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Elibean Nights


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What have I done...?

Honestly, you should have just called it finished like you were planning to. :P

And wow guys, why so serious? It's a videogame, damn. Don't apply your real life ethics to a fictional setting.


I just lost significant respect for you there.

Hey, I'm more than content with people having intellectual discussions about their favourite video games, but when people begin sodding about a relationship between two characters as being wrong because of age when there are other things more worth actually pointing out? Yeah, I get pissed. I get absolutely pissed when people complain about an aspect of one thing when largely of the same exact thing there's other aspects which have more to complain about.

I raised other points just to clarify that, you get people saying that it's bad for Nino and Jaffar because he's older, when there's definitely more wrong with the idea.

I agree with your last point, it just kinda got lost in you rolling in your usual style, I suppose, was my contention. Fair enough, though.

Edited by Siuloir
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I've narrowed the issues with Sera's mug down to

1. Eyes are small, she's supposed to be a wide eyed curious bundle of energy that annoys everyone around her

2. Needs a more smiley expression, because she's always way too cheerful.

Also, the face kinda looks tinih, but it's not that bad.

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Pent gets some more friends to bring along. Isadora x Renault and Serra x Erk.

1. Eyes are small, she's supposed to be a wide eyed curious bundle of energy that annoys everyone around her

2. Needs a more smiley expression, because she's always way too cheerful.

Also, the face kinda looks tinih, but it's not that bad.

1. She's three years older, and while still energetic she's more refined.

2. I swapped the smiling frames to be her default.

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I agree about the eyes, but I find your description of cheerful....

(I'm not the only one seeing a :/ face am I?)

Maybe, but I seem to recall her using the smiling frames more so than the default... but maybe I'm mistaken.


pls no

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Probably more a reflection on the nature of the conversation she took parts in. I assume if most of Eliwood's conversations were just him dicking it with Erk then he'd have used smiling frames majority of the time too.

Plus there's also character growth and development, just 'cause she was cheerful at one point doesn't mean she will always be like that.

It's aaaaall in the situations.

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Yay for more discord between mug styles.

This occurs in the base games as well, to be fair (though not to the same extent, as I'm pretty sure most are aware Nih diverges from the standard style). I also think this is one of the more overrated complaints about hacks, since they aren't a professional project.

Probably more a reflection on the nature of the conversation she took parts in.

I do agree with this, though. Serra is a bit of a comic relief character. Her death quote is basically "Ow! I'm dying! That's so annoying!"

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