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Elibean Nights


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SO yeah, the Nintendo Community Fangame Convention started today! EN's making a strong showing, alongside the rest of the Fire Emblem crew, Dream of Five and Immortal Sword. Go give it a like, perhaps? I'm always ecstatic to have the support of the community, and a strong showing for the project is fantastic exposure to the rest of the Nintendo fandom. C'mon, all it takes is a bit of scrolling and some clicking.

Also, I'm hoping to have some more progress to showcase soon. Gotta get working on 5-2!

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I 'liked' all three of them. I have to say though Arch, yeti has thoroughly outdone you as far as his game info page.

Yeti has a website...I have a copy/pasta of the first post of this topic.

Note to self: get website.

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Wow, that's a huge fuckton of bullshit. I was reading a few of the comments you made, Arch, and yeah their reasoning is just ridiculous.

On the other hand, EN had the most likes, so I'd say you should've definitely been in 2nd at least. But at least you won in the hearts of the people~

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It's no big deal. Something to laugh about, mostly. Congratulations, obviously, to FE: World Cup. Hopefully it'll turn out to be an awesome online experience.

We'll just have to have an award ceremony at the next FEE3 :P:.

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We'll just have to have an award ceremony at the next FEE3 :P:.

That could either be a really good or really bad idea. o 3o

Yeah, I don't agree with their reasoning either but getting the most votes is pretty great. :)

Edited by eCut
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If I'm reading their logic correctly, none of the ROM hacks were even eligible, which is beyond baffling. You handled this really well, Arch. I'd be calling for a boycott on all ROM hacks for a year, to illustrate what's wrong with their reasoning.

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That could either be a really good or really bad idea. o 3o

Yeah, I don't agree with their reasoning either but getting the most votes is pretty great. :)

I'd say that having the entire Fire Emblem section dominating in likes is pretty great. Compared to everything else, Dream of Five, Elibian Nights, and Immortal Sword did extremely well. It doesn't really matter who got awards, it's a strong showing on behalf of the entire community. As long as Immortal Sword won, of course; I'd be calling bullshit if EN or Do5 beat out FE7x.

Thanks, as always, for the support you guys have shown for Elibian Nights. It's kinda cool to walk away with the second most likes of the entire show :P:. We got 4 more votes than FE7x, 10 more than Do5. CRUSHING VICTORY!!!

Edited by Arch
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I was really surprised to see Sylvan made a game, though! It was fairly interesting as well, albeit very easy.. For a barebones JS engine, it was great. People could just play FE11/12 instead, but it seemed cool :) (maybe I have a little bias there since I absolutely love online in FE11)

Omitting ROM hacks though? That's.. I feel that EN and the others, being completely new games in terms of story and style, are much more fitting as fangames than some Mario level hack. Mario level hacks can be really really good, but there are so many bad ones floating here and there that it's annoying, even. Some of the people on the forum also stated that fangames are better if they use the original resources less. Wouldn't that exactly destroy the whole fangame idea if taken far enough?

Oh well, at least it doesn't really matter at all and EN is just as awesome as it has always been. ;)

Edited by Piss Macho Macho Macho
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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys, I'm having a mid-life crisis. This Serenes Emblem thing's hitting me pretty hard. I dunno, I just can't fathom being so thoroughly one-upped by a talking fruit and a game that died three lives ago. I'm losing sleep. I can't write anymore. I keep yelling at these kids to get off of my fucking lawn. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING LAWN!!!!

What do I dooooooo? I think... I think I neeeeeed a Ferrariiiiii!

Please contribute to the "Get Arch a Ferrari" fund so that I can continue working on this hack.

But forseriousness, if you haven't seen the suddenly not-dead and vastly ASM-hacked Serenes Emblem, you should do that. It's got some cool beans and...stuff.

In other news, I'm planning on finishing the base release for this thing within the next month. But, then again, I've told myself this every month for the past few months (every month with a vacation, definitely). So, I need y'all to hold my feet to the fire. My motivation's shaky, so let's add some repercussions. Here's the current regiment:

12/17-12/23: Finish Tale 5-2

12/24-12/26: Do Chrismas Shit

12/27-1/1: Do the Final Tale

1/2-1/8: Tidy up things/Bonus Content

1/9-1/12: Get a patch public

So basically, if I'm not keeping to this schedule (I'll provide screenshots and Christmas photos), I need you guys to make real-world repercussions a thing. Go out and car-bomb somebody. Blame me on national news for it. I dunno, just DO STUFF. Bombard the thread, raise hell on Serenes (I might even enjoy that one), punch a wall and send me pictures, whatever strikes your fancy.

I just gotta finish this project already.

Edited by Arch
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I'll bomb an embassy and blame it on you.

I'll start killing off your loved ones

Good that you have a plan for yourself to finish it up. I actually can't wait for the finished product.

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Arch I can understand you feel overwhelmed by that Serenes Emblem thing, but in my modest opinion you shouldn't take this so badly.

Like I said in the other topic, I find the game mechanics you created with events very fresh and enjoyable. Some ASM is great, yes, but it's not necessary to make a hack great. A hack truly is great if it's done with heart, and if you really want to put your whole efforts in it. And I think you did both of these. I've never seen someone eventing as you, and even if you can't ASM like those people there I can't as well, duh I still think this project isn't overshadowed by anything. Just look at how epic the creative liberties are I can't ASM hack as well but I always tried to do some eventing or to create situations that may look interesting to the player through events and other stuff which I can personally handle, and I don't have regrets.

You shouldn't as well.

EN will be epic. =)

I'm looking forward to its release.

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Arch I can understand you feel overwhelmed by that Serenes Emblem thing, but in my modest opinion you shouldn't take this so badly.

Alfred, it's a joke. But if you'd like, you can still contribute to the "Arch Needs a Ferrari" Fund.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the kind words.

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Oh fuck, this was an epic fail. Ahahahah!

Why am I so bad at understanding humor, why

Btw, where can I donate for the ferrari? But I want it implemented in EN as well.

Fuck horses, give Eliwood a damn ferrari.

Creative liberties, right?

Btw you're welcome, it's what I really think. ; )

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Guys, I'm having a mid-life crisis. This Serenes Emblem thing's hitting me pretty hard. I dunno, I just can't fathom being so thoroughly one-upped by a talking fruit and a game that died three lives ago. I'm losing sleep. I can't write anymore. I keep yelling at these kids to get off of my fucking lawn. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING LAWN!!!!

What do I dooooooo? I think... I think I neeeeeed a Ferrariiiiii!

Please contribute to the "Get Arch a Ferrari" fund so that I can continue working on this hack.

But forseriousness, if you haven't seen the suddenly not-dead and vastly ASM-hacked Serenes Emblem, you should do that. It's got some cool beans and...stuff.

In other news, I'm planning on finishing the base release for this thing within the next month. But, then again, I've told myself this every month for the past few months (every month with a vacation, definitely). So, I need y'all to hold my feet to the fire. My motivation's shaky, so let's add some repercussions. Here's the current regiment:

12/17-12/23: Finish Tale 5-2

12/24-12/26: Do Chrismas Shit

12/27-1/1: Do the Final Tale

1/2-1/8: Tidy up things/Bonus Content

1/9-1/12: Get a patch public

So basically, if I'm not keeping to this schedule (I'll provide screenshots and Christmas photos), I need you guys to make real-world repercussions a thing. Go out and car-bomb somebody. Blame me on national news for it. I dunno, just DO STUFF. Bombard the thread, raise hell on Serenes (I might even enjoy that one), punch a wall and send me pictures, whatever strikes your fancy.

I just gotta finish this project already.

Hey, that was actually kind of sweet! After all this time you gave us props publicly :P!!

Also, looking forward to EN's finale :O.

Edited by Tangerine
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good luck arch as this the first hack i ever played it holds a special place in my heart

any way best luck to you and if not for or us do it

for if you don't I will send you a 10 hour video of nails on a chalkbored the puppies

and would a toy Ferrari work

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I should be writing my philosophy paper right now... Why am I not writing my philosophy paper right now?


First screenshots of the second part of Raven's tale!

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