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Need help in Advance Wars DoR

Metal Rabbit

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Hmm... what did I do in that chapter...

Use the Rig and the Mech to take the factory that's further up ASAP, take out the meteor creating the plasma so you can kill the rockets... uhh... I don't know. I can't remember anything in specific that I did, really. XD

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I'm on chapter 20 right now...

well what I did was over the course of the map (no day-by-day, sorry) made a few subs/gunboats to maintain supremacy at sea, built maybe 1 tank, an anti-tank or two, mostly bombers...kept the bombers out of his A-air and missle range, then rushed with my whole force, guns blazing, taking out A-airs with my MD tank and 2 tanks, had bombers take out whatever they felt like, had bikes capturing and destroying weak units, rockets/anti-tanks killing whatever was in range, recon getting in the way of A-air, and a few dusters attacking enemy infantry and the fighter he built...

really, just slowly progress, keep ground units out of rocket range, get 2-3 bombers, then have bombers rush around and kill rocket...then charge with ground units, and keep pushing until you have routed him...I didn't destroy the plasma for a long time, because it protected my rockets from the units he had on the opp. side that my recon had trapped there...

just save up, then charge...that is the strategy on most of the maps...*cough stupid gun cough*

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well your infantry can capture it right away...and it's like 2 days (move once, then move + bomb) so it's not far away...

I like bombers though...they are very effective at killing things...plus if they attack an anti-air, they can severly wound it...and bombers are more mobile than war tanks

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I beat it without help, albeit on the 4th try. THis time i just played defense until i was strong enough to force my way through. Something I did that i havent heard anyone do was use BATTLESHIPS to take out the rockets, and then later pick off enemies. I ended up blocking his airport and factories, and capteure his HQ.

I ended up getting an A rank with 29 days done. Even though I knew what i was doing this time, i still couldnt shake the unnerving feeling that if i make one mistake I can lose...

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well your infantry can capture it right away...and it's like 2 days (move once, then move + bomb) so it's not far away...

I like bombers though...they are very effective at killing things...plus if they attack an anti-air, they can severly wound it...and bombers are more mobile than war tanks

No, I mean, far away from the main combat. It was just more convenient to make lots of tanks I found, cause the Airport was off in the corner.

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it's definitely a new direction for the series...and should they choose to follow it up,

Brenner will end up having survived, he just has too, he's too awesome to not be in a sequel!

...basically MOST of the CO's music is rock-centered and ALL of the CO's music is AWESOME! they did everything right in this game...so yes, Weisspraline should get this game!

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I'm on 23...

yeah the missions started to be like annoying me, and stuff...which is why my productivity has fallen off...well there's 26 missions I think...my life has also been really busy and annoying the past week...well, I won't beat the game for a while, you may end up finishing before me Metal Rabbit...

spoilers through campaign 23

ugh, I am totally in agreeance (sp!) with Gage, just hand over Isabella, get the cure and move on with life...Caulder wouldn't actually attack you for a year at least...by then, he would run the chance of being bored and inciting a revolution amongst the civilians, but he wouldn't attack you the next day like everyone else thinks...

Caulder, with the exception of having mental problems is one of the best bad guys ever "No, I will not hinder your troops, I just want to study them for the advancement of science, of course, I will still attack you"(rough quote) he is simply awesome...

but basically, more proof that Gage is the best CO of them all...besides how can you compare a man dedicated to the advancement of science to a crazed dictator? Caulder would not betray his word like Greyfield did

but the continuing trend of

CO's dieing

is really weird...so far

Brenner, Forsythe, and Greyfield have died...Waylon acted like he died "and this was my last mission..." but he's probably just in a holding cell...I predict Caulder will end up dying, but I'm not sure about Penny and Tabitha...they may or may not die, but his emo-son will definitely live...

does this look like something Wist would post yet?

just a lite spoiler question here,

how does Caulder have presumably male and female clones of himself? he's a guy, so shouldn't all clones (identical DNA) also be male?

...just wondering...

anyone bother to read all this?

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very good game...not that I've said that before...*shamelessly plugs for game*

really what they did was take the previous AW's and decrease the insane advantages of CO's from the previous games and add in the ability to "level up" units...they also completely revamped the art style, and the end product is probably my favorite DS game to date (well a good FE game would top it, but hey, it kicked out Meteos, my pride and joy)...definitely an excellent game to buy...

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 14 actually wasn't too hard, though my navel units got annialated early. Just capture the airport ASAP and blocade the bit near the meteors with Heavy Tanks and Artillery (theyre called Mech. Guns in this game, but I prefer artillery), with bikers behind ready to capture stuff.

It kind of annoys me that when you are finally able to use CO powers,

O'brian (berner) gets owned


And Finn (Waylon) didn't mention anything about his 'last battle' in the EU version.

Note that I have the Australian (same as EU) version, so I know all the characters by different names.

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