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Map insertion issue


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I have been having issues inserting a map with the towns and docks tile set. The Object Set i am using is Towns & Docks(0x10), The palette is Town: Ship & stone road unusable (0xB7), and the tile configuration is Towns & Docks(0x12). So the tile set is 1000B712. When I try to export I get an error message.

When I export the map I get a message saying "I have used over 1024 block structures, only use this .MAR with FMP1.0 compatible editors/libraries"

When I open up the game the map is scrambled and i cant alter anything in nightmare to fix it. Any ide what the issue is?

The BMP of the map is posted below its dimensions are 20x15.

Thanks for any help.

Chapter 1scrn.BMP

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Mappy adds more tiles to the tileset if you try copy/pasting. You can try fixing it by removing the tiles you added, but if that doesn't fix it you'll have to start over. You won't have this problem if you use Tiled and you can make tile changes in it as well.

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