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risingSolaris' Sprites


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Her nose is... uh, not great. It's too pointy, and it's just not really working... Her eyes need more darker bits at the top, her trim looks a little pillowy, and her shoulder seem misshapen due to some wacky shading. Hey body angle and face angle don't match up.

The hair is looking nice, though. did you splice it I can't tell

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Wahh he looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. The eyes are very small and beady right now, and have no light reflecting in them at all. It seems that he hardly has any eyebrows as well. Splice Rath's eyes maybe.

What else, his neck is thin, which is making him look very feminine, and his jaw is not well-defined. The nose is also quite long, making his face look kind of overly flat and tall. Body seems off somehow but I thikn the neck/head is what's throwing me off

I think a better reference for this might be old Hector, over Dayan, but it depends on the type of age you're going for I guess?


I messed with the face a little when I was trying to figure out what was wrong exactly...so uh...you can use that as a reference if you'd like, or not, it's not perfect either

But uhh yeah, as general advice, Im noticing that your proportions are often off (not to say mine are perfect or anything). You might want to study the game sprites more closely, or even take some reference from photos or real life.

Edited by Mewiyev
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Prinny's back is really pillowy... otherwise, not bad!

The nomad guy's left shoulder OPV is shaded funny. It's like dithering, which isn't really FE style. The same shoulder feels too high given his body angle, and too much of his arm is showing. See: uh... Rath, I guess?

His bandana eye thing isn't centred properly (intentional?)

His nose still looks really flat and round

Mouth looks much better

His irises are too small, and you're showing too much white

The way you've shaded his eyebrows and the nose makes it looks like he doesn't have a bridge

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Hmm...thanks Agro.


I do need more specifications on some stuff, such as the shoulder shading, the nose problems, and the eye problems (maybe?). I did still try to fix the nose and the eyes, though...

At least it seems like people like the prinnies. 'w'

Edited by risingSolaris
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Re the nose: on that angle the bridge of his nose would likely be sticking out and thus there would be a line in the middle of his face if you get what I mean. He's a man, and FEmen tend to have bigger noses than women and children.

Re the shoulder: here are some examples of FE shoulders on the same angle with a similar sort of material. Basically you need to use the shading to give the clothes some definition: are the clothes flat? Are they crinkly? Are they stiff? Loose? Baggy? The list goes on. Don't just... blob colours onto it. Well, that's kind of what it looks like, at least.

Re the eyes: They're looking kind of dead because they don't have the "shine" pixel that gives them "life". Here's what I'm talking about. See how the shine is actually situated on the top eyelid (although zoomed out it doesn't look like it)? You want to do something like that.

Eyebrows: What's going on with these? They seem a little confused. The darker areas seem fine, but then you get towards the centre of the face and they suddenly lose all definition and then slope downwards?

Little weird shading bit. - shading here is supposed to be used to define his cheekbones, but the shading comes out to meet his scar? That's a little odd.

Basically everything looks flat because his face has no depth definition. His cheekbones are weird, so they look flat, and his brow is nonexistant, so that looks flat, too. Also his mouth and eyes are misaligned a little bit. I also think that that green clashes with his bandanna a little too much.

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I tried doing that, but it didn't look very good >.<


(his far eye was misaligned with his mouth so I was just trying a few things)

red haired person: is this... a girl or a guy? I'm having a little trouble telling. I'm going to assume it's a girl because of the facial structure. There's a lot of good things, but... also a lot of things that need some work. Here's an edit:


What have I done here? firstly, all of the facial features were too far apart. The eyes were too high so they were lowered by 2 pixels. The eyebrows were brought down. The mouth was taken in a little bit. The nose was made a little bit more petite and more bridge was shaded inn.

I looked over your past sprites and the first thing I've noticed is that you sprite your eyes too lightly. You're allowed to be more liberal with the outline colour, because it adds a lot of definition to eyes. In this case I have used lots of it because it is a female and it emphasises the eyelashes (creating a more feminine look). For men, you're allowed to use less, although the line blurs in younger men. What I've done here isn't necessarily what you should do it probably isn't correct anyhow, but hopefully it will just give you an idea of the sort of direction you need to be heading with eyes :):

There's still a lot of issues pertaining to the face. There's a strand of hair coming out onto her face that obscures her earlobe. This really shouldn't be the case; that strand of hair looks as though it's curling around her ear but really it's on top of it.

Now the clothes. The collar--it looks like you can't decide on what you want for it. The front implies that it is a large collar that splays out from her neck, but then it doesn't come out at the back at all, so it looks small there. Which is it?

The cloar: that trim makes absolutely no sense. I can see that it's meant to be the trim on the edge of the cloak, but then it suddenly stops when it goes around her far shoulder. It should extend all the way past, like this. The shading is all off but that's kind of out of my league for critique.

And finally, the armour. I don't understand what you're trying to do with that shoulderpad. Is it brown, with a gold trim? It looks like it, but it hasn't been done right. The lightest shade of armour is the same as the darkest shade of the trim, effectively making the armour look like it has a brown ring in it. In fact, I don't see why you haven't used another colour for the armour: you seem to only have 12 colours, so why use the skin tone for the armour? It's just not working, to be honest.

That's all I've got for now. The old guy is... bluh. His far eye is too high. His spaulders look like they're mirror images of each other, thus making him look like he's facing frontways, but he's not.

Edited by Agro
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In regards to icfKxrWKMZe8q.png

His eyes are way too far apart, to the point where his right eye is practically melting off his face, and I feel like his eyebrows are too high and too thin. Generally I think you put a young person's eyes on an old person's face and he's really uncanny valley. I don't know what kind of hairstyle you're going for but if it's slicked back hair he has almost no forehead. I'm a complete novice so I can't really comment on how to make the shading better but even with my untrained eyes the cloth shading is particularly sloppy and the light source is inconsistent on the shoulderpads with strange little spotlight areas.

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