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SgtSmilies' Sprite Thread


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Sprites and whatnot.

I recently started doing full customs, and after a complete abomination, I came up with this:


I can still see some problems, especially the hair, the breastplate, and the armor trim, but I'm not entirely sure how to fix it. Critique?

I also made this a while ago, but my most recent sprite sheet isn't in a place I can get it. I'll post it when I can.


The concept is a trainee sort of thing, but for adults not trained in combat.

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(Not sure if was seriously full custom, but) Reference this guy:


You can pretty much 1:1 compare the armor shading, the jawline, and collar shape (draw the fixes, don't copy/paste). That should get you started enough to tweak the hair. gl~

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Although I'm all for creativity, I must say, one should splice before they custom. Unless they're whack or already semi-talented artists IRL. Nonetheless, it's amiable that you had the courage to start with customs. Just apply RL drawing technique to it, and you should be up there in no time! Do continue, I'd like to see what you can do in the future!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah. I can see that. I'm sprucing it up ATM.

Also, about the Asymmetrical Armor, It's designed to go on his left shoulder to block lance strikes aimed at the head. He's a horse-bound unit.

...although thinking about it, it really should be on his right.


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Alright, quick question, does anyone know how Magic Sword animations work? Like, I don't want to make a cool animation and realize it only allows like six frames.

Like, were they just lazy because there's like two in each game, or is there some kinda limitation?

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(You can't ban me for this post, eCut!)

Well, I'd have no ground to anyway~

And you're missing the shadow! Battle sprites always have shadows.

The shield could use some work, too; not really in style and doesn't seem to have a light source. :P

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Stuff. I took like all day on this because the scarf took a lot of fiddling, and the face was squashed, so I had to un-squash it.

I like the palate a lot, and it worked out perfectly to the 13 colors I need. Took a ton of fiddling, though. The only one not connected to any of the other places is the shoulder pad, but that's still connected to the eye. If you have any better greens to use, I would be thankful. wink.gif

Edit: WHAT JPEG'D!? Damned uploader... I assure you, I didn't Jpeg it myself. I've caught on to Paint and it's incessant naturally-putting-it-on-Jpeg.

Edited by SgtSmilies
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