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NFL 2012-2013 Season


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Hey, it isn't like the Steelers meant to hurt anyone that badly.

Also, the Steelers and Raiders have always had a violent rivalry. You should've seen how many fights broke out in the last Steelers vs Raiders game I saw.

Lastly, the Raiders only won that game by luck. The Steelers would've won had they not gotten all those penalties and if they'd been able to use Polamalu, Harrison, and Mendenhall, three of their biggest weapons. Especially Polamalu, because as I said earlier, Carson Palmer knows he can't beat him.

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Matt Schaub, Texans QB, is the one who lost part of his ear. People are gonna get fiiiiined this week for the helmet to helmet collisions. I'm surprised the hit on Heyward-Bey didn't even get a flag; he was out cold for 11 minutes.

Also the entire Ravens/Pats game I kept telling my brother "this is what's gonna happen: Pats are gonna go down the field at the end and punt the ball, Ravens get it with less than 2 minutes left and go on a drive, stop short of the TD and have to kick the field goal...THEN MISS." That prediction was almost correct, as Tucker barely kicked it through the uprights (I thought he actually did miss it at first and was going to laugh so hard). But I was so happy to see the Pats lose because I don't like them.

Also can someone explain to me how the Cards are undefeated when they don't have an offense and their defense is middle of the pack at best.

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Because the Arizona defense is actually pretty good (I'd say top 5), not middle of the pack. They've only allowed more than 20 points twice in their past 12 games, dating back to last year. People often make the mistake of looking at offenses/defenses in terms of yards while points is probably the more important statistic.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Yeah it's the points that have kept them in games. They average only 13 points allowed this year. I guess I thought they were middle of the pack because of the yards allowed, as well as the fact that they don't look amazing on paper (not to say they look bad though; Dockett, Wilson, Rhodes, and Peterson (off the top of my head) are all pretty damn good at their position).

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Matt Schaub, Texans QB, is the one who lost part of his ear. People are gonna get fiiiiined this week for the helmet to helmet collisions. I'm surprised the hit on Heyward-Bey didn't even get a flag; he was out cold for 11 minutes.

Yeah, so am I, actually. I hadn't seen any Steelers make hits that hard since Clark's hit on McGahee a few years back during an AFC championship game between the Steelers and Ravens. I was disappointed in them and thought the one that hit Heyward-Bey should've been flagged.

These idiot replacement refs missed a couple calls or so that they should've made against the Raiders too though. The announcers even said this.

But how do you lose a piece of a body part in a football game? Was the edge of some guy's helmet so sharp that it sliced through Shaub's ear or something? o_O

This does remind me of that time last week where I saw one of the QBs play with his face bloodied up. Yeesh. I forget who it was though.

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Also, the Steelers and Raiders have always had a violent rivalry. You should've seen how many fights broke out in the last Steelers vs Raiders game I saw..

I was talking ravens pats, that was 7.5 minutes of ass whooping each other

I was pissed at that last kick because the first one was perfect but they called a timeout for some reason, probably to fuck with him. So I didn't care too much towards the end with that barely missed kick. Those last two minutes, when the ravens weren't charging, was filled to the brim with dumbshittery

Torrey smith is a hero btw, major props to him. I figured ravens would win at the 28-30 point btw, they must have been determined as fuck at that point given last year and Torrey's brother. I love flacco btw, he strikes me as that sort of dude who is lazy as fuck but can really throw a football when he needs to.

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These idiot replacement refs missed a couple calls or so that they should've made against the Raiders too though. The announcers even said this.

But how do you lose a piece of a body part in a football game? Was the edge of some guy's helmet so sharp that it sliced through Shaub's ear or something? o_O

This does remind me of that time last week where I saw one of the QBs play with his face bloodied up. Yeesh. I forget who it was though.

Yeah they've been costing teams games all season. I won't make excuses for the Lions, but I do know that before that horrible call on one of Megatron's catches the Lions were dominant; afterwards they lost momentum and the Titans went on a run. It's little things like that that end up changing games.

Yeah I think that's the first time I've seen that as well. All you can say is that guy hit Schaub's helmet with a LOT of force.

That was Alex Smith in the Lions/49ers game. That looked like some bad luck more than anything because the linebacker wasn't even trying to hit him with his helmet; his facemask just happened to hit Smith.

I was pissed at that last kick because the first one was perfect but they called a timeout for some reason, probably to fuck with him. So I didn't care too much towards the end with that barely missed kick. Those last two minutes, when the ravens weren't charging, was filled to the brim with dumbshittery

Torrey smith is a hero btw, major props to him. I figured ravens would win at the 28-30 point btw, they must have been determined as fuck at that point given last year and Torrey's brother. I love flacco btw, he strikes me as that sort of dude who is lazy as fuck but can really throw a football when he needs to.

Haha that's practically protocol. It's called "icing the kicker". Opposing team calls a timeout to try and get the kicker off his balance. It almost worked too. Ravens got saved by that pass interference call, though Jacoby Jones was gonna catch probably anyway. Throughout the middle of the game though the Pats looked like they were gonna walk away with a win.

Yeah that was a great win for Torrey and I was happy for the guy. I bet his brother is really proud of him too for his performance. Haha that's probably why my friend compares me to Flacco (other than looks); I don't look all that athletic but I've always been able to throw a ball when I need too haha.

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Yeah they've been costing teams games all season. I won't make excuses for the Lions, but I do know that before that horrible call on one of Megatron's catches the Lions were dominant; afterwards they lost momentum and the Titans went on a run. It's little things like that that end up changing games.

Yeah, that stupid call on Miller's PERFECT catch cost the Steelers as well. I completely agree.

Yeah I think that's the first time I've seen that as well. All you can say is that guy hit Schaub's helmet with a LOT of force.

I see. That makes sense.

That was Alex Smith in the Lions/49ers game. That looked like some bad luck more than anything because the linebacker wasn't even trying to hit him with his helmet; his facemask just happened to hit Smith.

Ah, yeah, it was the Niners' QB. And I see.

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The giants are looking good so far, but so is the rest of their division, so no playoff guarantees..... Always inconsistent, but they played more like the super-bowl winning team form February against the Panthers. I haven't been able to see many games though.

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On the topic of the horrible refs, they just handed the Seahawks a win. Packers OBVIOUSLY intercepted the pass, but they gave Floyd the TD and the Seahawks win. Wow. And they didn't even call the offensive pass interference. Wow. Just wow. All I can say is I'd hate to be a Packer fan.

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On the topic of the horrible refs, they just handed the Seahawks a win. Packers OBVIOUSLY intercepted the pass, but they gave Floyd the TD and the Seahawks win. Wow. And they didn't even call the offensive pass interference. Wow. Just wow. All I can say is I'd hate to be a Packer fan.

As a Packers fan, I hate being a Packers fan right now.

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I need to find a video or something of the actual catch...maybe there's a highlight reel for it now

EDIT: Thank you ESPN


You'll have to click the link but starting from 2:10 it shows the play in question.

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Hey, I believe you when you say it was a crap call. These refs made crap calls against the Steelers too, after all.

Still, all the legit penalties the Steelers raked in really cost them as well. They have a bye week this week, so they better use it to get their shit together.

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I know, right?

So much ridiculous crap went on, mostly because of these horrible refs. Pittsburgh losing a challenge they shouldn't have (the one that said Miller's perfect catch was incomplete), Baltimore fans chanting "BULLSHIT!" in the stands after some ref calls, Green Bay getting stripped of a victory they should've gotten...

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