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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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Also, Rapier, introduce yourself.

Hi. My name is Rapier. The Mafia has killed my father. I hope they're prepared to die. ttly not roleclaiming Hitman/Vig

Okay, let's consider: Looking at Prims' ISO, I see that Prims has content, fine. But what I don't like about his D2 play is that he isn't pushing anything really (except maybe a lynch on me). Like, he's saying decent stuff about things, but isn't actively going and hunting possible scum from the remaining players. That's what I don't like about his D2 play.

You could elaborate what you don't like on Prims' argument about you, because it is a perfectly normal thing to push for a lynch... I think.

Now I'll be more busy trying to adjust my avatar, so I may take a bit longer to post. I wonder where you get all those cute avatars, Manix. =P

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Oh, and where's my response to the thing I pointed out to you earlier? o:

BBM's ignoring me. ):


Hi Rapier, nice to know you're here. Didn't like the feel of your 3rd to last paragraph, but other than that, okay, except it was a bunch of quotes.

Since you're two biggest scumreads are Manix and Scorri ---- (hey, we agree on something), who is town?

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Shinori, you may as well as ask everybody what they think of Paperblade and Aere.

Before you ask, Paperblade's one of my stronger town reads, and null read on Aere, can't remember what he did besides some vote on Weapons.

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I don't have any 100% town reads, but I'm inclined onto believing that Marth and BBM are Town. I remember very little from Strawman, but the majority of his posts were reasonable. I'm warry about Prims because I was his scumbuddy on Xenoblade Mafia and my Spider Sense is tingling, but other than that he's been reasonable enough too. Shinori is also leaning town imo.

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Argh I was writting a post but I closed the window accidentally.

I have a neutral read on Aere. But taking into consideration that he overreacted over Elie's joke (which he acknowledged that it was a joke), and his stand agaisnt Core was based on calling him an hypocrite, I'm leaning towards scum.

Paper has some reasonable posts, but I got a feeling he was too defensive towards Prims. When he said "Why aren't you voting Rapier/Iris if they were more inactive than him?", it sounded personal imo. When he disagreed with Elie's post, he didn't outright vote him. He posted what he thought was wrong with his logic, and left with that. On Manix's case, he took a more active stand.

Then again, I could be wrong... I'm too sleepy for that now. I'll think more about this later.

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^ BBM: Here.

@Iris: If Manix were to flip scum who in turn would you look at based off of that flip? Just curious. Vice versa what if he flipped town?

It's kind of hard, since Manix has basically no connections to anyone except for him tunneling Prims. :F Then there were his lame reads, I can't really go off of that, either.

if Manix == scum

(1) Town!Prims, supports my opinion

(2) would look at wagon carefully, since it's my belief that at least one scum would bus

if Manix = town

(1) I would definitely re-look at Prims, since although I don't think he's scummy, Manix has basically been tunneling him the whole phase.

(2) would look at people who didn't vote Manix more carefully, in my experience, scum tends to avoid voting a huge town wagon

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If Manix turns out to be scum, I think we should also focus on Aere. He sheeped Manix early on, when he voted Elie.

If Aere flips scum, then Straw is also scum, because he was the only one to defend Aere (which isn't an scummy thing by itself -now-, but on this hypothetical scenario, it would be different).

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Ah, okay Iris. Uh, I'm finding SB scummy too, which is why my vote is there right now. I've made my opinions about Manix pretty clear I think, so I didn't really see a reason to vote for him. I find Manix scummier, true, but I don't think voting for him right now will accomplish anything. Of course, one could say that voting for SB isn't accomplishing anything either, so eh...

ATM, my scumreads go Manix > SB > Scorri.

Also, Iris, I don't think that scum!Manix means Prims is town. IIRC, in BCM, Manix argued with Shinori near the beginning (though not nearly to the extent he is going after Prims) and in Xeno, scum!Prims bussed Core pretty thoroughly, right from the start.

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Okay so heads up. I'm off to bed now, I have to be up in 4 hours for a very long day tomorrow. I won't really be able to talk here until probably at least 3 pm central or something like that. I might come back for a bit of reading and maybe one post at about 12 but don't expect it.

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I'm not fond of it, but because of your other actions you're more of a null read.

Actually (this came to me when hitting post >.>) I don't think scum would attract attention to themselves so you're leaning slightly town in my eyes.

Do these posts remind anyone of SSBUM where SB initially claimed Tracker and then switched to Watcher, citing a mix-up in roles? This goes against the idea of scum!Manix, but it feels like his scumbuddies told him to look on Manix's side after town!Manix flipped.

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Ok then. So right. Thoughts on things happening.

Manix is major tunneling and for not a very solid reason. And as people have been saying, he seems to be more concerned with getting people's attention off of him rather than scum hunting. Though, I think at least some of that can be excused because it's hard to scum hunt when you feel like you might be lynched at any point. However, he still seems to be ignoring valid points that would contradict his reasons for voting Prims.

SB has been posting a bunch of one liners that haven't really been scum hunting, have mostly been role speculation and self meta, and what few views he has given us are not very helpful. He's triggering my "trying to look like he's helping without actually having to contribute info" radar pretty hard and is probably in my top two scum reads along with Manix.

So, between these two it's kinda a split between them and since I'm a little wary of the wagon that's on Manix and would like to avoid putting him at L-1 this early in the phase (We still have like 36 hours or something, right?) I'm going to

##Vote:Serious Bananas

Also Rein, Marth's ISO link is broken because he's currently using Bluedoom as his nick, not Marth.

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scorri #268: Wagon speed looks lackluster for an explanation of priorities. Why is Bananas' play scummier than Manix's?

Find Rapier's wall lurkscummy. That's a lot of prods and questions with obvious answers or responses and way too much "if X flips alignment then X", which is worthless speculation at best and a way of fluffing up posts at worst. It doesn't matter what you'll think about a player after somebody else flips, what do you think about them now?

Miller should claim so cop knows not to waste scan on them. Manix looks nervous because of how much he's dwelling on people attacking him, I already discussed this.

I feel like people are just saying "WEAPONS NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING" whenever possible just to feign content. Manix in particular is guilty of this and the rest of his scumreads don't impress me enough to switch, it's not clear which he prefers to lynch and nothing is that solid. It's more like a list of names. Also don't think Core is lower on the content side than, say, Aere.

Paper was saying that Prims had more activity than some people; and I'm saying that he has less activity than other people

This is the dumbest thing btw. I have less activity than other people, but more than others? Why am I a better vote than those?

Weapons, how does Paperblade have more conviction than the other people posting? I keep forgetting what his thoughts are without looking at the votecounts. Don't find his posts individually scummy but unmemorability is enough for a gut check.

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Prims: It's really a toss up for me between the two of them, so I voted for the one that isn't quite as close to a lynch because I don't think there's a reason to get close to hammering Manix yet?

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Leaving it at a toss-up is pretty weak because if one were scum and the other were town you wouldn't be putting effort into making sure you're lynching the one that's actually a member of the scums. Their play isn't similiar at all so you should be able to weigh it out better than this.

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Do these posts remind anyone of SSBUM where SB initially claimed Tracker and then switched to Watcher, citing a mix-up in roles? This goes against the idea of scum!Manix, but it feels like his scumbuddies told him to look on Manix's side after town!Manix flipped.

This posts rubs me the wrong way. It feels like you want to push something that's bullshit but want to see what other people think first

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I said that because it was a thought that I had that I wasn't very sure about, and wanted to ask the opinions of others on it. You're right about that part anyways.

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If Manix turns out to be scum, I think we should also focus on Aere. He sheeped Manix early on, when he voted Elie.

If Aere flips scum, then Straw is also scum, because he was the only one to defend Aere (which isn't an scummy thing by itself -now-, but on this hypothetical scenario, it would be different).

I don't recall defending Aere, and I definitely just ISO'd myself to see if maybe my memory of my own posts just sucked. Nope. I stated my opinion that I did not think Manix overreacted to Elieson's question thing because I found it just as pointless and suspicious. If you want to see my opinions on Aere, please see the second to last paragraph of the rather long post in which I vote Manix.

Anyways, Rapier's long post was just eh. A lot of the opinions he gave in the long quote section weren't anything new. Still pondering whether I find this suspicious or expected since he came in late today and it can be hard to put out new opinions on things that have already been discussed. I do like that he shared his reads though, and though I don't recall agreeing on all of them, I didn't find anything scummy about them.

A lot of null reads too, to be honest.

Also, BBM, I don't think a claim inconsistency and that are the same. I definitely don't agree with his read, but its a stretch to assume that much into that at this point.

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Just for clarification

I'm not fond of it, but because of your other actions you're more of a null read.

This is directed at Shinori.

I feel Paper is town, and I'm unsure on Aere. Manix leans scum, but I'm not voting so we don't end up hammering early, which is why I didn't follow through with my scorri suspicions and vote last time, although it seems to be uneccessary.

I feel way too many people are overthinking my meta.

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