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Xenoblade Mafia - Game Over


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My big question is why are you guys talking about claiming over and over again? If someone wants to claim they will no matter how much you disapprove it.

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not claiming d1 is questionable and even if it wasn't there's nothing really bad about claiming if you're about to be lynched when players can't change their actions past the 48 hours mark

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yes that

so everyone just calm down, you can claim when it's necessary

also marth what are you even talking about

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yes that

so everyone just calm down, you can claim when it's necessary

also marth what are you even talking about

No its quite obvious. We're having a discussion about whether to claim or not when that obviously doesn't help us any better with scum hunting atm. Not only that, but we're having echoes of the same opinion. Pointless discussion is pointless.

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Why don't you start a discussion, then? Personally, I want to see everyone who's signed up for this game pop in at least once before I make decisions on anything or anyone.

Also, I'll be going to bed sometime within the next hour. Expect me back anywhere between 12-2 PST.

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which is what i said last page and them prims echoed it, too, again.

still wary of prims

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Technically, I echoed you too, Levity, but that was mostly because I'm - still - a tad pissed off at the poor playing strategy in the last mafia game I had participated in that did involve mass claiming of power roles.

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guys, outing to be vanilla is a terrible thing, considering that now the mafia knows there are vanillas in this game and can easily claim vanilla now (I really hope you guys were kidding around when you claimed vanilla)

Provided they can read...

11. There are a non-zero number of Vanillas in this game.

Anyways... if the people that have no vote on anyone could change that, that'd be great. If Marth could come up with some sort of reason why he's worth keeping around, that would also be good.

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##Vote: Xin Li

echoing isn't as scummy as people make it out to be and you sound super nervous about how people are reading you

not comfortable voting marth anymore, though curious why blitz unvoted him before recent marth posts to make a prodvote

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cool mudslinging, gonna actually vote me over it?

okay maybe i will


##Vote: Prims

no sense in keeping my vote on kaoz anyway

have fun pretending to be helpful

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Provided they can read...

Anyways... if the people that have no vote on anyone could change that, that'd be great. If Marth could come up with some sort of reason why he's worth keeping around, that would also be good.

I know you said this to Ether but now it really sounds like you're fishing. Honestly.

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scum still echo quite often and I'm not falling for your shit again, prims


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Wha --

I sound super nervous? Levity mentioned you echoing her, and I just pointed out that I did it as well, because I didn't think echoing was a "scum read".

Also ... I was looking over the player list to see who was in the game and who wasn't. Who's Core?

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Well, echoing just by itself, at least. Especially since I still think it's too early to tell. (Or maybe it's just me. Bah ...)

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I sound super nervous? Levity mentioned you echoing her, and I just pointed out that I did it as well, because I didn't think echoing was a "scum read".

I hate to sound like I'm echoing, but I have to agree with claiming.


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Oh, that. It's just my writing/speaking style in a new environment. I tend to use "in my opinion", or "I hate to sound like __" a lot.

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I kind of wish marth would actually do stuff

xin li needs to work on confidence; sounds a lot like wishy-washiness at the moment

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