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FE4 Hard Mode

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Well, I finished it and overall I enjoyed it. Like I said earlier you added a lot of the things I thought shouldn't been in the original which I really enjoyed. The game was hard too but reasonable. Those 12 guards around Julius kicked my trash too. Once again I thought it was great.

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Thanks for the praise, makes me want to continue working on my revised version.

~Increased character growth since I can't stand level ups where nothing increases.

~Enemy growths increased to compensate for the above.

~Some "Super Hard" enemies that would receive boosts just too damn big from the increased growth like Gandolf, Shagarl, Elthshan's Cross Knights, etc. have had their level lowered a bit.

~Minor class and weapon changes, nothing drastic.

~Charisma removed from a lot of characters and classes. Only Lachesis and her children have it now.

~Enemies with hero weapons are less abundant (But still exist).

~Hero weapons cost has gone up considerably.

~Claude has the life skill (Credit of the patch Hanhnn linked, I loved the idea of it, so I used it).

~Zeus (Final arena enemy) has been buffed considerably, now he's sort of like a "final challenge" that only the best characters have any hope of defeating (Lakche died to him if that gives you an idea). I said I didn't do the 2nd generation yet, but I had a final chapter save and the change took about 5 minutes, so I did it quick (Also this caused a graphical glitch, read below)

~Arden and Alec swapped Ambush and Awareness. I did this to make Arden a more viable tank, and a consideration for a father as he is the only one (save Diadora who is fixed) with the skill.

~Some new icon graphics since FE4s graphics for them are fugly (I know it has nothing to do with game play, but it annoyed me).

Things I will not be changing...

~Arena enemy difficulty. Gold was far too easy to come by normally, I wanted to make you think about what weapons you use instead of just using nothing except your strongest with no issues.

~Special guest appearance in chapter nine. It's sort of a gimmick at this point.

~Important boss stats/skills, except possibly Blume since he's a huge pain if you didn't pair Levin and Tiltyu.

Generation two will likely have plenty of changes as well.

So far...

~I have re-evaluated the substitute characters and made them much better (Total 300% growth), they will still be inferior to children characters due to lack of holy blood (Except Linda and Amid) and a small skill-set (If any).

~Johan/Johalva have been buffed to a degree. While not on the level of children characters, they will be better then the substitutes, so they are now an "in-between" sort of deal.

~Hannibal is significantly stronger and worthy of his title, to offset his new strength, he still suffers from limited movement.

~Started another fresh file with all my changes applied. I am a little over half done with chapter 1 and I must say it has come out great. It's a fair difficulty, but doesn't require save stat abuse. I have been playing it like the normal game (Being able to save only at the beginning of a turn).

I shall begin on doing a play through soon to evaluate enemy difficulty and adjust accordingly. As for the stated glitch caused my the arena enemy change...

The glitch incorrectly displays the enemy army name (Where it would show the character lover on playable units) and when is says "<Army> Phase" and it will appear glitchy, this is due to the fact I made the final arena enemy holy (So that he could have skills) and it must of interfered with some sort of army display data. This in no way effects game play (As far as I can tell) and is only graphical.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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I actually wanted this, but the skills you can assign to weapons is actually limited unlike Fire Emblem 5, if you know of a way to get all the skills together then please inform me, it was really bugging me. Weapon/Item skills are limited to...










Canto/Repeated Movement/Remove/etc.

And a bunch of other empty spaces (I believe room for 6 more)

In my next release only Emperor, Queen, and Dark Prince have it. I gave it to priests because I was not able to give them prayer due to the same reason as assigning weapon skills (If I was capable I would of done Prayer without hesitation) Class skills are limited to...





Great Shield


Canto/Repeated movement/Remove/Whatever



Dismount (Celice)

And a bunch of other empty spaces (Again, 6 of them)

That is beyond me sadly. well technically I *could* do it, but it would take a lot of time and work I'm too lazy to do just to give a few bosses proper holy blood and a few skills.

Yeah the site won't let me upload it, send me your e-mail in a PM or something.

Which skill do you want to unlock for class and weapon? I can unlock those for you.

If you want only few generic enemies become holy enemies you can move data and change their pointer manually, it's pretty easy. ASM only, no NMM.

You can upload the file after zipping it.

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Which skill do you want to unlock for class and weapon? I can unlock those for you.

If you want only few generic enemies become holy enemies you can move data and change their pointer manually, it's pretty easy. ASM only, no NMM.

You can upload the file after zipping it.

I'll continue this discussion in a PM since it's sort of evolved in to ROM editing/hacking. This will be for patch info/discussion.

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  • 1 month later...

I am on the last chapter. Thanks for your work on this mod. Some of the things I like are:

-Cross Knights battle in Ch 3

-special guest appearance in Ch 9

-the difficulty

-changes to Skasaha and the axe brothers

Some changes I would like to see which you have not mentioned are:

-The Ch 2 fight against Elliot. Although on my first run Lachesis dodged all but one Volcanon, I recently started a second run in which she simply would not dodge. I would prefer to see a nerf to Elliot and his support since there is literally nothing the player can do in the first three turns to guarantee Lachesis' and her Paladins’ protection besides RNG abuse. Perhaps a buff can be given to some of the later enemies in the level to compensate.

-The Ch 7 fight against Ishtor. The ballistae have 15 range but have 10 displayed range, which means that I have to get in range of not only the ballistae but also several of the supporting enemies, many of whom have things like Bolting. Perhaps you might want to reduce the range to 10, and increase the might accordingly. Additionally, I was annoyed by the fact that Ishtor had both Bolting and Continue. Given that fewer Charisma users are planned, I am not sure how future versions of this fight will look.

-In Ch 3, right after the Cross Knights battle, there is a team of Generals guarding Shagall. Fights like these are kind of boring; because Generals are so durable, you pretty much have to bait, attack, pull back, and repeat, which takes a while.

Edited by shaymin
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I've been working somewhat of a hack of my own. A lot of it is pretty much the same as normal FE4 but I took the liberties with certain characters I thought should have been more impressive. King Trabant in chapter 9 for example is a whole hell of a lot harder than his original FE4 counterpart. Somethings in my hack are harder but others are easier.

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  • 8 months later...

Im sorry for reviving this thread but something happened to me when i was playing this hack and I dont know if its a bug/intentional or wtf is happening.

So basically my pairings are fucked up. I just recruited ayra in chap 1 and I noticed that azel, noish AND cuan are in love with ethlyn. aideen already loves midir and he loves her back and.... ARDAN IS IN LOVE WITH SIGURD?? lol.

I suspect this to be a bug(maybe the ardan one was not). I had some cheat codes on so i deactivated them. azel no longer loves ethlyn. noish and cuan still do, help please

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