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Etrian Odyssey Mafia - Game Over


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did you read what I said

I'm in a physics prac right now

can't do it for like another 2 hours

>4:08 pm for you

>2:11 am for me

toastgame before I wake up pls.

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I blame my mom for not being able to hammer Rein in time with my role...stupid university problems

Hey Manix or Prims, how would my role have changed if Paper and Cam died before I did?

Also gg to everyone

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okay, that's slightly better

don't expect a full detailed player analysis for a few days though, but I will do roles and initial ideas for the setup.

Day analysis will come with the player analysis.

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[22:31] <Manix> 1-shot gov, 1-shot self SG, can't take kill, 1 -shot random rolecop, hook and silence (pick three players)

[22:31] <Paperblade> "can't take kill" ?

[22:31] <Manix> another unstoppable kill

[22:31] <Paperblade> oh

[22:31] <Manix> you already had 2 pretty much

[22:31] <Paperblade> I assume Gov didn't work at lylo

[22:31] <Paperblade> also you mean "lynch stop" Gov right

[22:31] <Manix> yeah, lynch stop

[22:31] <Paperblade> and that the silence didn't stop votes

[22:32] <Manix> yeah

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Dear Helios,


You are Visil. Being the chieftain of Etria, and head of The Radha, you govern over the people of Etria. But you have dark secrets, and are secretly manipulating behind the scenes. Your secret lies deep in the Yggradsil Labyrinth…

Once during the day, you may reply to your Role PM with Day X – You should vote for USER1, USER2. As you are the leader of Etria, they will be forced to listen to you unless they want to suffer the consequences. This ability will not work in LYLO or variants.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Greetings USER! USER will be stoked to talk with you because you are the leader of Etria. You will gain the capacity to nighttalk with USER for the remainder of the game, unless either of you are killed.

Your secrets though… what could they be? Maybe if you lose Ren and Tlachtga, it will be revealed…

You are allied with The Radha. You win when all threats are eliminated.

<snip, revealed when Ren and Tlachtga have been killed>

Now, with Ren and Tlachtga gone… your secret is revealed. You are one of the scientists that tried to find a solution for the dying planet. This happened hundreds of years ago, and the advance of technology led towards an almost irreversible climate change, which took the lives of many. Your research led you to create the Yggradsil Labyrinth, to purify the planet and save it. All the remnants of the past civilisation are all but gone now. To continue your work, and save the dying planet, you fused yourself with the World Tree, Yggradsil. Being the last survivor of that time, you vowed to try and keep the world continuing, no matter the cost.


Now… you are known as Etreant. With this, comes greater powers. If you still have any of your original powers, they can still be used.

Your Resolve to keep the world alive will stop the lynch on the day you use it. Reply to your Role PM with I will not let this world be destroyed! This may only be used 12 hours out from the deadline, and only once. (Note: If you won’t be around for that time period, let me know, and I’ll fix something up for you. If you want to use it ahead of time, that’s also fine) If you still have the day persuader shot, you cannot use both that and this ability on the same day.

One during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Fling Thorns at USER1, USER2 and USER3. Being part of the almighty World Tree, you have the ability to extend at three target players. One of those players will be roleblocked, as they will be in excruciating pain. Another will reveal their Role PM to you, in return of not being harmed by the thorns. The last one will be silenced the following day, as they will have passed out from the pain. The targets for each part will be chosen at random.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Protect self with Twigs. This will put up a protective layer around you. This will prevent all abilities from affecting you that night. However, the amount of effort required to keep this shield active will prevent you from taking the factional kill that night.

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I called two correctly and was partially suspicious of paper but not enough to really push him because I was still all over Scorri's case and found her more scummie than paper at the point in time.

But late day 3 or whatever we were on I was starting to think more paper than Scorri.

Course if my shot had gone through and killed scorri it most likely would have ended up with us losing the game because of that quick rein lynch that might have happened. but I would have tunneled paper then most likely.

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Had I lived, I would've confirmed Shinori's ability, since I targeted him on N1 because I honestly couldn't think of a better use for Frailty.

Thanks for not screwing up, town.

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Well it was time. Visil had put up a good fight, but was everyone’s target today.

“You can’t… the world won’t survive.” Visil said. “I am the only person who can keep the World Tree alive… and it’s the sole reason that this world exists as it does today.”

While the words he spoke were true, no one wanted to listen. So Tiara lined up to shoot.

“Stop!” Came the call. Everyone looked around, seeing Paperblade calling out. “He’s telling the truth. I’ve worked with him for a while now, and it’s all true.”

“Tlachtga. Thank you. But it’s over.” Visil said.

A gunshot was heard. Visil fell to the ground, now dead.

“Well I hope you’re happy guys.” Tlachtga said. “You may as well kill me too, it’s not like I have anything left. You killed my best friend, and my superior. Just do it.”

“Are you sure? It doesn’t have to end this way.” Tiara said.

“Please. Just end me. I can’t live with myself for letting them down.” Tlachtga replied.

“Very well then.” Tiara loaded her gun for another shot, and shot Tlachtga.

Helios has been lynched! He was:

Dear Helios,


You are Visil. Being the chieftain of Etria, and head of The Radha, you govern over the people of Etria. But you have dark secrets, and are secretly manipulating behind the scenes. Your secret lies deep in the Yggradsil Labyrinth…

Once during the day, you may reply to your Role PM with Day X – You should vote for USER1, USER2. As you are the leader of Etria, they will be forced to listen to you unless they want to suffer the consequences. This ability will not work in LYLO or variants.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Greetings USER! USER will be stoked to talk with you because you are the leader of Etria. You will gain the capacity to nighttalk with USER for the remainder of the game, unless either of you are killed.

Your secrets though… what could they be? Maybe if you lose Ren and Tlachtga, it will be revealed…

You are allied with The Radha. You win when all threats are eliminated.

Paperblade has been endgamed by the town (that’s really awkward). He was:

Dear Paperblade,


You are Tlachtga. A hexer in the employ of the Radha, you take orders from Visil to protect the Yggdrasil Labyrinth from explorers that learn too much about it. You go under the guise of helping new explorers with Ren when they start exploring the Labyrinth, to alleviate suspicions.

When Ren is killed, you will start chanting in rage, and you will cast your Chaos hex. Everyone in the town will hear this, but they won’t know why. The following night, all abilities will be blocked, mafia inclusive. The only mafia action that can be used that night is the factional kill.

Once during the night, you may reply to your role PM with Night X – Cast the Cranial curse. All players will clutch their heads in pain. All investigative roles will be randomly redirected, opposite alignments will be shown, and role names will be removed for that night. At the start of the next day, the following message will be broadcast to the town: “There is an ominous feeling in the air… After some discussion, you all came to a similar conclusion, that everyone woke up with a throbbing head pain. No one is sure if any investigation results are to be trusted after what happened."

Twice during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Cast Binding on USER. This hex will restrain USER in place, preventing them from completing their action that night.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Cast Abdomen around USER. Anyone who visits USER during the night will be affected by the curse, making them writhe in pain after they complete their action. They will drop their Role PM while in pain, which you will pick up for your own use.

You are allied with The Radha. You win when all threats are eliminated.

And with that, you have doomed the world to eventually die out. Good job guys.

Part 2 shortly. After I finish part 2 flavor, I will get the spreadsheet onto google docs so you can have an idea of what happened.

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Tlachtga did do one thing before she died, though. She had prepared for this, and she wasn’t going down without a fight.

scorri had found herself unable to move, and couldn’t do a thing. She started hearing the same chanting that was heard yesterday, and she found herself screaming in agony as the voices got louder and louder, before she completely stopped functioning.

scorri has died, btw. She was:

Dear scorri,


You are Edana, the Medic. You are proficient at healing, and not much else. Regardless, you are the most broken class in the entire game due to one of your skills not working as intended.

You have this strange obsession with bugs, and have a collection in our house. Some people wonder about your sanity sometimes.

Twice during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Perform CPR on USER. This will protect USER from being killed. This effect lasts for 2 days, but is removed if it prevents a kill. You may not use this ability on consecutive nights. You will only visit the target on the first night, and not the second. This does not stop your target from being lynched.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Cast Revive on USER. USER must be deceased. USER will be returned to the game the following day. If USER is targeted by any night action, they will die immediately, because you haven’t practiced this ability enough. USER will be made aware of this fact. If you die while USER is still alive, they will also die, unfortunately.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Shinori, Delirium, Aere and Strider have all survived. They were:

Dear Shinori,


You are Shinori, the Survivalist. Your proficiency lies in being able to use bows, and being really, really quick. Also, for some reason, the best damage dealing class in the game. Must be the abilities.

You come across to most people as solitary, and you mostly spend your time out in the wild by yourself anyway.

Once during the night, but only from night 2 onwards, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Apollon targeted at USER.. You will unleash the ultimate bow skill, which will rain arrows down upon USER, killing them instantly.

Twice during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Cloak. You will hide away in the shadows, preventing all abilities from affecting you that night, including kills. You cannot use this ability on consecutive nights.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Dear Delirium,


You are Dirk, the Survivalist. Your proficiency lies in being able to use bows, and being really, really quick. Also, for some reason, the best damage dealing class in the game. Must be the abilities.

You seem to be quite the popular one around the town. You exude fabulousness for some completely unknown reason.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Be Aware. You will become more aware of your surroundings. That night, you will see all the people that come to visit you. You will not know why they visited you, because of the darkness of the night, just that they were around.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Ambush USER. You will stalk USER through the night, seeing who they visit that night, but not what they are doing.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Dear Aere,


You are Taeros, the Protector. Your proficiency is in using shields and defending others from harm.

You would be more useful if one of the other classes’ ability wasn’t bugged to be infinitely more effective at reducing damage. Still useful to have.

You are quite cheerful, even considering your line of work. You also read books on your time off.

Twice during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Provoke USER. USER will decide to target you instead of their original target, which will redirect any actions they are performing that night toward you instead of their intended target.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Activate Anticold. This will have your shield absorb all sources of cold that night. While you may have this ability at your disposal, you are unsure as to whether it will actually do anything.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Dear Strider,


You are Mercury, the Troubador. You are proficient in singing songs and playing instruments. Yes really. You’ll be glad to know that you are one of the more broken classes in the game, because of having stupidly good party-wide buffing capacity.

You are so incredibly cheerful that nothing can stop you from feeling happy. Nothing at all.

Because you have a brilliant capacity for music, people will listen to your Songs. This means that your vote will break any ties for a lynch. This will deactivate in LYLO and variants, as the town will be more focused on not dying to listen.

Twice during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Singing the song of Bravery for USER. USER will hear your song, and USER will find your Role PM while searching for the source of the song.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Congratulations to the town for winning Etrian Odyssey Mafia!

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Misc setup notes:

Town (Guild):


Originally had a 2-shot silence and a 1-shot targeted reflexive kill (pick a target, and if they die, you kill the killer). Was stupidly broken in this setup.


Unchanged from original iteration.

Survivalist 2:

Didn't originally exist. This was what was in its place:

Dark Hunter:

-Cuffs: Prevents the targets ability from resolving. (2-shot)

-Mirage: Targets ability will be randomly redirected. (1-shot)


Originally had a 1-shot BP, but got scrapped due to the possibility for 3 town to be immune to NK's on a specific night.


Abilities affected by the Landskencht's current iteration were orignally the opposite.

Revive originally didn't have the revived die on the Medic's death. The being targeted part was always present.


Sight was a 3-shot ability, and Warp originally would have only prevented the first ability on the target by priority.

Sight was a watcher effect, but got downgraded to voyeur.


Was originally a doublevoter Oracle which revealed the killers PM or a target's PM on being lynched, to which the player was be unknown to the masses.

Doublevoter then got changed to a tiebuster.


Had kill reflect as well if idling orginally.


Unchanged from original iteration. Intended for a reasonably skilled player because it could backfire hard.


Mafia (The Radha)


Unchanged from original iteration. The superkill could be stopped, but only by luck on the Protector's part.


Abdomen was added to give the mafia a bit more strength and an investigative role. If the Medic was on the mafia's intended kill target after Chaos triggered (ie, on the night before), then the kill would be blocked.


Originally was a governor, but that was scrapped for the lynch tiebreaker. Nice flavor role. The hidden ability part was disclosed because it would be a dick move otherwise. Twigs was restricted because I didn't want the mafia to have a completely free, untrackable kill. The other two pseudo-unstoppable kills had possible counterplays.

Tiebuster was changed to a 1-shot day persuader then.

Gained a one-shot neighbourizer as well.

General mafia:

Intention how the way the mafia is structured was to allow the mafia to purposely bus their comrades (if required) in a certain order: Ren > Tlacthga > Visil. This should give the mafia the most power possible if they played right, but would fall apart quite easily if Tlacthga was lynched first. In practice, didn't quite work out that way.


Other general notes:

Aside from the Hexer, all roles were completely randomized. The Hexer was chosen out of the more competent players (it was between Clipsey and Paper) that had signed up for the game at random before any other roles were assigned.

Gimmick in specific was the limited use abilities that everyone had (the only exceptions were the Ronin's passive Nexus, the Troubador's tiebreaker). I'm surprised that no one ever mentioned the fact that everyone might have had limited abilities in thread. (ie: remember what Cam claimed? yeah.)


Also, Mafia fakeclaims were as follows:

Dear <USER>,


You are <insert their name choice>, the Hexer. Adept at debilitating enemies with curses, you bring a unique utility to a team. However, being an unlockable class, you come far too late, and hence underleveled, to be much use.

You practice your hexes frequently, almost to the point where they have consumed you entirely. Be careful in what you do from now on…

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Cast the Sapping curse on USER. USER will feel drained of their energy that night, and will promptly return to their house, forfeiting their night action.

Once during the day, you may reply to your Role PM with Day X – Corrupt USER. USER will lose their own thoughts, and then will have to vote for whoever you want them to that day. This ability will not work in LYLO or variants.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Dear <USER>,


You are <insert their name choice>, the Dark Hunter. Adept with whips and swords, you can inflict different types of status and are one of the only classes in this game to be able to bind enemies.

Bondage. You absolutely love it, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Some people really don’t like being near you because of it. So you decided to leave the whip at home.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Day X – Induce Hypnos on USER1. Now target USER2. You will poke your sword into specific pressure points on USER1 to induce a fuzzy feeling. They will then listen to you, and will be forced to target USER2 with their night action.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Baiting USER. USER will be drawn to your location each night after you use this, and you will be able to talk with them during the night only, and only until one of you is killed.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Dear <USER>,


You are <insert their name choice>, the Alchemist. Proficient in all types of magic, you are the only mage that can be used in the game. Although, your damage is stupidity high early on, it falls off really quickly, leaving you as one of the worse classes in the game.

You have a very unhealthy obsession with fire. You have almost managed to burn your house down multiple times over the years.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Casting Freeze around USER! USER will be surrounded by a frozen shield, preventing any actions from affecting USER that night. This will not stop the mafia kill, as the mafia will just break through the ice sheet.

Once during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Casting Inferno! You will create a blistering inferno around you, which will kill anyone who visits you that night. Unfortunately, you will also burn your house down (finally), which will prevent you from being protected by any actions for the rest of the game.

You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Edited by Manix
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I was going to sit on my role until I was down to the last few people, then use Relapse twice and out. As for Frailty, I didn't see a use for it until Shinori claimed; I figured it was otherwise worthless, so why NOT test his claim with it?

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