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Elibean Nights


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Alright, so here's the status update. Luckily the manufacturer's warranty covers the hard drive; I'll be back online by Friday/Saturday. They're going to attempt a recovery (for free), I specified the folder with my hacking projects as the top priority for that. However, that all depends on how the hard drive broke. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm basically planning for a worst-case scenario.

Luckily I have a recent backup, so I'm not losing too much in the way of actual progress on the game. However, I don't have a backup of my event source, so that's a huge loss if the recovery doesn't work. I'll also lose customized Nightmare modules and most of my documentation; important, but the event source is the major loss. It isn't a fatal blow, but a setback nonetheless. We'll see how things develop. Best-case scenario I get the necessary files and just resume work when I get the laptop back.

Now for the release plans. I was working the past few days to try and get a release out for April 1st. Thought it'd be funny to do an actual release and see how many people think it's a joke, given that I have a history with those sorts of antics. So, uh, consider yourself hypothetically trolled in the alternate universe where my plans weren't screwed up.

Once I get back to work, I'm basically going to finish 2xa's revisions and 2xb's coding. After that, the project will be released for a public beta, where whomever wants to can play the game and help me fix things up. During this phase, I'll basically be fixing bugs and tying together whatever odds and ends there are. The release will have all chapters fully playable, creative liberties up to Tale 2's complete, all bonus content and all achievements. This will be the "complete" release, with the other creative liberties being added in a patch down the road.

Thanks for your patience and support. It's kind of a drag what's happened, but I just gotta pick up the pieces and carry on. I've got a game to finish, after all. I'm not about to let this shit stop me.

Edited by Archiblad
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Such pro PR

a release out for April 1st

This would have been majestic.

Here's to hoping the best case scenario happens though I think you'll pull out fine no matter what.

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So, uh, consider yourself hypothetically trolled in the alternate universe where my plans weren't screwed up.

Quick Arch, your children must go back in time to prevent this apocalyptic future from happening. GOGOGOGOGO

In all serious, this really is a travesty. You've put in so much effort and time into the project just to have a hard drive crash lose a lot of your documentation and whatnot. I'm hoping that the best case scenario is what prevents itself to you.

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Well, that's quite an ironic (if most unfortunate) turn of events. In Soviet Elibe, April fools you?

Here's hoping you'll manage to recover everything.

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Another status update: It turns out that the hard drive and the motherboard both kicked the bucket, so I'm gonna be out one laptop for 2-4 weeks. The hard drive's fried, so I'm going to have to start piecing everything back together.

Wish me luck. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a backup of the events from December when I got the laptop. Hopefully I left those file transfers on a USB somewhere.

EDIT: I have a backup from January. Thank God.

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spoiler-ed for explicit language

fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckyay...but still, fuck

so Elibian Nights won't be switching to XNA?

For the sake of the community, I wish your computer a quick recovery.

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yes that's where i heard from

i need to know the nature of this glitch so i can actually find it

I explained it to Arch a bit more in detail over Skype, but here's the basic idea and some savestates of the glitch if you want to check for yourself.

1) If you have Forblaze in Renault's/Hawkeye's inventories, the game will freeze if you try to continue to the next tale, right after the "unit killed" SFX plays. Start-skipping through the end of Pent's Tale can let you bypass the freeze.


2) If Forblaze has been used up completely, the same freeze happens. However, Start-skipping does not bypass the freeze.


So yeah, there ya go.

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Rath: No shit, Sherlock. If there weren't trouble, it wouldn't be a chapter...

Back to the grind. Picking up with revising Tale 2xa. Here we gooooooo~

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Rath: No shit, Sherlock. If there weren't trouble, it wouldn't be a chapter...

Back to the grind. Picking up with revising Tale 2xa. Here we gooooooo~

I have the feeling that "No shit, Sherlock" should be the title of an achievement. :D

Keep it going, Arch. I know what it feels like to redo work.

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Thought I'd post this. Niime's got herself a PRF. Check out da range on that shiz. That's right, we have our first equipable item in FE7 that can't attack. Gives stat boosts (including +3 HP) and crit negation, helping Niime do her duty as a staffbot.

Oh yeah Niime's the Druid in 2xa.

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Thought I'd post this. Niime's got herself a PRF. Check out da range on that shiz. That's right, we have our first equipable item in FE7 that can't attack. Gives stat boosts (including +3 HP) and crit negation, helping Niime do her duty as a staffbot.

Oh yeah Niime's the Druid in 2xa.


crit negation


please help

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berserkers now possess the skill 'nihil' which overrides 'awareness' (which is of course the skill that blocks crits)

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