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Tearring Saga Tier List

Don Draper

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How is Renee anything but top of top? She instantly and single-handedly (well, Plum helps I guess) trivializes some of the hardest, most annoying chapters in the game. She destroys a dozen monsters a turn anytime you decide to actually stand and fight. What Narron and Raffin do is good, but ultimately replaceable by other combat units. Renee is irreplaceable, and better than mere combat.

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Rofarl is really high for someone who's only there for the latter half of the game. He's great statistically, but this high seems pushing it. Mintz could raise a bit though. He comes only a wee bit later than Roger but his stats are slightly better. I'll admit his skills aren't as good though.

Vega this low is a bit surprising. His sword is excellent in Holmes' route. Makes quick work of the Lord of Mermel unless you're going at it with Lionel at low HP. His skills are pretty great too and he does have a lot of chapters of playtime. I always thought he was better than Shigen personally.

I'm not sure how Bud is this high. Aside of getting a Dragon Flute, I don't see what she can do that Yuni doesn't. Even Yuni is quite high herself.

Alicia could probably rise a few spots. She has more availability than Shirou and Krisheen and has little trouble to kill enemies with Brenthunder. Getting there might be annoying, but thankfully Holmes' route has a lot of maps in caves that fit her more.

How is Renee anything but top of top? She instantly and single-handedly (well, Plum helps I guess) trivializes some of the hardest, most annoying chapters in the game. She destroys a dozen monsters a turn anytime you decide to actually stand and fight. What Narron and Raffin do is good, but ultimately replaceable by other combat units. Renee is irreplaceable, and better than mere combat.

She's only there for a quarter of the game. Raffin hardly stops kicking ass starting from chapter 2, while Narron takes minimal effort to gain an awesome unit.

Edited by Dio
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She's only there for a quarter of the game. Raffin hardly stops kicking ass starting from chapter 2, while Narron takes minimal effort to gain an awesome unit.

She saves dozens of turns and incalculable effort. Nobody else can do that. The contributions she makes in that 1/4 are more than four times what a combat unit contributes, by a large margin.

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You'll probably want to deploy multiple thieves in order to grab all the chests. If anything, thieves have more utility in this game, due to chest opening being a victory condition.

It's pretty hard to excuse 4 move before promotion. That and a complete lack of durability.

I believe the only chapter like that after Bud's recruitment is chapter 27 though, which only has four chests on a small ship. Is Bud really worth this much in a team with two thieves, one having actual combat?

I suppose, but it's still better than whatever Krisheen has. Only one move, a tiny bit of durability and low percentage to steal items while fighting with 3 Str/15%.

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Okay, going off my recent draft experiences, Garo could stand to go up quite a bit. Yeah, his move sucks. And yeah, this tier list doesn't assume the limited deployment characteristic of drafts. But his combat is really good, with both high STR and high AGI. His SKL is shitty, but he has a great support with Julia that can help patch it up, and he learns some good skills later on.

Now take Barts. ALL Barts has going for himself over Garo is a couple points of SKL that are more than made up for by the Julia support, and +1/2 MOV. Meanwhile Garo has better base stats for the most part, and learns some good skills later on. And even with 4 movement Garo can help out a lot. Yet this difference constitutes a 3 tier gap between the two? And Thomas. Sure there are some broken Bows in this game, but his STR is atrocious and his MOV is even worse than Garo's. And however broken the bows might be, there still isn't a single one with 1-2 range.

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As much as I like her, Raquel needs to come down a bit. She's GOOD and trivializes many many early bosses, but that inability to kill bites when you need to kill things pronto.

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Some suggestions:

- Roger down

Costs many turns to recruit in his joining chapter; his high bases quickly become obsolete with folks like Narron and Raffin around.

- Mintz down

Outside of high crit rates with Life and Death, he's unspectacular. Can't Charge with decent weapons like Hand Lances a lot of the time.

- Lyria down

Low move and unnecessary poor healing with her special skill. Maintaining low turn counts, you'll never really reach the time when her singing gives your units extra turns. Power Staff is her only contribution.

- Leteena all the way to the bottom

It takes ridiculous effort to get her, not even talking about turns taken in the desert chapter. Just not worth it.

- Shigen and Vega up

Incredibly helpful in Holmes's party after the first split due to being virtually invincible and just stellar foot units for indoor chapters period.

- Kreiss > Arkis

More attack is better than more speed in this game, because it's easy to achieve doubling AS by equipping the right weapon and the most enemies have negative AS.

- Yuni down

She does get you a Knight Crest early on, but there are only three chapters completed by opening all the chests, and Holmes doesn't have a huge problem doing it on his own. Maerchen is identical in his contribution, so these two should be in the same tier, Yuni a little above due to not messing with the party's hit rates when nearby and having a little more chapters (there are only a few where she's helpful though).

- Rishel up

Impenetrable defence, accurate bosskilling at 3 range.

- Sasha > Kate and Sharon.

Sasha flies, gets lances upon promotion, gets Elite, and getting the Pegasus Flute AND promoting her are both possible relatively early into the game while maintaining the absolute minimum turns, and is worth the payoff.

I also second/third the suggestion to move Renee down. Warping for a fourth of the game does not the best character make.

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By the way, Garo has only 1 less move than unpromoted Barts. Don't be misled by the base stats listed on SF because it assumes Barts's Mountain Fighter is in effect (which it is in his joining chapter iirc). Garo matches unpromoted Barts in movement on sea maps. Anyway, Samson is definitely the better character among him and Barts due to having better base stats, skills, and soloing the opposition for several turns in his starting map, while Barts's early contributions are probably just inaccurate attempts to hit things with Halberds and Hammers (which Zeek does a whole lot better).

Edited by Espinosa
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There should be a distinction between the earlier and later versions of Duke Marlon's men. For example, Narron is less useful if he is recruited later rather than earlier, and it'd be good to give him two positions for the two different times.

Lyria, Plum can afford to drop to Upper Mid / Mid. Both of them have staff utility and their unique skills, but their poor move and defenses hurt them quite a bit. Lyria's skill is also fairly useless. Sing has a chance of refreshing units, however it only has ~10% chance of working, and Song AoE takes a long time to build up.

Mintz can stand to move up above Lionel. He is mounted and comes with Wrath, which makes him quite useful even though his stats aren't as good. Sun should move up to High as well. She gets Elite at level 5 and good stat growths, and can grow out of her weak start fairly easily.

Samson can stand to rise to Upper Mid as well, he has a great start and good growths. In comparison, Barts probably shouldn't be in Upper Mid - he doesn't contribute a lot in the early chapters, and he isn't spectacular in Runan's route. Samson cleanly beats him stats-wise, and requires less of an investment.

Xeno should be in Upper Mid. His stats are good and he is useful for many of the Holmes route chapters. He also gets Anti-Evil at level 20 which makes him useful against monsters. Alicia should rise as well, Her huge attack with Brenthunder more than makes up for her below-average Move. She can one-round enemies reliably with Brenthunder and Sylpheed, something that many characters above her cannot do reliably. Maruju also deserves to move up a bit, as he has phenomenal offense with Sylpheed.

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Okay, first of all, if this is going by your personal experience you claimed that your Garo gained +4 skl in 4 levels (less than 1% chance of occuring). You also took your time in a few maps, like taking 11 turns in Map 9 when the minimum (according to ChinaFE) is 5. These types of things are going to skew your opinion.

And in my first run that I had to restart, Garo got 0 SKL in 10 levels. He was still good. And not only was Garo not even in play in Map 9 because he went to Holmes, I took 11 turns instead of 5 to recruit Narcus. I'm well aware that it can be done quicker, but doing so makes you miss Narcus, Bud, Rishel, and Meriah's Aura Rain. I'm pretty sure most of our other tier lists assume 100% recruitment, meaning we're not 5-turning Map 9.

And if we're assuming 100% recruitment, there are also several other chapters that you can take slower because you have to wait around. Map 7, where Roger comes on Turn 10, Map 10 where you have to wait until Turn 9 so that you can get Mintz, etc.

Second, Barts has +2 move over Garo, and +3 after promotion. This isn't something you can hand-wave. Hell, Barts is ahead of Samson partly due to +1 move over him (that and availability). Garo's limited move means he'll mainly be used to pick off stragglers or enemies that are close to your starting position. A task that can be filled by just about any character.

It's +1/2 MOV, not +2/3. And if the MOV is why Barts is above Samson, he shouldn't be anymore, because he doesn't have more MOV than Samson.

Finally, we can't assume Julia's support is always in play. She's not a good character. As a matter of fact, Barts' supports are more likely to be in play, with Plum and Enteh both being useful characters.

This is true enough.

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Actually, if you ARE using Garo, there is little reason NOT to field Julia. The 2-way 15% support really helps both of them, making Garo's accuracy reliable and turning Julia into a super dodgetank.

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So the game's finally getting some recognition thanks to the translation patch. I figured it'd be a good idea to bring back a tier list.

I wouldn't say that exactly.

Runan, Dio, Espinosa, Me, and YayMarsha have played this game several times looong before the translation patch came out. Only bad news is that we didn't know what went on in at least most of the game. But we didn't care. Especially for a masterpiece like this. =)

- Roger down

Costs many turns to recruit in his joining chapter; his high bases quickly become obsolete with folks like Narron and Raffin around.


Plus never getting removement without a removement scroll and needing Gale from Map 30 to get any good beyond that point in the game.

- Lyria down

Low move and unnecessary poor healing with her special skill. Maintaining low turn counts, you'll never really reach the time when her singing gives your units extra turns. Power Staff is her only contribution.


Her singing can get better effects overtime. 250 is the maximum. At that much, her singing can have about a 20% chance of refreshing characters by her and about 20 HP. This effect doubles if she's by Attrom. =)

- Leteena all the way to the bottom

It takes ridiculous effort to get her, not even talking about turns taken in the desert chapter. Just not worth it.


Also, she penalizes into having to give up Lee, Narron, Lionel, or Kriess to get her. x.x

- Kreiss > Arkis

More attack is better than more speed in this game, because it's easy to achieve doubling AS by equipping the right weapon and the most enemies have negative AS.


Speed and Luck are valuable assets so your dodge don't suck as well as crit evasion. Not that crits don't happen much in this game even at 30% chances. At least unlike other games the RNG DOESN'T cheat. Kriess is down, cuz his total growths and dodge sucks.

- Yuni down

She does get you a Knight Crest early on, but there are only three chapters completed by opening all the chests, and Holmes doesn't have a huge problem doing it on his own. Maerchen is identical in his contribution, so these two should be in the same tier, Yuni a little above due to not messing with the party's hit rates when nearby and having a little more chapters (there are only a few where she's helpful though).


And that she should go below Bud because Bud has better Defense, Str and Mag.

- Rishel up

Impenetrable defence, accurate bosskilling at 3 range.


Definitely High tier material. He's gotta be the best mage in the game. If only he'd join sooner, I would so say to have him in god tier. He should go above Mintz in High tier. =)

- Sasha > Kate and Sharon.

Sasha flies, gets lances upon promotion, gets Elite, and getting the Pegasus Flute AND promoting her are both possible relatively early into the game while maintaining the absolute minimum turns, and is worth the payoff.


Plus she gets better dodge than Kate does. Kate has terrible Luck and doesn't average more than 6-8.

I also second/third the suggestion to move Renee down. Warping for a fourth of the game does not the best character make.


She should go down below Raffin. But she should stay in God tier. Because she breaks 1/4 of the game with Warp and that she is crucial to getting the rare random spoils from the random treasures. Especially in Morse Tower. Without her, the random treasure hunts will be a headache and too time consuming otherwise.



She should go higher than Sun, because she too has great growths and flies. Plus she's another character that won't need any resources to be any good. (Plus potions)


Ok potential. But getting him back will waste turns and will cost you a Mov Potion in 26B. Screw em. Put him on bottom.


She should go below Runan. She gets great growths in every catergory. Takes a little work, but she is a cavy with great potential having Elite after she reaches 20. Not too hard to do. And can get good Mag Def.


Put him above Kriess. He's got much better potential than Kriess and doesn't cost you a class changing item.


She should go above Yuni. As I've said already in Yuni's section.



Why is she here in low tier. Put her in high above Sierra. She's one of the few characters in the game that can grow Mov 10% and can get Elite at an early level. She's the best Bow unit in the game!


Should go in high tier above Mintz. She grows good stats in everything and doesn't cost you resources to make her any good. She is the second best magic user in the game with only Rishel being better.


He gets Astral Drain at LV20 (promoted) class changing him at 19. Making him absorb health with any tome. But it's because of his worse Mag is why that he should go just below Alicia.


Should go below Xeno. He gets Astral Drain upon start and he's also one of the better swordfighters out there that gets better potential than Julia. Plus he gets Gale at LV26.


Should go above Julia for his better defense, having Big Shield and having Clearance, Continue, and Double Strike with a little work. And another one of the few characters having a chance to grow Mov at 10%

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I guess I'll also pitch in a few thoughts:

I like Kreiss quite a bit more than Arkis. 3 Base WLV for Arkis sort of sucks, and without a WLV potion, he won't have access to ranged attacks for quite a while. Arkis is a bit faster, which will let him double with stronger weapons than Kreiss can, yet Kreiss's higher strength cancels that out. For example, base Kreiss with a slim lance has the same attack and 1 more AS than a base Arkis with an iron lance. When taking Kreiss's better defense into account as well, he seems like a more versatile unit.

On that note, Arkis, Kreiss, and Esther might be underrated a bit here. All three of them join early with great movement range and are okay fighters because of lances. There is also an early re-move book that can help them out quite a bit.

Ezekiel could possibly drop a bit. Once he promotes and learns some more terrain skills, I can see him picking things up a bit, but initially he's pretty bad. 4 move is a pain already, but he is also axe locked before promotion, and axes are HEAVY and inaccurate, making his offense disappointing despite good base stats. He does fare better indoors with a narrowed movement gap, but even there he is not much to get excited about. He's a faster Kreiss that can also use axes, which is not all that impressive.

Xeno has some pretty good stats all around and I agree he could move up a bit. Sword lock is his only problem, though lacking a quality ranged weapon does hurt a bit.

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Is unique warping for 1/4th of the game really worth more than amazing combat for the entire game? (ie Sleuf vs Fin/Fergus)

Seluf doesn't have unique access to Warp.

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Seluf doesn't have unique access to Warp.

Yeah, it waskind of a flawed analogy, since I don't think anyone besides Renee has unique warping. Sleuf is probably going to be one of two of your A staff users(maybe Sara, but you gotta promote her first), though. The point was for comparing a unit who is contributing to combat for most of the game versus a unit contributing to warping/staving for a quarter.

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Yeah, it waskind of a flawed analogy, since I don't think anyone besides Renee has unique warping. Sleuf is probably going to be one of two of your warp users(maybe Sara, but you gotta promote her first), though. The point was for comparing a unit who is contributing to combat for most of the game versus a unit contributing to warping/staving for a quarter.

Imagine if FE6 Niime had infinite range and probably slightly more availability. As it stands, you still need to work a bit for Niime's warping to really trivialize things (since she only has 15 staff range at base), but she's like, what, high tier on the current FE6 tier list?

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