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Etrian Odyssey Mafia - Game Over


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Iris, who do you think is mafia? You look like you're trying to sway with the majority...and I don't understand why.

You said you preferred a Helios lynch. Does Rapier's lack of a response make him the better lynch target?

I already said I found both Rapier/Helios scummy. Rapier's lack of a response makes me think he's scum who's given up, and therefore currently more stronger to me than my weird feels on Helios.

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Makes sense.

So I just Iso'd Rapier for the first time and....

wtf 5 posts?

These things also jumped out at me.

I'll continue this later.

Sounds like you're trying to appease the town

I don't want to place a vote

What's the point of this long post if it leads up to nothing


Shinori isn't a realistic lynch target at this point and you tunneling him doesn't help anyone.

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Tick tock! Half an hour left!

Rapier currently has majority and has the requisite amount of votes in order to be lynched!

Edited by Manix
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Dammit, I need to leave. ;/

Rapier hasn't said much, and an opinion dump at this point in the game isn't a good sign.

Also, not liking the lack of opinion above me. . .scorri, please try to form some before phase end, 'cause if Shinori wants to push his case, you just gave him quite a bit of ammo. . .

Not being on your standards of scumhunting/playing doesn't mean necessarily that I'm scum.

Rein kind of barked on Aere because he missed a vote, saying he omitted the third vote because he wanted to use it opportunistically. I didn't like it and I still don't like it. He didn't do anything scummy yet, but his playstyle bugs me. His response to my post was good enough, though. I'm leaning Town for now. He doesn't have that many posts, but they are substantial.

Aere has been acting as himself. I don't know what to say about him. He doesn't look scummy right now.

Makes sense.

So I just Iso'd Rapier for the first time and....

wtf 5 posts?

These things also jumped out at me.

Sounds like you're trying to appease the town

What's the point of this long post if it leads up to nothing

Shinori isn't a realistic lynch target at this point and you tunneling him doesn't help anyone.

Could you please stop taking phrases out of my post that make no sense without the rest of the text? Thank you.

Now then, my post wasn't really that long. I said it lacked a lot, and that I would continue this later (as I was going to sleep). I'm not tunneling Shinori, I said I'm leaning town and scum at the same time because I can't make out of his overly defensive and kind of fluffy posts.

I already said I found both Rapier/Helios scummy. Rapier's lack of a response makes me think he's scum who's given up, and therefore currently more stronger to me than my weird feels on Helios.

Scum who's given up? Are you serious? I've contributed way more as scum on my last two games. Just check them out.

That's fine, but I'm not sure how else to defend myself against you seeing as I'm pretty sure I answered your questions about me earlier.

@Core: I wouldn't say given up, just a less priority. Right now IMO Rapier and Iris look scummier so I've been focusing more on them.

Why and how do I look scummy? Lack of content? Because I have only a few posts? Then, how does that make me scummy? That makes me inactive -at best-.

How opportunistic of you.

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ugh i'm too tired to do anything really good this close to phase end

the only thing that stood out to me was eclipse seemingly switching to rapier really really fast and then i probably missed something anyway

scorri's big ol' summary dump also looks a bit unhelpful but she's trying at least so ##unvote

i'm inclined to believe shinori's claim because it's easy to prove

a lot of people are just null to me

i have no idea


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Cam: My summary dump was intended originally as me just getting my thoughts organized and then turned into something that I thought might help people out some so I ended up posting all of it instead of just my thoughts after it. So.

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It depends on Rapier's claim. I'd be ok with a Helios lynch or a Rapier lynch, but Rapier's not claiming is making me more suspicious of him to be honest.

I fear that Rapier has shit!Internet, rivaling Blitz's, and he's being idiot!town for not claiming at this point. Also kind of pissed at Helios, since it seems he's laying low (hasn't posted super!recently) now that it looks like he won't be lynched.

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I mean, it claims Rapier is viewing the topic... And ugh. If he hasn't claimed at this point when he had plenty of time to... I'm going to be ticked off if he's town too.

If you click on his profile, he hasn't been active since 10:11 (EST), meaning he hasn't seen the posts where we're telling him to claim.

Um, also, dislike that votes between the two wagons are 3:2, since it makes it easy for scum to tie if they want to.

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