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Yeah, venno did a growth boosting item hack. I'm just wondering how to implement it gameplay-wise. Would a holdable +25% across other board growth boost be too OP in EN?

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- Celestial Orb (Starsphere, Archanea): +2 to Str/Skl/Spd/Luk/Def/Res

- Faded Scroll (Baldo Scroll, Jugdral): Grants holder +10% to all growths.

- Savior Brace (Lunar/Solar Brace, Magvel): Negates rescue penalties.

- Rusty Coin (Tellius): Weapon uses do not deplete.

We'll see about that Savior Brace effect, tho. It's the only one of these that doesn't currently exist.

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Given the structure of EN, I feel like an item that boosts growths just wouldn't be all that useful. You retain units for, like what, 2 or 3 chapters/tales at most?
Units' bases are pulling almost all of the weight in this case.
Did we ever figure out how to make items that protect against other types of bonus damage ala Delphi Shield? Maybe an item that protects the horse riders?

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Given the structure of EN, I feel like an item that boosts growths just wouldn't be all that useful. You retain units for, like what, 2 or 3 chapters/tales at most?

Units' bases are pulling almost all of the weight in this case.

Did we ever figure out how to make items that protect against other types of bonus damage ala Delphi Shield? Maybe an item that protects the horse riders?

Yeah, since there's no unit progression growth boosts would only be temporary. I'm wondering if a holdable item that just forced a perfect level up would be too broken. It's hard, since the effect of a growth boost would probably be either useless or imbalanced, no real inbetween there.

Already got a Knight Ward programmed in. Still gotta bugfix tho cuz none of the effectiveness protection works.

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Well, it would maybe require a different icon, but you could do something like a Stamina Drink. It could give canto for foot units or something else. Otherwise I can't really think of good item effects from Jugdral, there wasn't a whole lot.

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What if what if what if the Jugdral item was a scroll that allowed a 30% chance of being refreshed after moving that'd be tooooo leet. #MoveStars


I remembered that there were in fact tile changes on this map in FE7, and I'm considering implementing this backroom after the first eight tales have been completed. Gaiden characters would appear as they normally do before this room gets unlocked. Athos is a difficulty mode toggle, and Igrene's Tale would automatically unlock with Zephiel's. Also considering possibly working out something to add the "Supply" command to main characters when replaying the tales (or maybe tied to an achievement unlock), which would allow you to stockpile weapons/items within tales to access on any map.

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...Merlinus is playable right? ...would make sense if it was connected to something with him and his tale... >.>

Backroom sounds cool.

BTW have been trying it out and very much enjoying it. :D

(...and hey, Blind Archer and Aeo cameos... :D Man I know Aeo is still around but makes me all nostalgic... brings back good memories of their sprite threads on FEplanet way back when...)

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Sorry if this might have been known to you, but I just found something worth noting in Legault's chapter pt. 2 that's not covered in the thread (both ones):


These two must be REALLY lost to show up in Montresor's castle/keep/whatever. (This is supposed to be the convo between Legault and Igor)

And now I've run into a fairly big problem:

I cleared out the castle, killed all enemies, looted all the chests and recruited all the characters. I positioned everyone to attack Montresor's room...only there's nothing there. Nothing on the throne, no guards, just...nothing. As you can imagine, this is a bit of a problem when the chapter objective is "Defeat Montresor", kind of hard to do when he's not there.

I reverted to an earlier savestate, I didn't loot the treasure room nor did I kill off all the enemies (I left a halberdier alive). Still nothing when I open the door to Montresor's room.

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^ I'll go investimigate.

But hey, now that I've added that back room there's enough space to not have a cluttered Bonus Content screen woo rearranges.


Now to figure out why they basically all broke.

EDIT: Might as well do something neat while I'm at it.

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Why not make bonus content and achievements other rooms too? I'm guessing the movement cap is pretty hard to mess with.

Characters level up like 5 times, tops, in EN before being reset, right? That's like and extra half stat in each of their stats with a 10% growth boost. Doubling growths (or getting +2 on stat ups) doesn't sound that unreasonable. Level up numbers should not be quoted, I do remember Orun's growths making quite a difference. But still, 10 levels ups with 10% extra growths is still just extra 1 in each stat, and that bonus isn't immediate.

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I think they manage just fine with the new setup. Don't really have room to add more to justify a second room of them.


Anyways that went pretty quick.

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I meant making them rooms off of the tale select room, so you don't have to talk to anyone to go to them. I'm not saying that's necessarily better, but was wondering if you had thought about it.

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Don't think there'd be enough room in just there to fit everything. No way you aren't going to have to go through multiple "maps."


I'll probably stop after this one. These two little mini tales are things I'd been envisioning for a while in some form or another. Now if only I could somehow have something make sense for another map in Ilia.

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Guy has to have lost the duel to the death though, seeing as Karel is in FE6?? I have no idea how Guy got Karel's title if that were the case though. HOW BAFFLING.

Honestly, there are plenty of gaps between 6 and 7 that are only there because of the need to make abunch of new characters for the western audience to prevent confusion. It wouldn't be that hard of a claim to make that Lyn is the best Sacaen swordsman. (She is actually referred to as a swordsman instead of a swordswoman by Hector). Tho the only contradictions here between games are Guy and Karel. Since I never got Karel in either game, 6 or 7, I can't provide any help sloving this conundrum unfortunatly. That I'm actually completely okay with this present plotline attests to that, and God knows the Majority of my bug reports were conserning the plot

Despite my complaints about the story, I actually do enjoy this hack. Tho really the only bug I actually have to report is the one in Kent's I mentioned, where triggering the TALK convo between Kent and Fiora when Fiora is paired with Kent triggers Sonia's death quote. I'm only mentioning it again because of how flipping hallarious it is.

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...What does Lyn being the 'best Sacean swordsman' have to do with anything?

I was presenting a gap made in the development of FE 7 that makes it possible for a certain claim to be made based off of availible evidence. FE 7 basically said screw you to 6's story by only having roughly 3 chapters actually connect to it. There are more potential gaps caused by gameplay and story then that, I was just using an on topic example.Tho Lyn always did wind up as my unit in all of my runs, even better than Hector whom I 20/20ed

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"The curse" strikes again. Started getting too close to another patch and my laptop's cooling fan bites the dust. It'll be in the shop until April 6th.

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Eh, that sucks, I'm itching to play the new patch.

On a unrelated note, I'm curious as to why there's no Hector x Florina pairing option. Maybe I'm just missing it somewhere, but there dosen't seem to be one in Matchmaker.

It's not that big of a deal due to leaveing Hector unpaired but it is the pairing I do in my runs so...


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Florina's only paired endings from FE7 are Hector and Lyn. With only one pairing option, I just decided to leave Flo out of matchmaker. Plus I just dun ship it.

And Prime I wish it were a joke cuz then I wouldn't have lost a day to work with no laptop. Trust me, I wanna wrap things up pretty soon. Thankfully I'll be able to borrow one tomorrow, and thank Jesus that EN is all on Dropbox so there's been no loss of progress. Finally got wise to these setbacks, at least.

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Florina's only paired endings from FE7 are Hector and Lyn. With only one pairing option, I just decided to leave Flo out of matchmaker. Plus I just dun ship it.

And Prime I wish it were a joke cuz then I wouldn't have lost a day to work with no laptop. Trust me, I wanna wrap things up pretty soon. Thankfully I'll be able to borrow one tomorrow, and thank Jesus that EN is all on Dropbox so there's been no loss of progress. Finally got wise to these setbacks, at least.

Ah, thats understandable,except the don't ship it part,, I would hate to try and program Matchmaker myself, due to me presently having no event assembler knowledge. That said, I'm glad you will be able to put up the new patch. I guess I'll just stick to leaveing Hector unpaired and headcanoning Hector x Florina.

Speaking of Hector, in his tale Lisbet and Fargus have no death quotes, the villager in the center of the map is a victim of the mine control glitch, and Fargus dying wins the level.

I wasn't able to find the bug list to see if any of these are already there or not, so I thought I would make sure you knew.

Also, love Eldigan's cameo in Hector's tale, even tho, I don't like Geneology

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How do you access matchmaker seriously??

You just talk to Aeorys or whatever that swordmaster's name is in the bottom of tale select.

It's only unlocked in the version released for bugtesting tho.(the Electric Bugaloo build). Said version locks out the bonus content tho so take your pick.

Arch didn't put this build in the OP but you can find it in some of his more recent posts.

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