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Lol...I tried to get as far south as I could with heath to visit all the houses and the village. What a disappointment getting an iron sword haha :(


Out of interest what is in the southern-most house? It's literally impossible to reach with the halberdier who moves onto it and Erk's dimebolt...


Edited by Haku
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The animation didn't even happen. It seems to happen with all steel bows and Gaufrid. However, if you turn off animations everything works.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I can't get them to attack at 3 range again. It happened with a Ranger and with a General and only happend to Gaufrid. I don't know what caused it in the first place.

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'The Three Amigops' (I assume you misspelt amigos) achievement won't unlock for me, despite having found all of them, and 'The Temple of Time' achievement won't unlock either.

Its says there are four people wielding a master sword, I'm assuming they're Alastor, the swordmaster in Hector's tale, Stephaeo and the general in the second part of Legault's tale. I've defeated all of them, but the achievement hasn't unlocked.

Also, the secret shop in the Tale Select is bugged: when you scroll down the items list this happens:dBkRpMN.png?1?8283

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Sigurd is still called Siglud and Jugdral is still called Yggdrasil.

So I suppose a few of the little issues from last patch are there from what I'm seeing, gonna focus on the new issues as I feel that's the point of this beta.

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Music plays but no animation. They just stand there forever. Seems to only happen with Short Axes. If I attack them on player phase at any range, the same thing happens. It's like they're missing the animation entirely.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Sigurd is still called Siglud and Jugdral is still called Yggdrasil.

So I suppose a few of the little issues from last patch are there from what I'm seeing, gonna focus on the new issues as I feel that's the point of this beta.

...Isn't that part of the joke? Honestly, it's more amusing this way than changed to their more commonly accepted romanizations.

Also pretty much everything involving a handaxe is borked at the moment due to a module.

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Cedric is called Ceodore in the ending where he isn't defeated. I don't know what exactly changes if he is defeated and if the error is present there too.



Part 2 of Legault's tale. The animation froze during the second Quick Lance attack and Vaide suddenly got ?? HP. This happened randomly and didn't happen the first time.

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Got a pretty sweet update over on FEU, thanks to Siuloir and Agro. Hint: EN FINALLY HAS A THEME SONG!

Sorry guys, but I gotta promote my new forum.

It looks like that 3-range shit is pretty glitched, so I'm just taking it out.

Sigurd is still called Siglud and Jugdral is still called Yggdrasil.

THat's always been intentional.

Patch will be updated by tomorrow night (I'm pacific time, btw). Thanks all for helping me scout for glitches!

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Glad another hack is complete thats what 2 hack complete for Fire Emblem hacks. I am going to wait until the final patch tomorrow. Are you going to work on any of your other hacks i remember you planning to work on Fire Emblem 4 gba version. Sorry to ask but are there supports in this at all. Can you make a list if you made some.

Edited by mikethepokemaster
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You can still activate supports. In Pent's tale anyway. Not sure about the rest. Maybe that's intended but the conversations are still the same from FE7.

In Hector's tale, there are text skips when the crowd responds to Dawson. Dawson also refers to an assassination of the Marquess of Araphen. I believe this referred to the old Raven's tale but the reference to it still exists.

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You can still activate supports. In Pent's tale anyway. Not sure about the rest. Maybe that's intended but the conversations are still the same from FE7.

In Hector's tale, there are text skips when the crowd responds to Dawson. Dawson also refers to an assassination of the Marquess of Araphen. I believe this referred to the old Raven's tale but the reference to it still exists.

Both are intentional. The Marquess of Araphen is still explained in Raven's new tale. He just has a different killer.
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So, did a run through Hector's Tale, and uh, some weird stuff happened.


Killed Erik for the achievement, and uh, I freed some prisoners too?


That does not look like an axe to me.



Also, I think you must have reduced Jan's Strength in Legault's Tale, because he can't instantly kill the Druid at the start anymore. This made getting his achievement for soloing part 1 of that tale kinda luck based. Liking all the new stuff I've noticed, though. I've played through some of these tales waaaaay too much at this point.



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For Zealot's tale, if you visit the village that the SM boss guy starts on before you defeat him, after you defeat him, the gate will turn back into the open village gate. Units can wait on it, but not visit it.

Karla in Karel's tale has Linus' morph description. I know this popped up somewhere else, but I'm too lazy to see if it is Karla in Rath's tale.

Are you still inserting death quotes?

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Both are intentional. The Marquess of Araphen is still explained in Raven's new tale. He just has a different killer.

Okay but the content of the supports is still from vanilla FE7 which doesn't make sense anymore.


This happens if I visit any of the red houses.


The first seems to happen randomly. When it doesn't happen then this happens. If you hover the cursor over the error tile the first happens.


Uhh, what?

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I don't know if this was intended, but in Hector's tale, there are two Playing Cards (I'm using the first version, I don't know if this was fixed); one in Hector's inventory, the second in a Halberdier, also meaning you can have the Faust Scroll right at the beginning of the Tale (making it pretty ridiculous).

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Well, I went through all of Lyn's Tales, nothing was wrong there besides the already known Florina Sword Rank issue, so that's good. Nothing wrong with Karel's, Legault's, or Hector's Tales either. Pent's is still kinda broken thanks to the ranged Axe animation issue, but I didn't notice anything else wrong. As for Raven's Tale and Zealot's Tale?


Well, that's not really a bug, but I'm pretty sure that is not some kind of Axe Staff.


This is a huuuuge issue though. Don't know why it took me this long to try it, but Zealot can kinda cheese the whole map thanks to Flying units. Just ignore the village, and hey! You can just stroll on in and the game will consider that a cleared chapter, with the usual end dialogue and scenes. This also causes another issue.


On turn 12 or so, the game acts like I've beaten Skyes or something, when I just ignored him entirely. Not sure what to do about all of this, but felt the need to kinda mention it. Sain still has time to get his achievement, by the way.

Raven's Tale just got kinda weird.

[spoiler=This Tale is kinda spoilery]

Well, there's the village issue in Part 1 of this that the other guy mentioned. That kinda screws things up.


I just find these Axe Bows hilarious. Anyway, on to the actual bugs.


Good lord what the hell happened here? All the sprites are screwed up. I knew cheesing this map was a bad idea! This happened after the initial 12 turns cutscene.


Lucius also ended up on a mountain, somehow. That's just bizarre.


Not a bug, but certainly not canon. I think I did this a year ago as well.

I think that covers all of the playable tales. Besides the bugs already on the huge list, that's everything I could find.

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