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Quote's Splices


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I don't have much of a background as far as spiting goes. I've done very little spriting in the past, but I decided to try splicing. Anyhow, I've decided to share what I've done so far. Critique away.


This one was my first attempt, I tried customing the shoulder on the left, which didn't turn out so hot. The chest place also seems out of place. I think I'm just terrible with the body portion of the sprites in general.





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Green Haired Girl doesn't have round pupils. Her eyes are also very large and the far one's at the wrong angle. Th last one could use some more shading under her hair (not pillowing). Your first three faces look oddly proportioned.

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Second's face looks too narrow considering (s)he's looking directly at us. Left side eye (OPV) is angles too far up, (they were probably spliced from a sprite that was not looking directly at us). <-That even more for the third.

Check out Malko's basic splicing tutorial for what I meant on the hair: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25963

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I'm not 100% sure I did what you suggested on the eyes for the first one, but I did play with things a bit. Here's two edited versions. I'm thinking the second is better, but I figured I'd just post both


Is it any improved?

For the green haired girl, I opted to just change her eyes. Are they positioned correctly this time?


I'll try to fix the shading under the hair in a little bit, thanks for the link.

Also I noticed that the image host I'm using is taking away from the quality of the images so I'll re upload later.

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For the green haired girl, I opted to just change her eyes. Are they positioned correctly this time?


I'll try to fix the shading under the hair in a little bit, thanks for the link.

They are not. But they will be easier to move.

You should move the right eye by one pixel to the right and after that. Select both eyes to move them down by one pixel.

Another thing I can notice is that she hase many differents skin colours on her face. like 2- 3 4th skin colour. Two 2nd ...

Also I think her Neck could be a bit more large.

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I'm not 100% sure I did what you suggested on the eyes for the first one, but I did play with things a bit. Here's two edited versions. I'm thinking the second is better, but I figured I'd just post both


Is it any improved?

Not really. The eyes are not centered and completely disproportional. You need to position the eyes in a way that allows them to look even on the head. Not to mention the right (our left) pupil is shaded differently from the left, which makes it look like there are two different eyes.

For the green haired girl, I opted to just change her eyes. Are they positioned correctly this time?


I'll try to fix the shading under the hair in a little bit, thanks for the link.

Also I noticed that the image host I'm using is taking away from the quality of the images so I'll re upload later.

I put comments in bold for the first one. As for the second:

The left (our right) eye looks fine, but the right eye looks wonky to me. Did you use two different eyes? Try fixing the eyebrow on the right eye. It's perfectly straight, which eyebrows don't do.

As for other problems with this sprite:

The neck is very thin and long--she can't support her poor head like that. Try lowering the head a pixel, and widen the neck by a few. The back of the neck should be one to two pixels in from the ear (which doesn't exist on this face, by the way).

Don't use the outline color for jaw shading. Use the fifth skin tone.

You have way too many colors. There's about three different people's skin tones, and I noticed three outline colors.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I'll get to fixing what you mentioned pretty soon. I'm a little embarrassed I didn't notice that the sprite had too many colors. I'm guessing a few came from the eyes since I didn't check to see if they had different skin colors when I swapped them. If not, well I don't know what to say. I used eyes from the same character.

I got a little side tracked because I wanted to make an entry for the splice competition, in the end I decided I customized it a bit too much. I figured I'd just post it here instead. Did I get the eyes right on this one? Haha.

I found out it wasn't the image host, if you right click and hit view image it looks fine.


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I started by fixing the eyes for you... and then I went overboard.


I felt like you got discouraged, and I saw so much potential in your mug. I am sorry if I did too much, but I guess I just wanted to show you that your mug inspired me.


Please, keep spriting. All you have to do is look closely at mugs, and learn from the differences between the originals, and your own. I also encourage the use of FE8 colors, and feel free to PM me for pointers.

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That looks nothing remotely like his mug. If you're hankering to sprite so much, post it in your own gallery. It's considered rude to just up and revamp others' work without prior notice.

I'd probably also like to point out that you've possibly made the mug worse with your reshading. The original mug was very functional and had fewer shading inconsistencies save for the hair and face (which both mugs both fall short of, regardless).

Also, I'd like to openly condemn your encouragement of FE8 colors simply for the fact that using FE6/7 palettes provides for a better foundation and basis for palette/color theory. You learn to use different hues for contrast more than simply abusing saturation and bright, poppy colors, not to mention FE8 is sorely lacking in variable skin tones.

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