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Hi everyone; after getting extremely pumped (yet again) for Awakening's semi-recently announced I decided it'd be nice to finally make an account on here.

I'm not too much of a lurker here, but I always come here for the official art and have browsed around the forums from time to time, and the community seems nice.

So, this is my time to talk about myself, right..? Hmm, well as you may have noticed from my name and avatar, I love Sariya from Awakening. I love her design, her personality, and the fact that she's a Dark Mage (aka Shaman), one of my favorite classes, after having gone without them for a few games now, I was instantly a fan. I'm a huge Fire Emblem fanboy, with Blazing Sword being my first game within the series. Ever since then, I've always loved the series and I was psyched when I heard Awakening would be an original installment after getting those two remakes.

Fire Emblem stuff aside, I love video games all around. My favorite developers would have to be Nintendo, Kojima Productions, VanillaWare, Platinum Games/Clover Studios, Atlus (Persona Team), SNK Playmore, and maybe a couple others I can't remember atm.

I also read some manga here and there, with One Piece, Soul Eater, and DOGS Bullets & Carnage being my favorites.

My favorite anime would have to be a tie between Gurren Lagann (real original, I know) and Bakemonogatari. I love both Gainax/Trigger and Shaft anime.

Hmm, I think that about sums it up for me. I hope to make some awesome friends here and I look forward to spending time nerding out about Fire Emblem, haha.

Nice to meet you all! : )

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