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How did your journy end?

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Basically what was your ending for your characters by the end of the game, how many paired endings did you go for and did anyone get left out in favor of others? Did anyone die? Who were your Star Players? Basically what was you canon.

Here's how I ended things, poor Rennac....

Eirika Route

Paired - 14 Pairs... Somehow

Eirika(A Forde, B Ephraim) - Forde(A Eirika, B Kyle)

- Eirika wanted Seth but he couldn't resist the Nun from Grado they had encountered during the war. Forde felt bad for the heartbroken Princess so he painted her a nice picture for her and she considered it a marriage proposal. A misunderstanding but Forde didn't really try all that hard to correct her. Initially this caused chaos, since Forde wasn't royalty or a noble, but Eirika refused to bend to the will of others any longer. Ephraim was troubled over how assertive his beloved sister had become but when he saw how happy Forde made her he supported their union.

Years later they would bear a child and since Ephraim never married nor had a child of his own her child would become the Heir Apparent destined for the throne one day. Naturally this caused turmoil within the Kingdom but Ephraim quickly came to the aid of his beloved sister. The people eventually learned to accept this for none dared to challenge their King. Eirika's son would grow strong and virtuous thanks to the teachings of Ephraim and Duessel, he would also befriend the children of the other heroes.

When they left on a journey to a continent engulfed in war he chose to stay out of duty. However Duessel, on his deathbed, would ask the child to go after the foolhardy children for great danger awaited them. He was unmoved which earned him much praise though he eventually relented when his parents and Ephraim encouraged him to not worry about the Kingdom since it would still be here when he returned.

With that he would go after the other children, though not alone. He would travel with the son of Innes whom was his childhood rival, though the rivalry was forced upon him. To ensure his safety the son of Seth was also sent to act as his bodyguard, he didn't mind since he got along well with the aspiring Holy Knight despite being a few years younger.

Ephraim(A Myrrh, B Eirika) - Myrrh(A Ephraim, B Saleh)

- L'Arachel was cute but Ephraim couldn't resist Myrrh when she started calling him Big Brother. It reminded Ephraim of Eirika and sisters were always his weakness... Myrrh though was clueless to Ephraim's sister complex and despaired when he forgot to produce an heir since he was dedicated to his world and his sisters. Luckily Eirika came through with the help of Forde even if he was not Royalty himself. This would cause a minor rebellion but it was short lived since none desired to face Ephraim in battle when he went to defend his beloved Sister's honor. There after Ephraim would rule as King when he wasn't visiting Myrrh and his people prospered.

Seth(A Natasha, B Franz) - Natasha(A Seth, B Knoll)

- When Seth heard that Natasha was pure, dedicated, and a Nun he had no choice but to see to her well being as he was a Knight! Though he secretly desired Eirika he soon fell for the Natasha and swore to make her happy when she initially refused his advances. Natasha told him that should he fail upon this great undertaking than he risked garnering the wrath of the Gods. Seth was ever faithful. When they had a child it would be a son who dedicated himself to the Kingdom and to the church.

Unlike the other children he was a few years older and spent his time honing his skills instead of being a child like them. So when they went on a journey he didn't see the need to follow suit. However, when the Prince was tasked with going after the children and to asses the war that had broken out on a far off continent he was ordered to guard the Prince. Naturally he accepted such a task as it was his duty as a Holy Knight.

Tana(A Cormag, B Innes) - Cormag(A Tana, B Duessel)

- Tana was tired of her brother belittling her abilities, so she made a bet with him without Cormag's knowledge. Cormag would be pestered by Tana and when he eventually ran away she hounded him down until he agreed to serve her. Later Cormag would learn that Tana desired more than just a loyal vassal, she wanted an obedient husband that could kick her brother's ass and keep her warm at night.

Poor Cormag couldn't refuse her since he swore to serve her fully upon his dead brothers name when Tana didn't believe his oath was sincere enough. Years later they would have a child though their child was much younger than the others thus when they went on a journey their child remained in Frelia despite the temper tantrums that were thrown.

Innes(A Vanessa, B Tana) - Vanessa(A Innes, B Lute)

- Innes knew he was hot stuff, it was like he was born sexy. There's no denying this fact, Vanessa didn't help matters since she constantly spied on Innes as they grew up and found any excuse possible to spend time with him. When the war was over Innes decided that he was to be King now, it was his birthright, and he would require a Queen.

Instead of royalty Innes decided upon Vanessa whom he knew loved him and was utterly dedicated to his sexiness thus she would never stray. Vanessa cared not, she couldn't deny that this is what she desired and soon enough she gave birth to the most sexy baby in the world. At least that's what Innes said and mandated that history would be recorded as such. None dared to oppose the newly crowned King.

Eventually their son matured and after years grooming he was the a splitting image of his father in both looks and personality. However, he would grow to love the Pegasi as his mother did and learned to master the art of archery upon the back of a Pegasi, an ability none other could claim since Pegasi were dreadfully fearful of bows and arrows. This would bring about a revolution when the young prodigy wrote a book on how he was able to teach the Pegasi to overcome their own instincts to create such a formidable combatant. This was, of course, kept a Frelian secret to ensure air superiority and to keep the greatest greatest strength and weakness to their force out of the hands that would threaten Frelia.

Word of his exploits spread far and the son of Eirika attempted to congratulate him when they were properly introduced during a ball. Instead the boy scolded the Prince whom he saw as his equal and his rival. This rivalry would grow and when the Prince left to go to a war torn continent the prodigy insisted that he accompany him, a war was a perfect chance to see who was the better man once and for all! Innes, of course, encouraged this.

Joshua(A Marisa, B Artur) - Marisa(A Joshuaa, B Colm)

-Joshua returned as the Tempest King, his sudden appearance wasn't warmly welcomed by all. Many thought that they could capitalize on the turmoil and oust Joshua before he could establish his rule. However, none expected Joshua to return with the highly skilled Marisa who was well known within the continent. Some still tried to pursue their desires of becoming Kings and Queens but they would all meet a swift end by Marisa's blade as Joshua decreed. When things finally died down Joshua became restless and constantly engaged Marisa in games of chance yet he never once won.

One day Joshua casually wagered his Kingdom in exchange for Marisa's hand in marriage not expecting she would take him seriously. Much to his surprise Marisa was not only dead serious but accepted such a wager with pause. Naturally she she won as she always did. When Joshua moved to abdicate the throne to her as was promised she stopped him and instead accepted his proposal. After all, whether she rules alone or at Joshua's side the Kingdom was still hers thus Joshua would still be fulfilling his part of the wager. Joshua of course wasn't really serious about all this but accepted that when it came to Marisa she was ever the winner and they were soon wed. With Marisa as his wife life was never boring that was for sure.

L'Arachel(A Dozla, B Rennac) - Dozla(A L'Arachel, B Rennac)

-L'Arachel was just as wild and free spirited as ever and with Dozla's encouragements she constantly went on journey's to right wrongs and to aid the innocent! One day Dozla ran into a rather handsome fellow who was pure of heart, immediately Dozla knew that he had found the one for L'Arachel. L'Arachel wasn't convinced and insisted that her would be betrothed complete a number of "Holy" Tasks and embark upon a dangerous journey, with little chance of success, before she would accept his hand in marriage.

Dozla wasn't to be deterred and when the man needed help most he came to his aid! However, L'Arachel was secretly taken in by this mans purity and knew that Dozla had aided him on his Quest. Instead of being angered she accepted the man as her betrothed since a man that could touch both Dozla and her heart so deeply was indeed worthy of being King. The man though insisted that he earn this right but L'Arachel refused to allow him to be placed in anymore danger! Eventually they wed with Dozla's outburst being remembered more so than the wedding itself.

Artur(A Lute, B Joshua) - Lute(A Artur, B Vanessa)

-Artur fascinated Lute and she continued her Monk watching, though he tried to convince her that he was a Bishop now. Lute studied hard since the life of a wife was something she knew not of, she constantly visited Vanessa for advice since she seemed to be doing something right with Innes. Eventually they had a child and as Artur worked ever harder at his duties Lute would attempt to retire to observe their child's baffling antics.

This wouldn't go as planned since many had learned of the gifted magician that was good friends with the Queen or Frelia, Vanessa. Lute though didn't mind showing her genius to strangers though she failed to understand that they desired to learn from her. As for their child, she bonded well with the other children but chose to remain in Frelia to further he studies than on a journey with them. Simply put she preferred learning to fighting, they understood and didn't press her any further.

Saleh(A Ewan, B Myrrh) - Ewan(A Saleh, B Tethys)

-Saleh would pour his knowledge into Ewan until there was nothing left to teach. Ewan though desired not to leave his Master so soon and instead determined that they could still learn from each other as equals. Saleh agreed and eventually the two would leave for a journey to further their knowledge. Though they would return constantly to visit Myrrh and Tethys even if Saleh didn't approve all the alone time Myrrh was spending with Ephraim. It seemed unhealthy... Eventually Salen accepted this even though it unnerved him. Ewan saw no issues with this at all and focused on his studies. One day though Tethys, Gerik, and four children would arrive as Ewan prepared to go on a journey all on his own without Saleh.

Seems a war was brewing in another continent and such an opportunity was something Ewan couldn't pass up on. Whatever the case the Gerik and Tethys explained to Ewan why the children were here and felt that since they were headed in the same direction that it would be safer if they traveled with Ewan as their mentor and guide. Ewan was overcome with joy that they would place such faith in his abilities and took the children in as his wards. Soon enough they set out for the war embolden continent though Ewan was unaware on what awaited him or how high dangerous it would be to travel with such talented youths yearning to live up to their parents legacies...

Garcia(A Ross, B Gilliam) - Ross(A Garcia, B Gerik)

-The two would return to their village to pay their respects to the fallen. After the village was rebuilt Garcia trained Ross every chance he could until he became a fine warrior in his own right. Due to the purity in his desires and a very well toned body Ross garnered the attention of all the village girls. Though none could hold his attention except for a certain tomboy who, he Father assured, was like how his mother was like when she was younger.

Still, no matter what Ross did she failed to notice him. Eventually Garcia told Ross to stop trying to win her heart as if she's a weak girl but to treat her as a warrior and an equal. Ross took this to heart and challenge the girl in honorable battle, she accepted and when the dust settled Ross had her pinned and she acknowledged that he was worthy of her hand after all.

Eventually they grew to love each other as husband and wife after their marriage even if Ross tended to get on her nerves. Soon after she bore him a child who would one day surpass his parents and grandparents in strengths, skill, and renown. This child desired greatly to prove himself and word spread of war he convinced some of his friends to head to this strange continent. After all, they had the ability to make a difference and word of the suffering inflicted upon the innocent was something they couldn't ignore! Naturally he elected himself as leader.

Syrene(A Kyle, B Moulder) - Kyle(A Syrene, B Forde)

-Syrene and Kyle were ever diligent in their duties but constantly thought of each other. Though they denied that they were troubled their friends and family could see the love between them and persuaded them to eventually retire. Kyle went a step further and moved to Frelia since he knew that Syrene had family there and her bond with the Pegasi was too great to discard. Syrene was ever thankful and though she was retired many young and aspiring riders would come to her for advice. Kyle on the other hand took up a hobby in carving, though he refused to sell any of his carvings as they were gifts to Syrene.

Colm(A Neimi, B Marisa) - Neimi(A Colm, B Amelia)

Colm was offered a job to be a spy from numerous Kingdoms and organizations however he refused each and every one of them. For Colm feared that such a life would only serve to endanger Neimi and bring tears to her eyes. Neimi was ever grateful that Colm would choose to forgo such fortunes to be with her, the two than returned to their rebuilt village. They would have to children, a son and daughter who took off their father's nature but were also blessed with their mother's archery skills.

This brought much joy to Neimi though Colm questioned how such a nimble children could handle a bow so skillfully. Regardless children would grow to be quite skilled if a bit arrogant. Eventually they would go on a journey of own at the insistence of her friend, the child of Ross. Colm didn't enjoy the thought of his daughter running off with such a brash lad or the looks his son flashed Amelia's daughter but Neimi refused to let him go spy on their children.... Alone.

Franz(A Amelia, B Seth) - Amelia(A Franz, B Neimi)

First rivals and later lovers. Amelia would leave Grado to become a knight in service alongside Franz, however when they were wed she retired her commission and focused on learning to be a proper wife for Franz. Of course Franz protested that he didn't desire for her to feel the needed to give up her dreams for his sake but Amelia assured Franz that he had already made her dreams come true.

She revealed that she was pregnant and that her greatest desire was to have a family. When Franz heard the news he nearly fainted and Amelia had to drag him home, Franz apologized for his overreaction but Amelia didn't mind. With time they had a daughter whom was their pride and joy. Amelia, being good friends with Neimi, would constantly visit her friend and set up play dates with their daughters.

This fostered a strong friendship ad a fierce rivalry between the two girls as well as much teasing from Neimi's son. Franz desired to teach the boy a lesson but Amelia convinced him that they were just kids and that he was only mean because he had a crush on their daughter. At first Franz was fine with this but soon had nightmares of his daughter leaving him for that boy. Than he met the child of Ross in person and he started to fear "that" boy would steal his daughter away as well! Sure enough his daughter would go on a journey with the other children much to his horror but Amelia was able to convince him to remain to his duties, leave the spying to the experts! Franz was reluctant but he couldn't win against Amelia, though he swore that if those boys touched his daughter he would...

Gerik(A Tethys, B Ross) - Tethys(A Gerik, B Ewan)

Gerik would retire and train the city youths while he beloved Tethys would dance upon many a stage. They would visit Ross and Ewan from time to time but would always return home. When Ewan went on a journey with Saleh it took much effort from Gerik to calm his worried wife down. As time passed they Ewan would return as a man which brought tears to Tethys' eyes and pride to swell in Geriks' chest.

Though Ewan had to leave once more they wished him the best of luck for the future, life would than return to normal and it was great. Marisa would pop in every once and one day would reveal that Joshua had asked for her hand in marriage. This was shocking to them though they weren't prepared when they learned that Marisa not only one the bet but accepted his proposal anyway. That pretty much meant that Marisa was royalty now!

Marisa didn't see it as such, instead this was just another trial to improve her swordwomanship. Tethys' tried to explain what marriage really was but Marisa was oblivious, nonetheless they were happy for her and attended her wedding. When they returned Tethys demanded to know why the weren't wed yet, Gerik didn't think such a ceremony was needed but when she grew coarse he relented. At this time they received visitors, it was the child of Ross who was with 3 other children. Turns out they wanted Gerik's advice and aid before going on a journey to another continent, with that their marriage was put on hold for the time being.

Singles - 4

Duessel(A Knoll, B Cormag)

-Duessel would spend his last remaining years in rebuilding Grado. Ephraim and Cormag constantly came to him for advice and training as did many others throughout the continent. All were welcome if they were willing to listen. Thus his last remaining years were spent in happiness and that so many would be touched by his vast knowledge. Though before he could die he was asked to visit and embark his wisdom to the children of the next generation.

This was not an issue with Duessel though he wished they would have heeded his advice on not going on foolhardy adventures of their own. Naturally they did just that and as Duessel lay in his death bed he asked for star prodigy, the son of Eirika and Forde, to go after the brash children since they haven't taken to heart yet that war is not a place to prove ones talents and is a grim affiar.

Knoll(A Duessel, B Natasha)

-After the war Knoll vanished and none heard of him again. Though when word of war on another continent broke out a rumor began to spread that a man cloaked man veiled by shadows was fighting for neither side and only aided the weak.

Moulder(A Gilliam, B Syrene)

-Moulder would continue to serve Frelia well and was greatly revered by the people. He would spend his remaining years in happiness and his last act was to embark wisdom to the child of Innes. His death greatly effected Innes and all of Frelia, even the spoiled Prince despaired at the passing of such a great man. To honor his memory Innes had a holiday dedicated to Moulder, it was the least he could do for all that he had done for Frelia.

Gilliam(A Moulder, B Garcia)

-Gilliam remained in service of Frelia and garnered the affections and admiration of all recruits that he would come across. Though he would be greatly tested when he was tasked with training the child of Innes, a Prince! The child was spoiled, highly talented, arrogant, and extremely hard to put up with.

However Gilliam refused to relent and with much effort he was able to embark much needed survival skills and knowledge into the Prince before he was tasked he decided to embark on a journey with his rival. Gilliam felt that he still had much to teach the Prince but the Prince reminded him that he had taught him well and that it's only right that the student honor the master by putting the skills he was taught to good use. With that Gilliam relented and didn't worry for his student who would surely return one day.

The Abandoned - Rennac Tier

Rennac(B L'Arachel, B Dozla)

-Rennac would continue to serve the spunky L'Arachal. Despite his protest he never really tried to escape her clutches even after she was wed. Rennac though would soon learn that his ties to L'Arachel would be much closer than he would like when she introduced him to her cousin, though L'Arachel failed to mention the cousin part. Needless to say Rennac fell deeply in love with her and when they were an item he learned that she was the cousin of L'Arachel. Naturally he panicked and even considered running away but when he gazed into her eyes one last time he knew that he couldn't leave her for his love for her surpassed his fear of L'Arachel and they were wed. As when L'Arachel was wed Dozla made a huge scene at this wedding as well much to Rennac's dismay.


The Sacred Twin Wielders!

Eirika - Great Lord - Wielder of Sieglinde! - She's the Queen!

Ephraim - Great Lord - Wielder of Siegmund! - King! Though he doesn't get hitched with a somebody but at least he still has his loli Dragon girl!

Innes - Sniper - Wielder of Nidhogg! - Is a pimp, knew Vanessa was examining his fine ass for years.

Tana - FalcoKnight(I know that isn't optimal but it fits the riders better since they always talk about the Pegasi!) - Wielder of Vidofnir! - She was actually quite blessed.

Joshua - Swordmaster - Wielder of Audhulma! - It's hard for him to be bad and he joined so early...

Saleh - Sage - Wielder of Excalibur! - Ewan may be far better but Saleh is the Master still! So he gets dibs.

L'Arachel - Valkyrie - Wielder of Ivaldi! - It's only natural.

Natasha - Bishop - Wielder of Latona! - Had no one else and she was the most RNG blessed out of the other Bishops.

Duessel - Great Knight - Wielder of Garm! - Represent Grado!

Knoll - Summoner(It's fun) - Wielder of Gleipnir! - No one else was left so....

Everyone Else!

Myrrh - Manakete - Dragon Stone too strong, breaks too fast though.

Seth - Paladin - A God amongst Men.

Tethys - Dancer - No complaints, she makes Gerik the man he is!

Moulder - Bishop - It was only natural, though Natasha and Artur surpassed hm easily for some reason.

Artur - Bishop - Became a Benevolent Slayer of Dooooom~!

Amelia - General - Was a good idea at the time, sadly Gilliam ended up the better General.

Ewan - Sage - The Pupil surpasses the Master by miles!

Ross - Warrior - Maybe I should have went Berserker... He capped Strength so early but his Speed suffered greatly.

Cormag - Wyvern lord - So damn sexy. If Tana wasn't royalty and your new Master you would be using a Sacred Twin!

Syrene - FalcoKnight - Joins so late so it doesn't matter... At least she can make babies with Kyle.

Gilliam - General - Mister refuses to take any Damage at all.

Marisa - Swordmaster - To be Joshua's equal.

Vanessa - FalcoKnight - She had to fit in! The urge to make her go Wyvern Knight was great but I resisted!

Kyle - Paladin - Not bad but he was no Forde.

Lute - Mage Knight - Sage gave her long hair, I didn't like that so Mage Knight was the only choice.

Forde - Great Knight - He gets to be different since he's Eirika's favorite and was RNG blessed by the Gods.

Colm - Assassin - Thought Rennac would make a better Rogue, I was wrong.

Gerik - Hero - If he wasn't a filthy Merc he would be using a Sacred Twin... Dirty sexy merc with RNG blessings.

Franz - Paladin - He was no Blessed...

Dozla - Berserker - Never used him all that much...

Rennac - Rogue - Why did you fail me?!

Neimi - Ranger - So she's different from Innes and I adore the + Movement and the ability to run over and hit things with her sword.

Garcia - Warrior - Had to set an example for Ross.

Edited by Fanfaire
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