-consecutive night Role Blocker. You may block anyone's role, starting on any night, but require an entire night to refocus your energy and role blockagain. You may respond to your role PM with "##Night XX: [uSER], perhaps you would rather sit this one out." You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all Town are eliminated.

Night Actions: N0: Idle N1: Target Aere, Success Manix. Oh Manix. I thought you were doing pretty well, tbh. That is, until you started tunneling. It was a fight back to innocence from there, that didn't quite work out. You were really pushy all game, and in the end, pulled that crazy "Aere targettedBizz" thing, in hopes to incriminate him. It was a good idea, but you jerked around in it too much, and it simply failed. Had you replaced Shinori with Aere, things may have been different. The only person you really convincedwas BBM, who was later left to live while Aere got killed, leaving him with noone to suspect except for Shinori. I like your playstyle, but generally, don'tbe so pushy early in the game, when there's little to push about.
Eclipse Said:

Manix: NUMBERS. DO NOT START WITH THEM UNLESS YOURROLE IS NUMBERS. Ahem. . .you went Tunnel Mode, and that (rightfully) caughtBizz's attention. As scum, you do want mislynches and solid opinions, but you don't want to start out by looking like you're assuming things. You also seem more aggressive as mafia when you first start out. . .wait, I was your partnerin Training Mafia, even if we were town. . .oops.

Role Purpose: Designed as a standard roleblocker, but weakened because of all the potentially late game vanilla roles(which could easily occur, what with the Informed Vanilla, a single living Neighbor, the Governor using their lynchstop and being left vanilla).


[spoiler='BBM/VP Viper]

Dear Player 6, Mai Valentine.

You are a powerful duelist fueled by greed and vanity, that is, until you enterred the Duelist Kingdom tournament. There, you met Yugi Moto and Joey Wheeler, and have since learned to change your motivation for dueling. You have little connection with thepast, but you are still able to keep up with those that do, with your infamous Harpy Lady deck that is. This has made you even more skilled, as you now duel for others as well as yourself. Who taught youthis? Who inspired this change in thought? A street punk with a heart of gold and a mouth that never shuts, named Joey Wheeler. Because of your encounterwith Joey Wheeler from tournament to tournament, and his interactions with you causing a stir of feelings within your heart, you cannot help but be open withhim in conversation, and you seek him out whenever you are able. In short, you are a Neighbor. You may communicate with [Player 3] in a logged PM including the host and any Informed Observers. Also, in your role PM, the italicized portionwill be <Snipped> from any instance in which your RolePM is to be viewed by another player(s). You are allied with theTown. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

BBM/VP Viper. Well hot piss, you made it to the end. I'm really surprised you weren't considered scum,because you were pressing for claims so damn much. I enjoyed watching you play,but you got a litte bouncy and built some assumptions that were really backedup in a crappy way. Aere being scum based on the likelyhood that he was rolecopwas a fine thought, but you put too much time into it, and thinking the Yugi was lying about DP was also a fair assumption. You just need to work on youranalysis of claims, before trying to build wagon after wagon.
Eclipse Said:

BBM: Please stop asking people to character claim- any half-decent host will provide the mafia with a set of believable fakes,thus wasting everyone's time. When you're posting stuff based off of whatothers posted (example), you do a good job. Once things like meta get in there, it gets messy. Also, be prepared to change your mind - you really had no reason to disbelieve Aere's alignment based on hisrole, and you can't really say what's motivating the mafia. For all you knew, Marth was a random kill. Trying to find motives is good, but it's somethingyou'll need to work on more before using it to reliably scumhunt.

Role Purpose: See Helios' description for his neighbor role. I'm too lazy to copypaste it.


Dear Player 7, YamiBakura.

You are the Lyncher. Your mission is to ensure the lynching of Yugi Moto. However, you're not quite sure where or who he is, due to the confusing layout of the ship disorienting you, and the air sickness causing your host body to often lose visual focus. Therefore, you are sure that Yugi Moto is Helios or Serious Bababas. You are also the Mayor. Your second vote is automatically doubled on the first vote, but is not displayed in public. You may request that your Mayoral vote not be applied forthe following Day phase, by replying to your role PM "##Night XX: I must hold back, just this once." This may only be used once. Also, based on who you vote for, something unique may happen. You do not know who this applies to, or what will happen. You are allied withyourself. You win if your predetermined target is eliminated in a lynching, before you are killed. If Yugi Moto is Night Killed, or killed without you on his wagon, your role is changed to vanilla, and something else will happen too, though in your mind, you cannot grasp at what it is yet.

Iris. I'd like to first apologize. I pretty much gave you a role that would break the game, and didn'trealize it in development. You were Mayor/Lyncher, and if your target waskilled without your vote on him, or NK'd, you would revert to Vanilla Town (as a failsafe). You could pierce Yugi's Deathproof, but had no way of actually knowing that...it was just hinted at. Oh dear. This is where the problems began. You were Mayor, and I know it was too much to give to a third party. It made it hard for you to really vote at any point, without giving yourself away, or making yourself look silly. Eclipse claimed for you, and you jumped into the mess (fortunately, early enough). I was impressed that you wereable to lay low long enough to get yourself to your ultimate wincon, and you really didn't have to do much, as town basically decided to lynch your targetfor you and help you win (True story). I enjoyed the lyncher part of your role, and considering you laid low (Partly on purpose, partly because of crappyinternet), it worked in your favor. Kudos. Eclipse should never have claimed early, because if anyone was half-intelligent and had a Vig shot, you'd have been killed for being anti-town right on the spot.
Eclipse Said:

Me/Iris: I already gave Elieson a piece of my mindregarding my own role. Since I claimed third-party early (and planned on makingmyself as unhelpful to either side as possible), Iris had to pick up thepieces. Had I stayed in, I would've claimed lyncher as half my role, andsurvivor as my main role - basically, I COULD lynch someone to leave early, orI could sit it out and watch the fur fly. Paper told me what a horrible personI was (I told him that he was equally horrible ), andI'm very lucky that there wasn't a vig around. Thanks to Bananas being Bananas,he was lynched, and Iris won.

Role Purpose: I designed this role toemphasis the point of Lyncher, by allowing a second vote to be effective on theYugi role. In hindsight, I should've modified the Mayoral vote to be a static Yugi-only vote, which would have resulted in LYLO not occuring on D2, and the game being much less unbalanced. Bakura was built with counters though. Yugi had to belynched, because the wincon was not survivor, so she had to at least be somewhat active, but careful to not draw too much attention to herself. Therewas the informed townie that knew of a Lyncher's existence, which was a counter to if you were going to claim survivor or any other potentially weak Third party role, but that was situational at best.



Dear Player 8, Odoin Ishtar

You are Marik Ishtar's loyal servant, and friend.You have done to yourself what no normal man would do, in order to prove yourallegiance to Marik, since he was a small child. You also help keep Marik's evilself from emerging, through virtually unknown means.You are powerful, andsmart, and normally quiet as well. Except when you are acting as Marik. Then,you are pompous and ruthless, and under telepathic command, act just as thereal Marik would. Marik's telepathic communication has also endowed you with special abilities, but they have taken a long time to show form, and will take even longer to recharge. They are all meant to aid him, of course, in his questfor world domination.You are Jack of All Trades.

Your abilities are:

One time and one time only, you may reply to your role PM with: "##Night XX: [uSER], your mind belongs to me now." You will recieve the entire role PM of another player. (Full Cop)

One time and one time only, you may reply to your role PM with: "##Night XX: Shadows, protect me." You will create a shroud of shadows around yourself, making it impossible for anyone to detect your night action. (Ninja)

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all Town are eliminated.

Night Actions:

N0: Scan Bizz, Success

N1: Ninja, Success

Oh my, Shinori. You tried so hard, and made it to the end, classic Scumnori. You claimed Vanilla, which to me was rather meh, and I think that's what set you out as scummy for the remainder of the game from D2 on. You provided good arguments, but flipped and flopped from one idea to the next as the game went on, more and more, and your thought processes just because so unrelated that eventually you just fell apart. You went from Great to good to suicide....It was hard to see at the end.


Role Purpose: JoAT is a tough role to prepare. Mafia was indeed weak, and needed information. Then I planned on the ninja thing to hint at a tracker/follower/watcher role for mafia, as well as give them the edge against it. Ironically, the Ninja role ended up killing the Tracker, and I lol'd at it. In Hindsight, I think a third ability would have been better to add, such as an alternative roleblock, or something else.



Dear Player 9, Mokuba Kaiba.

You are Seto Kaiba's little brother, but for your age, you have incredible technical knowledge. Youact as the Lead Enforcement Officer in the tournament, and man the security systems for your brother, keeping an eye out for suspicious activity, and theEgyptian God cards.You do not duel, but that doesn't mean that you cannot help anyone. You convince your brother to aid Yugi and his friends from time to time, and act as a bridge between your groups, in an effort to prevent those with evil intentions from fulfilling their desires, simply on a principal of "If you are doing evil, you're a bad guy". Because you spend your nights manning the security system on the air ship instead of contemplating duel tactics, you are able to spy on one player, and determine what role theyhave. You are the Role Cop. You may reply to your role PM with "##NightXX: Computer, scan [uSER].". Their entire role PM, except for their name, will be downloaded to your screen with the most up to date in technological accuracy. You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Night Actions: N0, Target Bizz, Success. N1, Target Manix, Failed. N2, Target Blitz, Success Aere, Third Party MVP, but yea.Aere, the town's primary information role. You cleared Blitz, was great for town in the end. You weren't really firm or properly explaining your logic, andyou claimed Rolecop WAY too early, but you were around a lot (sporatically),and performed decently when you were around. Just create your opinions based onyour results, and logic in thread. You had the ability to catch people insubtle lies, and didn't capitalize on it.
Eclipse Said:

Aere: See Bananas and Manix; this is why you comeacross as scummy. Try to be more memorable with your posts, and please stop sheeping at every opportunity.

Role Purpose: Do I really need to explain his role? Town Rolecop. Info. Placed in this game for fairness, but not OP'd fairness.


[spoiler='Blitz/Cap'n Flint]

Dear Player 10, Tea Gardner.

You are the obligatory girl that follows Yugi on his various quests to save the world and those who inhabit it. You have little skill in dueling, and little luck in keeping out of trouble, but you are athletic and quick thinking, and often stumble onto things that the team can use to prevent more trouble.In fact, while walking the halls of the airship that the Battle City Tournament finals are being held on, youoverheard through a locked door, that someone is out to get a certain someone's"soul bound to the Shadow Realm forever", but that's all you couldhear before the air conditioning system activated and it became too noisy to make out anything else. You are an Informed Townie. You are aware that there is a Lyncher on the airship, but not who the Lyncher is after.Also,in your role PM, the italicized portion will be <Snipped> from any instance in which your RolePM is to be viewed by another player(s). You are allied with theTown. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Blitz. Your Scumdar is finally fixed! You called scumteam on late N0/early D1, and I was impressed. You played as expected, minimal posts at a time when I'm asleep, but I was pleased with your activity and post logic. Your early tunneling of the idea of Third Party was expected, based on your role, but because no one else really had anything else to go on, it wasn't that useful to town. When you ditched the Third Party tunnel and moved on tothe actual game, you set yourself up well. I'm glad to see your scumdar fixed.Just work on that presentation! You and Aere were high priority targets for the final nightkill, fyi.
Eclipse Said:

Blitz: There's a time and place to open your mouth regarding third parties and info. In your case, you should've simply let me hang myself by ignoring me entirely - if I did anything that indicated I wasout to lynch someone, that would've been your time to speak up. Lynchers also have ONE target, so assuming they'll harm the town isn't necessarily true - inmy case, I planned out waiting the game out in its entirety. Drawing that kind of attention to yourself during RVS is silly. I have other things I'd like tosay, but they'll wait until you come back.

Role Purpose: Confirm the existence of aLyncher, as it's a threat to a specific player. In a small game like this, it made sense to assume the Lyncher would be after a town member. You were the only player with firm knowledge on the setup right at the beginning (well to alesser extent, and the Bakura role and Neighbor roles being aware of the existence of Yugi/Joey/Mai as player claims). Next time I use this role, I will not call it Informed Townie. I will call it Informed Player, or Informed, or something more...incriminating and less assuredly protective.

Game Overall:

Well, this is where I say "Hey guys, I liked hosting the game, and I'm not discouraged from hosting, because I learned a lot and had fun. I hope you all did too!". Well, it's pretty much all true. I'd like to apologize for the D2 Governor fiasco, myfailing to announce LYLO when I clearly said I would, and rolebalance/modifications that should have been made in development, but that I didn't really see until after the game had started.

The game made it to 2:1, and although at the end it was pretty much a town win at that point (based on Blitzmaking it to the final 3 and not Aere), it was still a fully active game and itlooked like everyone was trying hard and enjoying themselves. And no player vs player fighting!

Ok guys, that's ToastOffice. Have fun tearing me apart :O

See you again in the hosting scene when Shining Force 2 Mafia hits top of the queue

Edited by Elieson
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OK GUYS. Postgame is up. Please don't mind the horrible formatting...I did the best I could, but it just kept getting worse and worse.

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Actually, if you had changed my role to a 2nd vote on Yugi, and I was aware of it, it'd still be LYLO, since I could have totally been like on Day 3 "scum i'm mayor let's tie on serious bananas for no lynch; victory 8)" or something like that. IMO, I just would not have included a Mayor at all.

gg though

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also, I laid low primarily since I was afraid that Bizz would lynch me (I would have if I was in a townie's shoes) :(

bizz was the only one who had me worried o:

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You did way better in this game than I've seen you normally play (well, in MoMM, you totally stomped Helios, butthat aside). In this game, I saw you use your emotions much less and your brain much more, and that was really a pleasure to see.

This is actually kind of disconcerting. I don't notice when I'm being emotional, to start, and I actually thought SFMM2 was more of my better play (after that I've been a little spotty), plus another thing but I guess I'll mention that later. Personally I believed I played terribly this game for a while, especially considering half of the game thought I was scum until I was finally able to shake it off towards the end. I was willing to fight Shinori to the depths of the Earth.

(The thing about Shinori is that he really was doing amazingly, but his tunneling on me started to become a little illogical and after he killed me is when his activity wavered and his arguments started to fall apart. He didn't actually mention me at all after I died.)

Eclipse quote: What people don't understand is that when I start considering everything about the reads I'm getting in general, this is when I second-guess myself and begin to waffle around. I'm trying to be more firm, even if it means being stubborn and (seemingly) like I'm not taking context into play. (BBM's stubbornness is a bad example of stubbornness)

BBM, N0 is still part of the game, and scum reads can be picked up from it. It was hard dealing with you, which was incredibly frustrating.

I don't know exactly what about Manix's N0 post was odd to me, but his guilt trip "I thought you were better than this" was probably what made all emotion this game drive itself off of a cliff and shout "no"

I hate it when people try to guilt trip people in games, it's really silly. I don't think he noticed he was doing it, but it's a classic scum tactic to use against more sensitive players.


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Don't worry Bizz, even I didn't know what I was doing half the time. :P: I'm sorry that I came off as so difficult... I've really got to work on my earlygame play. I'm always sort of lost early on, and being in 3 games and being sick on top of that only exacerbated the problem. I had so few reads that I just sort of bounced all over the place... I'm pretty sure I suspected nearly everybody to be mafia at one point or another. It made me paranoid and I kept thinking that scum were trying to influence my actions, and it made me really stubborn when I fixed onto something.

Also, I think part of my difficulties in this game came from me trying to read too much from the set-up, which was pretty difficult to guess until after Iris's role had been revealed.

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Actually, if you had changed my role to a 2nd vote on Yugi, and I was aware of it, it'd still be LYLO, since I could have totally been like on Day 3 "scum i'm mayor let's tie on serious bananas for no lynch; victory 8)" or something like that. IMO, I just would not have included a Mayor at all.

gg though

But with d2 as 5:2:1, if sb was lynched, you'd be out of the game too, making the next day 3:2:0, and LYLO.

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But with d2 as 5:2:1, if sb was lynched, you'd be out of the game too, making the next day 3:2:0, and LYLO.

Derp d3

4:1:1. Yea, that'd be lylo. I dunno why I saw d2.

God I swear I spent 3 hrs battling formatting.

Also, lylo < mylo < zylo.

Good game erryone, thanks for your input!

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Bizz: Don't be afraid to change your mind, but at the same time, ask yourself why you're second-guessing your own reads. Sometimes, it's good to step back, but not to the point where you're ignoring things that look like scum reads to you.

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Manix: Got a comment.

Shinori: You wait until Xenoblade's over. This has nothing to do with alignment, so if I see anyone attempting to meta Shinori based off of this postgame, I will be most unhappy with you guys in Xenoblade.

Edited by eclipse
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eh, this was only my first scum loss

but I think part of the problem was that I hadn't actually played town for a while and I forgot how to actually play as "town". (ie; be crafty scum)


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