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Tearring Saga Tier List

Don Draper

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Every single one of Holmes' chapters after the final split is seize or bosskill. If you bring Plum along too, every single one of those is a one-turn. Some of the more annoying ones, like 32 or 38, can easily go a dozen turns without warping. Does Narron save 50 turns? He's good, but if you don't have him you can just lean harder on your other combat units. Everything he does is replaceable in a way that Renee isn't. And that's not even touching on Foehammer, which has got to save 5 turns or so in the final map alone, clearing out all those eyeballs the boss spawns.

If the goal represented by this list even remotely resembles turncount or realtime speed, Renee is leaps and bounds above the likes of Raffin and Narron. Even if it breaks with most lists and rewards consistent strategies, she's still top tier, because she takes some of the lognest, sloggiest, most difficult chapters in the game and makes them 100% consistently unloseable.

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I think you're underestimating Narron a bit. He's not just good, he's soloing maps after promotion with 8 movement. Raffin to a much lesser degree, but he gets flying instead.

I haven't beat the game yet (ch 33), so I might be wrong in all this. But is the only goal for this tier list lowest turncount? Because if it is, it should probably be mentioned in the first page, and yeah for ltc Renee is top. But honestly, ltc tier lists are bleh and lame and bleh. I doubt most of the people who started playing this thanks to the translation is going for lowest turncount possible immediately.

But if this tier list's only goal is turncount, that's fine, just specify it in the first page.

edit: also, why is Leteena so high? It's insane trying to recruit her, as you have to use a mediocre unit (Kreiss), and give up on Lionel or Narron.

Edited by Davinatorman
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If this is an efficiency low turn tier list (ie not going for lowest turncount possible), I still don't see why Renee is higher. She's only there for a quarter of the game. It's really similar to Sleuf/Safy. Safy is top because she's there for mosf of the game, while Sleuf is generally a few spots lower, usually under typical Othin/Fin/Fergus. Both of the staff users can warp skip the later maps and save a bunch of turns without any/hardly any investment, like Renee. Narron's able to solo maps, and Raffin's able to greatly contribute thanks to mount/great combat, so what lets Renee, who's contributing for less than a fourth of the game, get higher tier than Raffin/Narron, who contribute for most of the game? And yes, while Narron/Raffin can be somewhat replaced, none of the replacements are nearly as good (Zeek's only there for about half of the game, Roger's bases can't hold him forever/no flying mount, Mahter's combat isn't as good as Raffin's, and Loffaru doesn't come until halfway in).

Someone else could probably make a better argument for this, since I"m no tier debating master or anything.

edit: yeah, forgot about the killing off exploit, my bad.

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I don't think Meriah should rise. Aura Rain can only be used on turns divisible by 5, which means that the earliest turn you can use it on is Turn 5. This doesn't have a great impact on the chapter completion because quite a few enemies will be killed by the time she gets to use it. Furthermore, Meriah doesn't get much EXP from killing everything with Aura Rain, and thus she deprives your other units of EXP. Without Aura Rain, her offense is lackluster as Starlight has a high Weight preventing her from doubling. Her poor Move also doesn't help much.

I think Racquel is a tad too high. She does have good stats and can kill monsters, but being locked to Bows is a major drawback, since she can't reliably counter enemies on enemy phase. She can only take down 1 monster a turn in most cases, and other characters can accomplish the same if not more as they can counter monsters on enemy phase.

I also think Holmes should drop a few places, below Sun or Shigen. His bow-lock before promotion hurts him quite a bit, as he can't counter on enemy phase and may slow down the completion of chapters. He does have lockpicking utility, but Yuni or Bud can do the same job in most cases, and the few turns he saves doesn't outweigh the combat utility of Vega / Sun / Shigen.

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It's been mentioned before, the Sleuf comparison doesn't work because Sleuf wasn't the only person who could use the Warp Staff. Renee's turn saving through Warp (often saving 10-12 turns a map) is exclusive to her. Narron/Raffin are certainly the best combat units in the game, which is why there's a tier gap between them and the others. However, the choice to use other combat units over them will not cost more turns than not using Renee.

Sleuf is probably one of two of your only warp users in a low turn run (Sara needs to promote, and has awful fatigue issues), though. Safy's top because she's there for most of the game and can start warping from chapter 8, while Renee isn't.

Honestly, handwaving all that Narron and Raffin do for "she warps, first spot" is a pretty lame argument. Thany can 3 turn ch14, Tate/Miledy won't be strong enough by then to do it, top tier please.

But I guess I'll just leave this alone now, since I'm no tier expert and I think tier lists going only for lowest turn count are stupid.

Edited by Davinatorman
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I'm sure nobody's discussing any of these characters from the TAS viewpoint. Thany will never be bosskilling anything because on average she does not gain adequate strength with her low growth. Therefore even if the absolute lowest turn playthrough may require a tool-assisted use of Thany, the reliability is very low. Renee's warping is as reliable as it gets, and if you want to beat up everyone on the map when you don't need to, I don't think this playstyle needs a tier list of its own because the premise is strange.

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dondon's FE6 strats should be doable on console with the precise right actions throughout the game. The real issue, I think, is that at that point, you're not even really playing the game at all: you're creating a performance, controlling both teams and every bit of randomness throughout the game to make some fancy videos to show off. And it's a damn impressive performance - but it's very limited in its implications. It's not like you'd want to "replay" the performance, because you'll just make the same things happen, and there's nothing really to tier because there's no room for variation. So that sort of thing just doesn't work as being relevant for tier lists.

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Just kill Kreiss/Leteena before Map 26, and revive them later in the Morse Tower.

I'm afraid that won't work.

The revival takes place before that event happens. So, Kriess will have to die at Map 26 and stay dead in order to recruit Leteena.

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If I remember correctly, the Morse Tower is right after Map 30 on Holmes' Route, and there is time for you to kill Kriess after Chapter 26 and revive him later. Alternatively, you can kill Leteena, revive her and get the same result.

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