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Elibean Nights


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Well, more detail regarding Pent's Tale:

Pent's Tale:

First and foremost, when I beat the chapter, the message "A new Tale was unlocked" appeared. Then the game reset, and I can't progress past that.This is in the latest Beta (B-7), and prevents me from accessing anything past that. I think it may have been because I moved the Forblaze around slightly. The Forblaze is still in Pent's inventory, and it's equipped, but I simply can't access the next cutscene in the chain because the Forblaze can't be removed from Pent's inventory, forcing a restart. I've tried leaving a slot empty in Pent's inventory, I've tried beating the chapter with other characters (When I clear with Renault, the chapter doesn't restart. Instead, it freezes me right after Renault disappears from the map tile during the dialogue with Pent). The only thing I haven't tried is retrying the chapter, which I will do in just a second.

Erk lacks a death quote in Pent/Raven's Tale (the latter maybe being the cause of the former?). The Rune Bow no longer inflicts Silence.

EDIT: The results vary between freezing and restarting. Once, an error popped up about BIOS files missing or something. Also, I restarted the chapter, to no avail. I still get stuck at the garden scene. Maybe patching got messed up or something...

Here's a savestate: http://www.mediafire.com/download/rm9ogm76g2qtysd/Elibian_Nights_Beta1.sg1

Secondly, the tale is...well, really nice. All the new items and spells change the gameplay around in new and entertaining ways, the addition of the enemy that triggers Basiliskglance is a nice touch (easily written OC named morph), especially with that Heaven Seal (although I really wish the preceding text was skippable), and the story is plausible and solid. My only gripe is that Ephidel's battle sprite still has hair, where his actual appearance shows him with little to none. But limited resources, take what you can get, etc. I've played this thing several times in the past and several times now, and I've yet to get bored of it.

Eliwood's Tale:

You guys are definitely right about the Silver Lance and the Espontoon. I just had crap inventory management at the time.

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Some more stuff to report. First in Hector's Tale:

- Erik and Fargus have broken death quotes.

- The map still feels very stale after you've beaten Dawson's reinforcements, and the troops behind Yorrick. There are a few reinforcements, but I feel it's not enough.

Then in Pent's Tale:

- The Rune Bow's description hasn't been updated to reflect its new attributes.

- The ending events are pretty busted. With or without the Louise requirements. [Edit: Removed the explanations That seems way too complex to explain in a post. I'll contact you on Skype for that one.]

So far, I've yet to see a Tale fail to unlock.

The Rune Bow no longer inflicts Silence.

That's a normal thing. It made it was too easy to cheese Ephidel and Efta. Now it's simply a bow that targets resistance.

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Um, would it be possible to get a version without the title screen hack? Pretty please? :) I even made a small donation, in case it helps. :) yeah, sorry, the motivational ferrari is still on its way

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Um, would it be possible to get a version without the title screen hack? Pretty please? :) I even made a small donation, in case it helps. :) yeah, sorry, the motivational ferrari is still on its way

I'll give it a shot once everything settles down. It basically means there's no title screen, though. Are you sure that there isn't another way to get it working on your computer? Edited by The Second Archsage
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I talked about that with you pretty exactly a year ago, and that seems to be the issue, since an otherwise clean ROM with only the japanese title screen hack crashed in a similar way. It seems that the problem comes from the emulator, gpSP (I'm possibly using a custom build of it) not properly handling something related to that. Unfortunately, it is the only decent GBA emulator for my greatly preferred platform, the Pandora handheld computer.

Now, I'm not entirely sure that there is not another way - and I'm very willing to test alternatives out, if you'd like - but I recall that being "the only possibility" you could think of.

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I talked about that with you pretty exactly a year ago, and that seems to be the issue, since an otherwise clean ROM with only the japanese title screen hack crashed in a similar way. It seems that the problem comes from the emulator, gpSP (I'm possibly using a custom build of it) not properly handling something related to that. Unfortunately, it is the only decent GBA emulator for my greatly preferred platform, the Pandora handheld computer.

I find it bizarre that a platform advertised primarily as an emulation device (I checked out their website) would have an emulator incapable of handling something like this (it's in the japanese games, after all, I assume that they work on the emulator). You might want to check into that custom build issue, but if all else fails, I'll disable the patch for you.
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Indeed, japanese versions of the three GBA FEs, as well as all other hacks I've tried out so far (dozens of them) work without problems.

Even if it's a custom build, I doubt that there would be any changes to functionality.. Mainly stuff like interface/controls/scalers/stuff, maybe some library changes or general optimisation to be better suitable for the hardware.

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And now, the good old report, this time for Louise Raven and Karel. Well, not Louise, actually, that one worked well.

Raven, p2:

- The Shen/Priscilla has the wrong convo, and so do all the houses in the southern part of the map.
- The Village doesn't close after visiting.

- Arcard is the one explaining the Never Say Die Achievement, instead of Lucius.


- The map changes can cause a freeze depending on the ending position of the cursor. (Keep Autocursor on when playing this...)

- Karla's description is wrong.


Go home Juno, you're drunk.

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i'm using the gpsp emulator too and i can play the game. awesome game btw. but i'm on my PSP though. so it may be your comp. unrelated but is there a list of the requirements to unlock the tales? idk what i'm doing lol.

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i'm using the gpsp emulator too and i can play the game. awesome game btw. but i'm on my PSP though. so it may be your comp. unrelated but is there a list of the requirements to unlock the tales? idk what i'm doing lol.

Just play through all the tales. You should unlock most of them without trying. The only exception are some of the gaiden tales.

For Kent's Tale, you need to complete the talk sequence with Lyn, Kent, and Sain in Lyn's Tale.

For Louise's tale(Pent's tale part 2), you need to have Renault stand on the point that the Druid with Fimbuvetr is standing on(a convo should trigger).

not sure what you have to do for Merlinus' tale

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i'm using the gpsp emulator too and i can play the game. awesome game btw. but i'm on my PSP though. so it may be your comp. unrelated but is there a list of the requirements to unlock the tales? idk what i'm doing lol.

Tale Unlocking:

  • Pent & Raven's Tales: Clear the first three Tales.
  • Karel & Zealot's.Tales: Clear Pent & Raven's Tales.
  • Legault's.Tale: Clear Karel & Zealot's Tales
  • Final Tale: [Not in this build. :P:]

Side Tales:

Merlinus: From Eliwood's Tale

1. Have Eliwood obtain the Lobera.

2. Have Natalie speak with Ninian.

Rath: From Lyn's Tale

1. Have Prasad talk with Lyn.

2. Have Prasad fight Khitan.

Kent: From Lyn's Tale

1. Complete the Talk chain between Lyn, Kent, and Sain.

2. Do not complete the requirements to unlock Rath's Tale. (This one doesn't work in the current build, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.)

Louise: From Pent's Tale

1. Have Pent talk to Louise.

2. Have Renault visit the tomb. (It's on the left part of the map, right above a Druid with Fimbulvetr.)

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Tale Unlocking:

  • Pent & Raven's Tales: Clear the first three Tales.
  • Karel & Zealot's.Tales: Clear Pent & Raven's Tales.
  • Legault's.Tale: Clear Karel & Legault's Tales
  • Final Tale: [Not in this build. :P:]

The bolded part seems off. I think it's Zealot's tale that supposed to be there instead?

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oh i must have a really old version, because it stopped at pents tale. i've also been scared to update because of all the bugs i've seen in the beta. when you say kents tale doesn't work, which version are you referring to?

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The bolded part seems off. I think it's Zealot's tale that supposed to be there instead?

Yeah, it was a typo. My bad.

oh i must have a really old version, because it stopped at pents tale. i've also been scared to update because of all the bugs i've seen in the beta. when you say kents tale doesn't work, which version are you referring to?

You're playing the v5 version, which is pretty much bug-free. I thought you were playtesting the v6 Beta (like most everyone is doing at the moment :P:).

Kent's Tale is not present at all in v5. What I meant is that, in the v6 Beta, the "Don't do the Rath requirement thing" doesn't apply. i.e, If you complete both Rath's and Kent's requirements, you'll go to Kent's Tale nonetheless. But Kent's Tale itself works.

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Now that I've done EVERYTHING in this current build, I can give some suggestions. First off, I think Guy needs to be more useful. He can't contribute much in Lyn's tale, and now he isn't in Rath's at all. I don't even like Guy, but I feel like he's hardly in the game at all now. Unfortunately, I have no idea on how to do this. Maybe make him playable in Kent's Tale?

The second main suggestion is one that I thought about for a while. In Merlinus's Tale, Wil is the worst unit. Rebecca has better equipment and a great support, and he can't even double most of the enemies. He can't do much in Kent's tale either, as once again he is outclassed, as Dorcas has Axes and an A support. So my crazy idea is to make him a Ranger. I know that reclassing isn't completely out of the question, as there are three other playable Snipers. It just might make him more useful.

Other than that, I can't think of any ideas at the moment. Most of it has already been said. I know most minor issues will be fixed anyway, as this is just a beta. That being said, it's a really fun hack that I appreciate you making. Now I just have to wait for Zephiel's Tale as well as those creative liberties.

I'm just gonna go on the bold thing here and say I heavily disagree. He is INCREDIBLY useful in Lyn's tale, being able to attack from 1 or 2 range, targeting either Res or Def(if you found the Amatsu). His speed means he's doubling most things on the map, and with his high skill he crits more often than not. His defense and HP are high enough that he can tank a few hits without having to heal. If anything, if you buffed him, he'd be ridiculous. As for your other points on Guy though, I do agree. I wish he was in other Tales. Rath's wouldn't make as much sense to me as you get Karla in there, and she's fairly useful(EXCEPT FOR BLOODY BERSERK AGHAHSGDSFadsjfkladhsfa). At least unit-wise. Story wise, it'd make more sense for him to be there, at least in my eyes. He's a very proud member of the Kutolah, and having a clanmate(notably someone he has fought alongside)taken, it strikes me as odd that he didn't follow Rath, Dayan, Florina, and Niime into the cave. As for Kent's tale, I don't really have a problem with him not being there. Besides, we have GAUFRID. THE MANLIEST MAN OF MEN. In all seriousness though, Kent's tale has Lyn moving AWAY from Sacae, into a place where Guy has no need to follow. Certainly he'd be useful in that chapter, as a Wind Sword there would be oh so very helpful. But regardless of all that: I feel that Guy is fine where he is. I'm a little weirded out that he didn't follow into the cave, but that's me.

I hope I didn't come off rude or conceited here, and if I did, I apologize.

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in rath's tale poisoned by madness... some of the elixers are unusable. not sure if these are from the chests or not but yea...

That is a normal thing for the chest Elixirs. As the Trororo achievement says, "Loot all of the cave's trolling treasure."

I mean, really, those chests contain Rogues, Bronze weapons that sometimes are actually good, the Faust Scroll, and some even breathe fire! Fake Elixirs was the next logical step. :P:

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That is a normal thing for the chest Elixirs. As the Trororo achievement says, "Loot all of the cave's trolling treasure."

I mean, really, those chests contain Rogues, Bronze weapons that sometimes are actually good, the Faust Scroll, and some even breathe fire! Fake Elixirs was the next logical step. :P:

well damn... i finished karel and zealots tale as well awhile ago and legaults tale isnt unlocked... do i have to beat zealot and karels tale again?...

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well damn... i finished karel and zealots tale as well awhile ago and legaults tale isnt unlocked... do i have to beat zealot and karels tale again?...

Don't use the Resume function on the Tale Select.
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I've never managed to get Amatsu for Guy... :tangerinesadness:

Hints plox?

Speaking of the Amatsu, I'm actually fairly surprised there hasn't been much talk of it until I mentioned it. I'll give this hint: It's not in any of the small houses. There's no dialogue in getting it, you just get it.

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It's seems odd to have custom sword for Guy when he comes with several others and doesn't even carry into any other tales. Seems a bit counter-productive to me

Lyn can use it.

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It's seems odd to have custom sword for Guy when he comes with several others and doesn't even carry into any other tales. Seems a bit counter-productive to me

There are hidden weapons in each tale, all references to other Fire Emblem games. The Amatsu (from FE13) is the weapon for Lyn's Tale, usable only by Myrmidons/Swordmasters.

You can find the Kingsword in Eliwood's Tale (FE5), the Claymore in Hector's (FE7x), the Pugi in Raven's (FE5), the Devil Sword in Karel's (FE1/3), the Wing Spear in Zealot's (FE11/12), and the Double Bow in Legault's (FE9/10).

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