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I tried trading the Amatsu to Rath so that he could give it to Lyn, but it looks like it's bugged big time, since when I tried to, the game glitched up and gave me some text about unlocking the "Trororo" achievement. Couldn't trade it or seemingly exit the trading screen. If it's of any help, I was and still am using a save from the previous version, so this could be simply a result of that.

Yeah people really need to stop using old saves. Like really. You're gonna just get more glitches that way.
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Yeah people really need to stop using old saves. Like really. You're gonna just get more glitches that way.

But then I can't use Grant in Jerrot's tale.

Gotcha. I'l see if I can replicate this on a normal save file sometime.

Also, I really like Grant in Jerrot's tale. And the Rangers in General, since them getting Lances makes them a lot different from Nomad Troopers/Whatevertheywererenamedto.

I feel Grant's useful largely because with him, you gain a speedy unit that isn't horrendously vulnerable to the Ballistae, at least.

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Gotcha. I'l see if I can replicate this on a normal save file sometime.

I can tell you exactly what's going wrong: at the beginning of Lyn's Tale I trigger event ID 0x9C (which was actually not supposed to be there, it was for testing purposes explicitly pertaining to this glitch), which the game links to a tutorial prompt for trading items in Lyn's Mode. The new save files start in "Hard Mode" by default, at least what the vanilla game recognizes as HM, which ignores all of those tutorial-event ID ties.
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As far as I'm aware Meredith has no blood relations to any previous canonical characters.

[spoiler=minor actual spoilers]Meredith and the Pheraen Knights Elite are the veteran forces that accompanied Elbert just before the start of Eliwood mode in FE7 ie. Harken's buddies that Nergal blew up :Y

Her showing up in Eliwood's tale is basically a non-canon version of the tale where she didn't go with Elbert for some reason; I think she has a talk with Harken on the topic, or something

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I think your inner-patriarchy is showing. DLuna is right, it's a knight's title.

The way I always saw the use of 'sir' is that it's used in regards to someone of more power or more respect than the user, or something to that effect.

At least, in regarding to how it's used in modern times, but I also have to bring up this because I'm curious, but don't they also refer to female soldiers who are captains/commanders in the various armed forces as Sir?

I don't know if it's true, but I do remember reading about it somewhere, but it seems that sir even now is used beyond any sexual connotations.

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Actually I do believe "Dame" would be the proper feminine equivalent.

This, though historically, there were no female knights so the title was not used in that particular time period.

A couple of prominent fantasy novels, including one famous musical number about temperature seem to have brought it into prominence to use sir for female knights.

The way I always saw the use of 'sir' is that it's used in regards to someone of more power or more respect than the user, or something to that effect.

At least, in regarding to how it's used in modern times, but I also have to bring up this because I'm curious, but don't they also refer to female soldiers who are captains/commanders in the various armed forces as Sir?

I don't know if it's true, but I do remember reading about it somewhere, but it seems that sir even now is used beyond any sexual connotations.

It's done in literature and film a lot (erroneously), but in modern militaries, you use gender-specific 'sir' or 'ma'am. There are a couple of cases where sir is/was used for females, (I've heard female teachers in certain countries, but cannot confirm),

but it's largely been abandoned I believe?

There is an odd issue in the hack. If you are in "Tale Select" (which you have no combat capable units in) and try to make a link arena team in and have the empty teams selected, the game cuts to black and crashes due to the engine being unable to display empty teams. You may want to remove the link arena.

Who presses the link arena in a hack?

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[spoiler=minor actual spoilers]Meredith and the Pheraen Knights Elite are the veteran forces that accompanied Elbert just before the start of Eliwood mode in FE7 ie. Harken's buddies that Nergal blew up :Y

Her showing up in Eliwood's tale is basically a non-canon version of the tale where she didn't go with Elbert for some reason; I think she has a talk with Harken on the topic, or something

I think she says something about being retired at the time of FE7 or something?

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Heya Arch, thank you for making this hack and sticking with it so far. You are GAWD. Props also to the other coders, bugtesters, mentors, and everyone else who contributed to this hack directly or indirectly. You made EN what is it today, and if you guys hadn't stepped up, nobody else would have, because the hacking community is teensy-tiny :(

Arch, if you're releasing daily updates, us plebian non-official testers can't see them. I can't find it on the front page, or anywhere in the most recent pages, or any other download source. Is that intentional?

Anyways, time for my own minor contributions:

Pent's Tale:
-Your buglist already checked off that the victory condition was misplaced. Current tile location, for anyone wondering, is one tile to the right of where Pent starts in the chapter.
-Tessa has Damien's battle quote (From FE7 Chapter 16X) "You're about to die. Scream if you must". Not sure if just lifted for use, or actual glitch.
-Minor typo: attrocities->atrocities


Adding as I go along

A mere level 6 sniper with a crappy Longbow thought he could OHKO Pent on a Throne. gg derpy AI

Louise's Tale:
-When continuing from Pent's Tale, Pent's Forblaze is replaced with a Talisman with 20/1 use. I can use it repeatedly for way, way too much Resistance. Have not tested if this occurs without continuing.

-Another minor typo: Unnecessary apostrophe between yours and the comma.


-Another minor typo: inconsistency in use of Cedric vs Ceodore in this screen. Priest is currently named Cedric, so you may as well just change what Arcard says to "Cedric".


Raven's Tale:

I preferred it when the assassin was named "Alastor". Elisedd sounds too similar to Eliwood.

-Minor typo: Hector says: "Ostia am in no way responsible", 'am' should be 'is'.


-Minor typo: Hector says "you can rebuild your kindom". Kingdom. I vaguely remember someone else posting this typo, so no image this time, just a reminder of its existence (again, if you've already patched this, I can't know because you don't have publicly released daily patches).

-Minor typo: Random soldier that spots Raven's allies says "Lord Arcard has ordered this village on lockdown." Sentence structure is off, you could reword it as "Lord Arcard's orders have this village under lockdown", or "Lord Arcard has this village locked down" or something. It's hard to get the right emphasis in there, but...eh.
Can't get an image upload of this, for some reason.
-Minor typo: House above Raven's allies starting point (red) says "You're fighting against the Etrurian guard?"

I just remember some people in-game correcting each other about this being "Etruscan". So either the Western Isles are bleh, or whatever. You could probably get away with this by saying that most people aren't aware of the proper plural. They really aren't. This also applies to the Victory Conditions in the status screen of the second part of Raven's tale, which states "Survive the Etrurian assault..."

-Minor typo: House next to Shen's (guy talking about Etruria and Western Isles) says "reduce to mere slavery". Should say "reduced to mere slavery".


-The Cave entrance to the far left gives another Pugilist, as does visiting Shen's house with Shen. Not sure if the former is intended.

Raven's Tale pt2:
-In the opening, Raven's father is named "King Cornwell". Shouldn't it be something like Lord or Marquess?


-Minor typo: Heath says "garauntee". Should be "guarantee".

Also, Raven looks derpy in mid-blink. But doesn't everyone?


Hector's Tale:
As some other people have already said:
Glitchy NPC palette when visiting Fargus' village.
Silver Card has description of Eckesachs
Broken House near drawbridge: When entered, displays "Show Objective" in inverted color text at the top left of the screen.
If Fargus is killed, the game acts as though Dawson were killed and ends the chapter victoriously
Female Mage Knights (Including Lisbet) do not receive additional damage from "effective" sources
Lisbet has no death quote

After the chapter ends and Hector's Speech, the screen centers on Ostia Castle. After that, the description for Hunter (In Legault's Chapter) shows up in inverted color text at the top left of the screen. The chapter then ends.

Eliwood's Tale:
Harken and Isadora don't have support levels with each other (they did previously).
I have no idea why Nils and a random soldier converse, nor why Nils says "Ninian" and why the random soldier says something about "Lord Hector's guests". But that's the placeholder text for the Natalie - Dorcas conversation. It's freaking weird, since no Tales seem to correspond with it.

Kent's Tale:
omg black ppl are canon in FE, confirmed. no not really but it's not unlockable atm. Aside from wondering if whatsherface's (Hervor?) portrait palette is still discolored, I can't say much.

Rath's Tale:
It's getting rather late, but I do have this much from having started the chapter:
Toni starts with Rath and co.
Previously, she showed up with Lyn at the far left. Presumably, she was going to move downwards with Lyn in tow and meet up with Rath and co when their group headed left.

In her talk with Dayan, she first talks about "sneaking away" from a guy "mumbling like a nut about his mother", who can only be Prasad. She then goes on to say that Prasad is north of their current position. All of this implies that Toni's placement in the chapter, in it's current state, is incorrect.
Florina says she wants to come with Dayan when Lyn's kidnapping is reported. She appears nowhere in the chapter (given, I've only played 0 turns of the chapter thus far, and will play when I wake up...later).

Minor typo: In Niime's talk with Dayan, Dayan says "May I offer you some councel?". The proper spelling is "counsel", but this word is a little awkward. "Advice" would work just as well. In fact, all the better for its informality.

Zephiel's Tale:
None, other than the already known "No talk between Vaida and Zephiel to indicate why Vaida is around and why everyone just blindly accepts her interference".

I love that you gave her the Uber Spear, and even gave it a name and custom 2D icon art, as well as the same stats it had from FE7. Too bad no other weapon in FE really has stat bonuses that broken.
Also love the little flashbacks, the vision of the Fire Emblem, everything that contributes to the Zephiel POV.

Sort of related: The Nils in the Bonus Content screen has the description of "Knight Commander of Laus. Trusted by blah blah". Presumably, this is wrong.

Also, I can't talk to Athos and Igrene in the Bonus Content screen. But Igrene has already been discussed, so mrrgghhh.

Guys, how to cheese matchmaker? I'm too lazy to load older versions and make old saves...

Legault's Tale:
I love it. Legault is such a boss.

Although I am curious as to how you got the Thief's Glove in that chapter in that one picture you posted. I only ever found the Double Bow and stole the Iron Rune/Hoplite Guard. Not to mention I can't even steal the Knight Ring from Dieter in that chapter (But I can steal his Elixir).

Also, killing Dieter in that chapter should be some kind of achievement. Unless if I consistently Silencer the wyvern spawn spam, I have difficulty getting to him. And even if I do, at that point, there's too many Short Spear spammers for me to escape safely. although using the other units as backup and distractions while blitzkrieging it makes it relatively easy

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Rath's Tale:

  • When (and only when) continuing from Lyn's Tale, Toni takes the place of Florina, which also prevents Toni's events from happening properly throughout the chapter.
  • The chest tiles still don't open up, and some of them appear to be mixed up.

    - In the north cluster of chests, the middle and top chests contain nothing.

    - In that same cluster, the right chest contains both a a Chest Key and a fake Elixir.

    - The left chest in the cluster triggers the thief from the middle chest.

    - The westmost chest on the map contains both a Chest Key and a regular Elixir.

    => So all the chests are fine, aside from the north cluster of chests and the westmost one which are all mixed up.

  • There are two Warriors with an E rank in Bows, and a Longbow they cannot use.

  • [spoiler=The Troll Bow is back in full force. Also it's not effective against fliers.]DIE!.gif

Guys, how to cheese matchmaker? I'm too lazy to load older versions and make old saves...

Please don't? The game honestly has enough bugs to report without adding more that are caused by screwed-up event IDs.

Or if you really want eye candy from the different party compositions and just can't wait, keep in mind a lot of the ensuing bugs will be kinda irrelevant.

Edited by Miacis
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Hey Arch on the topic of misspellings and typos in Karel's tale when Fir and Karel are talking after Karel beats Riordan's bandits they say "emptyness" a couple times. The proper spelling of emptiness is with an I after the T not a Y, keep it up! New Years is right on the horizon and I look forward to you getting to catch your breath. Youve been working like a madman on this and you deserve it.

Edit: In Lyn's tale it tells me Prasads tonic cant be used but he is poisoned so I assume this is a bug.

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Edit: In Lyn's tale it tells me Prasads tonic cant be used but he is poisoned so I assume this is a bug.

Tonics are HP healing items.

Salves function the same as Restore staves by healing a nearby ally from status ailments, but can't be self-targetted like antitoxins.

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There are four status effects, two of which disables a unit's ability to move at all. A self-targeting restore is essentially useless to half of the game's statuses, and if I wanted an item that was only useful on poisoned units, I'd give them an Antitoxin (since not a lot of Silencing going on, especially in the Sacaean tales).

If it could be made to do something like a 0-1 range (on self or adjacent unit), that'd be neat. But otherwise this is actually the better setup.

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Tonics are HP healing items.Salves function the same as Restore staves by healing a nearby ally from status ailments, but can't be self-targetted like antitoxins.

Ah, I thought the tonic was a renamed antitoxin, that makes more sense.

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Rath's Tale:

  • When (and only when) continuing from Lyn's Tale, Toni takes the place of Florina, which also prevents Toni's events from happening properly throughout the chapter.
  • The chest tiles still don't open up, and some of them appear to be mixed up.

    - In the north cluster of chests, the middle and top chests contain nothing.

    - In that same cluster, the right chest contains both a a Chest Key and a fake Elixir.

    - The left chest in the cluster triggers the thief from the middle chest.

    - The westmost chest on the map contains both a Chest Key and a regular Elixir.

    => So all the chests are fine, aside from the north cluster of chests and the westmost one which are all mixed up.

  • There are two Warriors with an E rank in Bows, and a Longbow they cannot use.

  • [spoiler=The Troll Bow is back in full force. Also it's not effective against fliers.]DIE!.gif

Please don't? The game honestly has enough bugs to report without adding more that are caused by screwed-up event IDs.

Or if you really want eye candy from the different party compositions and just can't wait, keep in mind a lot of the ensuing bugs will be kinda irrelevant.

Troll cave is even more trolly than ever.

Thanks for clearing up Rath's Tale and its related glitchiness: I was reluctant to play it because it's just...so trolly.

Also, yeah, I wanted matchmaker implementation for the latter reasons. And I didn't want to play it for bugtesting so much as for the content. I was extra sad when half the Bonus Feature moviethings didn't work. I'm the sort of guy who reads Support conversations. Baaaaackstooooryyyyy and character developmeeeeent!

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Okay, so the daily updates I'd promised didn't materialize. Sorry everybody, I figure I owe an explanation. I'll keep it short, since some rather personal circumstances have come up. My mother's just found out she's being divorced by her 2nd husband, and that drama's been unfolding for the past few days. I hoped it wouldn't get in the way of my obligations to you all. I'm gonna be working on putting out a New Years update for the next open beta phase, with Matchmaker fully enabled. Going to be moving out of my current house and will be without internet for the foreseeable future, just so everyone's clear on why I vanish. I can still phone in, but my presence will be severely limited going forward. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to keep my promises on this release; one thing after another, eh? Alas, that's life sometimes. I very much appreciate your understanding and continued support/anticipation for my work to be completed. It means a lot, and know that I'll continue working - even if I can't be as engaged with you all as I'd like.

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You don't have to apologize. Let's face it -- not everything can go as planned; we all have lives outside of this. As someone who is often pressured for deadlines regarding my own projects, I can absolutely acknowledge/understand that you would be more frustrated with this then anyone of us should be. Focus on priorities for the time being.


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Hey man, no troubles! I know what you mean, personal things came up on Christmas for me too, which is why I couldn't finish that guide I was trying to make for you for so long. It happens and we all understand. You didnt have to make this for us in the first place so don't feel obligated to any deadline or promise to us, it comes out when it comes out. Just enjoy your New Years!

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