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Elibean Nights


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I know this may sound stupid, but no matter what i do i can't actually patch the file to a FE7 rom. Tsukuyomi keeps on saying that it can't read the file. Could someone tell me what i'm doing wrong or could someone please post a pre-patched version of this hack.

Hey use NUPS instead it will work better. trust me.

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I found a bug, I did Lyn's tale again finishing it I then went onto Kent's tale, finished it and then when i was on the Tale select screen,

I couldn't select Kent's tale it was shaded out. Odd...

Liking what you did with Kent's tale. connects into hector's.

Edited by SwiftStrike
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Found an issue in Eliwood's tale. Having Marcus and Eliwood talk gives Marcus the Espontoon, but no conversation actually happens between them.

Oh man. The first glitch reported is literally just me forgetting about an event. Off to a good start, eh? Guess I've still got a bit of writing to do.

I found a bug, I did Lyn's tale again finishing it I then went onto Kent's tale, finished it and then when i was on the Tale select screen,

I couldn't select Kent's tale it was shaded out. Odd...

Liking what you did with Kent's tale. connects into hector's.

Question: Did you play Merlinus's tale and unlock the achievement before playing Lyn's? If so, I think I've got a pretty easy fix for that. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you enjoyed Kent's tale!
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I tried to do Lyn's tale first. After talking to Rath with Lyn (as well talking with Prasad), no reinforcements appeared on the map and the objective remained to Meet Kutolah. Was there something more I had to do to trigger the actual battle or glitch?

Edited by haouyamata
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Thanks for the info.

Tried NUPS and it worked fine

No problem, glad to help.

Oh man. The first glitch reported is literally just me forgetting about an event. Off to a good start, eh? Guess I've still got a bit of writing to do.

Question: Did you play Merlinus's tale and unlock the achievement before playing Lyn's? If so, I think I've got a pretty easy fix for that. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you enjoyed Kent's tale!

Answer: No I don't believe I have that achievement, and yes I have enjoyed all tales so far, currently doing Legault's, Liking that FE4 battle music.

Edited by SwiftStrike
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Is there something specific I have to do for the talk between Natalie and Ninan because I can't get it to pop up

Edit: nvm i figured it out but i still cant access the next part even though I fulfilled the requirements

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Marcus's special spear that was unlocked by speaking to Eliwood has no ranged battle animation

This should be fixed in the latest patch.

Everything else I'm taking notes and fixing as I read them. I'm not going to be putting out a new patch with every fix, but I'll be periodically updating again tomorrow. Thanks for the help, everybody.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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two errors in Hector's tale:


the description string for the Claymore is too long; i admit i was under the impression that the help text box expanded to accommodate lengthy text within certain limits, but evidently not




if you attack Erik with Hector (no idea about any of the others), the result is... well, this

(glitchbeard!raven for his own tale)

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don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet but in ravens tale part 2 the slave encampment's play random talk events. the top most camp plays Priscilla's original recruitment convo. the one that's about midway plays the village convo of that chapter and the bottom most one doesn't work. also when visiting said village all you get is an iron sword. and i believe heaths talk convo with his Priscilla plays another random dialogue event.

oh and if you go for the jumping the shark achievement in lyns tale it acts like nothing happened.

of the few tales I've played so far I'm liking whats there so far. but i do have a few grievances too.

1. NPC's amount to shit. i know it adds a challenge but i feel like we should be able to rely on them a little more.

2. well some of the generic palettes look good others look really weird in my opinion. though this might be more of a problem with the Etruria pallete but many of them look great otherwise.

3. I'd like some clear indication to what were suppose to do in ravens tale part 2 after the turn counter goes down cause i was a little lost at first.

4.Give alastor a slight buff. enough to make it a little bit more difficult to kill him as playing it right you can end it in 3 turns easy. this also triggers a glitch in that if you haven't recruited shin yet the game doesn't acknowledge that and pretends story wise that hes there but not as an actual unit.

5.GET PRISCILLA A DIFFRENT MUG!!!!! i cannot stress this enough but she really needs a different mug as her current one clash's way to much with everyone else style wise and pallete wise. no offense to mageknight and his style but its either all in his style or not at all cause it looks really fucking weird otherwise! i also have a few problems with zephiel's mug as well [again no offense mage knight] though its not as bad as Priscilla's mug it has a few problems of its own. the original was fine in my opinion but if your going to give him a new mug get some one else to do it as mageknight's style [again no offense] really stands out in a bad way compared to the other mugs.

6.Priscilla seems kinda uncaring about the death of heath her lover so could you mabey show that she does care about his death in some form more than one name drop also more erk and Priscilla fan service please

overall- Structurally elebian nights is fantastic game-play wise and a lot of the story telling aspects are amazing but its not perfect. of the tales i love Karel's tale the most if only because its a power trip and has some really good story elements. second is pent's tale because i love the characters involved and the fog of war isn't that bad. ravens tale has wriggled its way to my third favorite with creative game-play ideas and a rather interesting story to go along. Legault's gets fourth for fun game-play and story. Lyns gets fifth because i love the characters and game-play wise its alright. Zealot gets sixth if only because it doesn't need to be a fog of war map and we have too many of those at this point. hector gets eighth for having a boring story but fun war map game-play.

and Ellwood gets last for being just kinda boring in my opinion both story and game-play wise. the final tale is in a class of its own so i wont comment. the side tales go in the order of Douglas 1st, Kent 2nd, Rath 3rd then Merlinus 4th for me but to be honest i find them all both a pain and a chore to play through. over all i really enjoy it and cant wait to go through the game trying to get all the secrets.

also i just remembered but on Legault's tale wyvren riders don't spawn after ya free the other members well atleast for me so i dont know if orhters have found this problem.

keep on trucking it arch and it'll be all good ; ]

please don't kill me....

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5.GET PRISCILLA A DIFFRENT MUG!!!!! i cannot stress this enough but she really needs a different mug as her current one clash's way to much with everyone else style wise and pallete wise. no offense to mageknight and his style but its either all in his style or not at all cause it looks really fucking weird otherwise! i also have a few problems with zephiel's mug as well [again no offense mage knight] though its not as bad as Priscilla's mug it has a few problems of its own. the original was fine in my opinion but if your going to give him a new mug get some one else to do it as mageknight's style [again no offense] really stands out in a bad way compared to the other mugs.

*hides beneath floorboards*

Actually, I'd been working on a number of portrait revisions, but as per usual, I've been horribly lazy and unmotivated about them.

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few odd things i've noticed:

1. You can get multiple espontoons by repeatedly talking to Eliwood with Marcus.

2. In Eliwood's tale, the screen shifts to the chest and stairs in the top left corner of the map at the end of the player phase. This happens no matter where my units are.

3. Anna's description is "A vagabond who travels the world with Anna, his lover."

4. The rogues in Eliwood's tale disappear on the same turn that they are spawned.

Edited by tehasianhobo
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Hmm, two different types of Valkyrie. Priscilla's a classic FE7 anima user, but Natalie's the FE8 light caster...

Anyway, onto issues...

One more thing that doesn't work at present is the Sound Room. Attempt to play any track, and the game freezes.

Also, like SwiftStrike, I can't get Legault's tale to end. A few more details: Wait on the village with any character; you'll get the little speech about how they survive to fight another day or whatnot... and then, nothing. The character stays there, allowing you to move them again on the next turn. Seeing every escape speech doesn't let things continue either.

This happens regardless of whether Dieter is still standing or not.

One last thing; should I be playing this on a save file transferred from v. 5? Raven and Legault's tales were unlocked from the get go from doing this, and Kent's tale is present but greyed out (because I haven't yet gone to unlock it), but would it be better just to start a new file for replaying tales?

...And now it's back to figuring out how to unlock Zealot and Karel's tales. I know I saw them in a pre-v. 5 version, even if Zealot's didn't work...

Edited by Wayward Winds
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I found something minor but maybe... true.

It's that on Lyn's tale, when you make Sain and Kent speak to each other about Lyn's leaving and Kent feeling bad, you can directly engage the second conversation between them.

without making Sain speak to Lyn.

Maybe you forgot conditions about these three conversations.

If that wasn't that then I go back enjoying this beautiful hack !

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Well...due to my idiocy I ended up having to start over. Anyways, I'm having a lot of fun but I've run into a slight problem. Pent's tale will not unlock. I've beaten Lyn's, Eliwood's, Hector's, Merlinus's, Kent's, and Rath's. Is there anything I need to do to unlock Pent's tale? If memory serves, his was the 4th in V5...

EDIT: It also seems I'm not the first to have this problem, Coolbeans77 posted a similar issue. So I'm not the only one, meaning this could be an issue. FYI, my order of tales was this: Hector, Lyn, Kent, Eliwood, Merlinus, Rath. I hope that helps.

EDIT AGAIN: So apparently I actually had a savestate from V5(which I named Elibian Nights V5 as a file). It was of the tale select with pent's tale unlocked, beaten, and its gaiden beaten as well. I removed the V5 from the .svs file, changing it into Elibian Nights, matching what the V6 file is called. This actually has FIXED the problem surprisingly enough. So if anyone has the same problem, I may be able to help, provided you named your previous version a different name and have a savestate from there,

Edited by Ssbmfreak36
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I've encountered a bug in Legault's tale.

After freeing the other black fang members, the objective changes to escape but when I reach the designated town and

wait with anyone, they just say something but nothing happens.

edit: oh and I could send you a save state if you want.

the Black Fang is forever trapped!

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I found few other things, in Rath's tale this time.

Niime's Death speech is a blured message on top left corner of the screen like " lady's((word I can't read)) " so yes she has no deathquote if i am using the right term.

The second thing is about recruiting Bartre and Karla, it works well with Rath, But you can also recruit them with Florina and it's still Guy in the dialogue.

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Hmm, two different types of Valkyrie. Priscilla's a classic FE7 anima user, but Natalie's the FE8 light caster...

Anyway, onto issues...

One more thing that doesn't work at present is the Sound Room. Attempt to play any track, and the game freezes.

Also, like SwiftStrike, I can't get Legault's tale to end. A few more details: Wait on the village with any character; you'll get the little speech about how they survive to fight another day or whatnot... and then, nothing. The character stays there, allowing you to move them again on the next turn. Seeing every escape speech doesn't let things continue either.

This happens regardless of whether Dieter is still standing or not.

One last thing; should I be playing this on a save file transferred from v. 5? Raven and Legault's tales were unlocked from the get go from doing this, and Kent's tale is present but greyed out (because I haven't yet gone to unlock it), but would it be better just to start a new file for replaying tales?

...And now it's back to figuring out how to unlock Zealot and Karel's tales. I know I saw them in a pre-v. 5 version, even if Zealot's didn't work...

Yep your case is the exact same as mine, I haven't unlocked Zealot's or Karel's either.

Also in Raven's tale in one village is that girl Echidna, looks like it.

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