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Figure I will try one... Choose my team!

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Never actually done one of these, but hey... might as well have some fun! This is a choose my team topic, obviously, so... Choose my team! One character per poster. This will be happening on Easy mode as I don't wanna become mega-bogged down in this my first time (and I've never done a choose my team).

1) I will post updates after every chapter.

2) Ike is NOT a shoe-in. He still needs to be picked.

3) At least three characters before chapter 14 please. No load-down of late-gamers.

4) I'm not restarting the BK fight. Ena/Nasir depends on if I win/lose.













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You guys are idiots.

This was our chance to give Snowy the good, "over-rated" units so he could see how good they actually are and you gave him a bunch of the bad ones he loves to defend so much.

Change the Mia to Stefan. And Shinon to Reyson.

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1) Mia

2) Rolf

3) Mist

4) Tormod

5) Devdan

6) Ike

7) Makelove

8) Reyson

9) Sothe

10) Tauroneo

11) Jill

12) Haar

You guys are idiots.

This was our chance to give Snowy the good, "over-rated" units so he could see how good they actually are and you gave him a bunch of the bad ones he loves to defend so much.

Change the Mia to Stefan. And Shinon to Reyson.

Only one thing per poster. I'll change Shinon to Reyson. Also, no one noticed that there was no 7)?

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You're posting that request now despite it being in my fourth sentence?

Edit: As of now the team is finalized. Ilyana will serve as my 13'th character on chapters that allow more than 12 units.

Finished the prologue! Ike leveled up in HP, STR, SPD, and DEF the first time! HP, STR, SKL, SPD, and RES the second time.

Edited by Snowy_One
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I can do a summery as just posting stats would be boring.

The prologue was cake, as I'm sure it is for everyone. Beat it in five turns. One turn to move closer to Boyd, one turn to attack him once, one to finish him, one to move close to Greil (used a Vulernary) who attacked me. I attacked next turn and then he went after me on the EP leaving me with 1 HP, but I beat him on the counter.

Edit: Chapter 1: This one was hard as I wasn't sure how to do this without getting anyone BUT Ike involved in the fighting (after trading vuleraries to him and equipping him with the Paladin Band). I felt certain that someone would attack either Boyd or Titania on turn two when one of the guys attacked Ike from behind leaving him in perfect range to strike at least one guy, so I equipped Titania's axe and used her to block him *didn't attack*. He didn't attack and went for Ike instead. Leveled up on turn 2 with HP, SKL, SPD, DEF, and RES again and got the robe on turn 4. Left Ike dangling out for the bandit to attack so he wouldn't go after Titania. Ge leveled up in HP, SPD, LCK, and RES that turn. Next turn got my first *bad* levelup of just DEF. STR, MAG, SPD, and RES afterwards and cleared the entire map. Had a nailbiter though when I forgot to factor in the bosses attack on turn 6. If he had his he would have died, but he missed. Cleared on turn 7.

Ike is level 7 now with stats of: HP: 23, STR: 8, MAG: 2, SKL: 8, SPD: 12, LCK: 7, DEF: 8, RES: 4.

Edit: Chapter 2: I honestly don't know what to do here. I can only use Ike. No Boyd, Oscar, or Rhys. NORMALLY that wouldn't be a problem, but NORMALLY I don't care if one of them gets attacked or not. I don't know how to make it so that none of them get attacked turn 1 and I can't intimidate foes away via Titania since she's not here. Ike MISSED killing twice by 2 HP which really blew! Thankfully the enemy didn't follow up and attack Boyd even though, on turn two, there was no way to make it so no-one but Ike was in range. I REALLY can't wait for Mia to show up to start to even things out a bit. Heck, I can't wait till I have access to the base so I don't have to deal with keeping these units out of combat. Ike leveled up with HP, SKL, LCK, and DEF on turn 2. One of the enemies actually tinked him... and he leveled up again with HP, STR, and SKL that EP. No enemies went after Boyd or Oscar. Turn 3 had Ike level his weapon rank up and only four enemies left. Turn five had Ike level up HP, SKL, SPD, and LCK as well as clear out all but one enemy and the boss. Turn six had him level-up with HP, STR, MAG, SKL, and SPD. Threw away the steel axe as well since few of my units on this team can even use axes. Enemy fled instead of attacking leaving Ike to kill and complete on turn 7 and level up HP and STR (another 'bad' level). Would have been so much faster with... well... ANYONE else helping me out except for maybe Rhys. Took so long that Mist is now pregnant with Rolf's kid.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Chapter 3: Oh God. This is going to be hard. Saving Private Marcia... I don't think it can be done. Ike will need to rush ASAP to get to her and I don't think it's possible to do it without having someone attack the other three... Wait. Marcia just crit-killed all the guys around her... And Ike Critted one of the guys on the side letting the group escape in that direction. I may just have a chance! Marcia saved on turn 3! Ike leveled up with HP, SKL, and SPD. He hasn't taken damage once this round either. He's dodged everything or tinked. Not even going to bother cleaning up the hand-axe throwers. Ike leveled up to 14 and got HP, SKL, LCK, DEF, and RES. Then he killed the boss and leveled up again with HP, STR, MAG, and SPD. Easy clear!

Chapter 4: Lotta lances. Standard woes about 'how the hell am I gonna do this without getting anyone else attacked'. Rhys and Soren are now band-mules until I get the convoy. Two enemies went after Shinon. First time someone other than Ike has been attacked. He didn't counter thankfully. Ike leveled up to 16 with HP, MAG, SPD, LCK, DEF, and RES. Then with HP, STR, SKL, SPD, and LCK. Turn 3 and Ike is already at the boss, but all the ranged units are getting in the way. Stuck Ike in a heal-hedge in the hopes of luring the enemy closer/working around them. It... didn't work as they elected to use vulnraries instead of attacking Ike. ARG! Even the boss fled to get healed instead of attacking. Turn 6 Ike leveled up to 19 with HP, STR, SKL, LCK, and DEF (I think. Phone went off as he leveled and distracted me). FINALLY killed him on turn 7! Damned potion added two turns to my count! Ike leveled up with HP SKL, SPD, LCK, and DEF and is now 19.

Chapter 5: Defense chapter... Where I can only use Ike... ****. Someone is going to get attacked other than Ike no matter how I play it here. Best bet is to shoot everyone off to the right and have Titania and Gatire form a wall to keep the squishies safe. Lured in archers via standing on the square, then moving forwards on the following turn to attack them. Ike hit 20 here with HP, STR, MAG, and SPD. Cleared it on turn 6 (of course). Couldn't afford to push forwards to fight the boss so... Yea.

Chapter 6: This should be a breeze after the previous ones. I can keep my team in the bushes while Ike murderates his way through the enemy. No need to worry about anything other than killing the boss ASAP... OH CRAP! THIS IS AN ESCAPE CHAPTER! EVERYONE HAS TO GET OUT! Cleared on turn 9 as a result of that... problem.

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