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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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On the Dock

"Eh people who get in Luca's personal space tend to lose their fingers, I'm not too worried," Nadya said to Bogdan, before standing on a nearby crate and cupping her mouth with her hands.

"Hey, all y'all with horses! Time to move 'em out and get 'em some fresh air! If ya don't have a horse, ya can help with Riley and Sandrock!" she broadcasted, hoping to reach the ears of all the group members on the ship.

"Are we going to look here for ships or are we going to go to the Ursian part of the island? You'd think the Ursian part would have more ships coming and going from here to Sergio or wherever we want to land," Connor pointed out.

In the Galley

"I haven't checked the backgrounds of everyone in this group, so I can't make any statements about our overall criminal status. Robin got into trouble for...plotting to break into a museum? She was pardoned though I think, you'd have to ask her for the details," Veronika said, shrugging.

"I doubt I'd want my identity found out by the Ursian army either- daughters of Neviskotian generals would be assumed to be spies I think," she said with a small smile. "We're also transporting an artificial human, smuggled a Fallen into the country and have killed a number of Ursian army members- we should be trying to keep a low profile with or without your presence. I've decided helping Raquel is worth the risk it poses to the group, maybe you'll do the same, maybe you won't," she said, leaning against a chair.

In the Salon

"Three waters, coming up!" the young Fallen girl said, heading into the back room.

"Will we be having our wings and nails tended to today?" the older one asked before being interrupted by the sound of the breaking glass. The young Fallen girl, red with embarrassment, quickly handed Helga and Brynhildr their glasses, before running back to grab a broom and sweep up the shards. The older one simply stood there, acting as if she didn't notice.

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A Man Called Gar

Things became quite overwhelming after Gar first approached, with Armor-Guy, that healer-woman from dagger team, Zachary-boy, and some kid Gar couldn't recall ever seeing before all coming up for their own reasons. Gar being first got answered first by the Captain. It was good news either, but until the Captain and Raquel responded to everyone else as well Gar kept silent. Raquel laid out the groups current plans, already confident they wouldn't go well. Which judging by what Gar had already witnessed was probably the smart play. She and Bogdan were also curious about Armor-Guy the Second walking down to the group below. That clearly wouldn't end well. Raquel also went and accepted Zachary-boy's offer of adding him as a bodyguard. Kind of odd to have a mage for that, but hey, whatever. Healer-woman was about the mounts and other crap so Gar didn't care. Kiddo though--Connor-was asking about using Weyland connections. Probably much more likely than back at Tremere at least.

With all that said though, it was finally Gar's turn to answer. First he greeted Raquel back, "Not even a hello?" He sarcastically said. "Haha, just kidding, good morning Raquel and all pleasantries." He turned towards Bogdan next. "I've heard of the independence movement," Gar answered. "But this is the first I've heard of such aggressive recruitment." Gar looked down at the crowd. Such... well "good intentions", as the rabble no doubt thought were just an open book for whatever faction to write whatever spies or insurgents they wanted in. Hell, it was entirely possible the entire recruitment offer was started by other nation spies in the first place to do exactly. Sure, Gar had no evidence of that, but so many fantastic things had happened that anything seemed possible now.

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"Are people on the outside really this concerned about race...?" Faatina asked, the concept of it all still somewhat bewildering.

"But you're strong, Talitha. Both of head and of body... I know you'll get through this... I just wish I could be of some help to you... like you were to me." Faatina continued, before somewhat cautiously advancing toward Talitha, and pulling her into a loose embrace.

"But there really isn't anything I can do aside from wish you luck and tell you to stay safe, is there? I... I'll stop by the Guilds whenever I can... maybe I'll see you again someday, huh?" She managed, as several tears began to steam down her face, if only for a short time.

"Hah... I know we haven't known eachother very long but... it's still hard to say goodbye to a friend... " Faatina concluded, her light hold on Talitha lingering for a few moments after she finished speaking.

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<"It will take time to hear of a sighting of the White Devil,"> Daichi agreed as he averted his gaze and clear worry marked his face, <"I don't know Kikuko-chan's condition, either... I do not mean to let my own problems get in the way of your hunt, but whenever you feel ready to leave to look for her...please, find her quickly.">


So then Fred came walking by and was leaving...soot? Snow? Flower petals? No... ... Merrrrrrz... "That's skin," he groaned, more talking to himself than anyone else. Did he just apply the stuff Oscar give him? He came into the doc's days ago! Well, this Fred guy was certainly proving himself to be the very best investment Raquel had made yet.

Raquel, the captain and several others were talking about something, but he wasn't listening. He figured it didn't involve him or they would have asked him to do something by now. But then Nadya made some sort of announcement. Well, Riz isn't a horse and I don't want to help with anyone's horse right now. They might team up with Riz or something like whatever happened before. Crazy animals...

Norbert's gaze shifted as he idly looked around. That was when he saw them. It was a little weird on the timing -- Faatina was hugging one of them -- but there they were: the people from the guild. They came on with us?! I could've been tested this whole time?! You're kidding me! Grr... What a stupid time to suffer bloodloss issues! Darn it, why couldn't that be put off for when guild testers weren't around?! STUPID, BLASTED LUCK! And so he silently fumed to himself, having the feeling now was not the best time to ask to be tested and not knowing when the next opportunity would be.

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Raquel and Bogdan

"I'm sorry-good morning, Gar." Raquel corrected herself. Whether or not he was joking didn't really matter at that point. She was reacting on instinct after he'd brought it up, though she was at least smiling and not being awkward.

"I suppose the loyalists might be plotting something of their own. It isn't as if anyone in their right mind would want to stay in a place like this with so many pushy salesmen around. At least I wouldn't know anyone who would." Bogdan commented as Fred drew ever closer to the mob.

"I don't think they pester people once they become locals, at least." Raquel noted, somewhat listening in on the exchange.

"Maybe. Maybe they have an angle. Discounts at the local brothels or ... something."

Nadya still seemed to be helping out with Sandrock and Riley which was welcome and allowed Raquel to maneuver a bit more easily. Her attention quickly returned to the tasks situation, though. "Well if we have to, we can do that, but it would take us days to reach an Ursian port and in the end, we'll be sailing back the way we came before heading up north to Sergio. I was hoping to find a ship here to buy us an extra week. That's also why I'm praying to the gods that someone who works for Weyland is in town and able to help us. Maybe we should split up to get things done faster."

Mandy and Talitha

"The fallen are the ultimate evil in this world as far as the kigenese are concerned. I get where they're coming from, but Tali's not one of them. We wouldn't be able to get that across before they did something unforgivable to her, though." Mandy explained with a sad smile. It was a tough position to be in, but she had gotten so much support lately ... and outside the guilds even ... Mandy couldn't help but smile, even with the other stuff still on her mind.

As Faatina hugged Talitha, she returned the hug and said "You've helped me a lot, actually. I've gotten to travel so far without any of this stuff mattering. I even got to help out around the ship and you and the others just treated me like a normal person. I'm really happy I got to experience something like that outside of the guild."

"Oh look at you two~" Mandy spoke up again. "We travel an awful lot but that's not necessarily a bad thing. So yeah, drop by a guild sometime; you might run into us~" It was a little too optimistic, she had to admit to herself, but anything seemed possible around these people. No seriously, ...


"Oh yeah, the fallen smuggling. Raquel told me about that. Weyland's in pretty deep." Reign replied in amusement. "Well, Veronika, I'm out of reasons to say 'no' and just look after my own hide. I'll be honest though, I didn't think it would be that particular woman dragging me back to the country. Strange how things work out sometimes."


<"I suppose I could begin searching as soon as some travel provisions are ready."> Katsu replied, not seeing much keeping him there. While it was true, he would love to have Atsuko by his side during the journey, this was a blasted kidnapping, and there was no telling what sort of things Daichi's daughter might be going through. He already felt bad enough just putting something like that off past breakfast ... despite the circumstances. But soon he realized that it wouldn't be as easy as simply searching around. He would need to gather any useful information he could, first.


<"Is she new?"> Helga wondered, seeming more surprised than upset, oddly enough.

<"Bryn,"> Svan tried to quietly get Bryn's attention which worked wonderfully. <"Do you have any suggestions? I would normally asked Lord Steinn about something like this well in advance, but ... given the circumstances ...">

<"'How would you like me to present myself this month, dearest?' Didn't he always tell you to go with whatever was comfortable or something like that? You're hopeless.">

<"A simple suggestion will do ..."> Svan stressed this time.

<"Uhhh ... I dunno. Cut your hair or something-"> <"Bryn!"> Helga interrupted. <"Waves."> Bryn corrected. <"Royal snobs like Steinn love waves. Not that he'll live to see it. The Slaughter of Siblings is coming up and he's either going to miss it altogether and be hunted down like a dog or he'll man up and get impaled on Lord Valdimarr's awesomeness."> she explained with an exaggerated shrug.

<"I miss Siv. She always kept these personal issues from coming up so frequently with her disturbing innocence ... ... ... I would like a manicure, pedicure, my feathers refreshed, and my hair washed and put in ... 'waves'?"> Svan laid out her requests, but not being able to properly picture the last one.

<"Do you have a spa, here? I'd love to start off with that~"> Bryn said, putting off pretty much everything else for the moment.

<"The same as Svan here, only replace the waves with something a little more traditional. Girls, how do you think your mother would look with bangs?">

<"Terrifying."> Bryn immediately answered.

<"Father would approve."> Svan noted.

<"Oh, Elam doesn't count. The man loves everything; he's not even a kestrelii."> Helga came back dismissively.

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Daichi was a little torn. On the one hand, he had a sense of urgency about recovering his youngest daughter, but on the other hand, he wasn't entirely sure if Katsu's leaving so soon was such a good idea. <"If you find any demons during your search...do you feel like you could kill them safely alone? I do not know where my daughter is... If you had Atsuko-san with you, it would be safer for you. It would also give you more time to prepare in case you happen to come across a particularly strong enemy. Kikuko-chan is missing, so there is already the chance that she may never be found...">

Daichi swallowed. Not being able to find Kikuko was the worst-case scenario, but it was also one that could very well occur. Then he finished his thought, <"I do not want you to go missing as well and I certainly do not want to have to tell that to Atsuko-san. If you are injured in the wilderness and alone, it will be dangerous. If Atsuko-san is with you, however, she could be of great assistance. The same is true if she were to be injured. I fear for the uncertain, but the certain must be preserved.">

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A Man Called Gar

Gar smiled a bit when Raquel greeted him back. She was so shockingly nice compared to the people he was used to dealing with. But unto more erotic things. "Ha, brothels," Gar let out a chuckle. "A nice low price for a couple of tastes then if you find a particular girl to your style stay and make an honest woman out of her." He shrugged with a smile on his face. "It's so brilliant it hurts." Gar went back to a less jovial tone for his next words. "Might be a good idea to consider moving around in pairs at the least." It needed to be said, but if it was accepted it would make any attempts at looking for another Guild Operative difficult, and the same difficultly in looking for any dead drops from the ones who sparked all this.

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''If we were to split up I'd say to be in more than pairs,'' John suggested. ''That way whatever trouble that finds us we won't fall as easily.''


Sophia had made it to the deck, still in her thoughts. But as she emerged and looked over into town, was when she noticed the crowd gathered at the foot of the ramp, with one of their own walking towards them. I wonder, did something happened?

Well, time to find out. Not finding Raquel or the Captain on the main deck, she began to head over to the Aft Deck.


In a small mansion in the middle of town within an almost empty room sat a man, sitting on his knees in the middle, gently strumming a shamisen, eyes closed. Who knows when he started, but it was probably after breakfast. After a few moments more, he suddenly stopped, sighing and rising back up, before walking out of the room.

Seems it was another dull day ahead.

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Raquel had accepted his offer, good, at the very least he could try to protect the girl. Maybe he could help her avoid getting shot again, a quick bit of thunder magic to the face capable of blowing it off tended to make most archers not that effective anymore. Gar's plan wasn't that bad either for keeping the pinky safe, but he doubted that his plan would go through once he voiced it.

"Far be it from the new guy to suggest plans, but I'd say that Gar, armor guy here, and I go with Raquel. Between me and this guy" He said thumbing towards the Guild member "We can take out anything that would hurt her and he could certainly block anything that got through. But that's just my idea." Zach finished with a shrug.

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Katrina was on deck sitting next to her lounging wyvern. Now that she had been brought safely to land she had to figure out her next course of action. Ideally, she could find another ship that was sailing to Neviskotia and perhaps get a job on the voyage. She still needed money, after all. Her last employers hadn’t given her her dues when they kicked her off.

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A Man Called Gar

"I did say at least for that," Gar said back to Armor-Guy. Zachary-boy immediately then went and volunteered everyone here for pinky-guarding duty. "Not that I'm really against that idea, but... yeah I have nothing. If you want I'll come with you Raquel."

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"If you're going to try to get help from Weyland Enterprises I should probably come along. My presence might be able to bump our transportation needs up to high priority issue," Connor offered.


"Why is it strange? And if you don't mind me asking, why did you desert in the first place? You don't really strike me as the deserting type," Veronika said to Reign, crossing her arms.

Salon Workers

<"First week,"> the youngest Fallen admitted, getting the third glass of water and setting it near Svanhildr.

<"Yes, our spa area is quite lovely and relaxing. Ida, lead the lady to the spa area if you would please,"> the oldest Fallen woman commanded, prompting the young Fallen to gesture for Brynhildr to come into the back.

The eldest then turned her attention to Helga. <"Bangs would look quite lovely on you. How long would you like your hair in the back- shoulder length?"> she asked in a suggesting tone.

The middle one stood near Svanhildr. <"I can do a wavy haircut pretty easily. We'll start with the pedicure first, if you don't mind,"> she said, setting up a stool with a foot bath. Seems like I got the easiest one, lucky me.

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"Hello, Lia!" She seemed to be in a decent mood, not that there'd be any reason to not be happy, "I'm doing great, still kinda sore from overexertion but other than that..." Stretching and yawning, he continued talking through it, "Well, I had plenty of free time while on the boat but uh... If you want, we can make it a regular thing, say after breakfast or lunch? The more you do at once, I think you'll be able to pick it up faster. I mean, you seem to understand what I'm saying so... I think you have a basic grasp on it and it's more a matter of you being able to put that to use in a comfortable way for you..." Well that sounds like a very weird way to say 'I have no real idea what I'm doing'. "But it's your call, Miss Lia." he finished with a smile.

It took a lot of doing, and being on the ocean certainly made his hands a bit more cut up than usual, but the results were thankfully up to his normal standards as Nanahm finished the figurine in almost record time. He took some liberties, but the lady didn't want an exact replica so much as just a reminder of who the man was, so Nanahm gave the man he carved a proud and somewhat intimidating pose, and perhaps a hint of tender kindness in the face as well. Hell, Nanahm was just that good, but he's only one man so marketing that skill is just ugh. "Now to find Robin..." he mused aloud as he began unwrapping his bandaged hands to go wash.

Aneda was hanging around with Hannah still, though she did catch sight of Katrina kinda sitting with her wyvern pal. "Hey, Katrina!" she hollered as she decided to invade on her privacy some more. "You got any plans today or were ya gonna WING IT? If you don't got plans, you know, we can totally hang out and stuff, although I should check and see if I've got plans though too... Come to think of it, I wonder if anyone else is busy..." Her mind wandered to Gabbie for but a moment before her thought bubble popped, "Anyway, do ya?"

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“No plans to speak of,” Katrina answered, getting up. That was unfortunate in her case, but probably good news for Aneda. “I should probably find a ship heading to Neviskotia, but I don’t have to leave soon. I have time to hang out before I go. Did you have something in mind?”

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<Armor guy huh, heh.> ''Yeah, it'd be for the best, for both suggestions,'' John said.


Sophia made it to the Aft Deck, and sure enough, there they were. They were in conversation with others of the group so she decided to get closer to see what it was.


''<Oh, Lord Nobushige, going out today as well?>'' The gatekeeper asked.

''<Same as always, I won't be back until nightfall,>'' he simply stated, and with that he was on the street already, having grabbed only a bag before leaving the mansion.

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Blake spent the rest of that night holed up in the navigation room, studying his tactics book. The following days were mostly spent alternating between on studying and practising techniques from his combat manual. The swordsman did not have much contact with his employer, or anyone else for that matter, if only because he was still ashamed of his inaction in Tremere. That, and Raquel didn't really want to have people watching her attempts to control the emblem. May as well respect that wish, for however long he may be employed after that massive failure.


By the time the Leverager was docked, Blake was already packed up and ready to move. There appeared to be a huge discussion going on on the aft deck, so the Ursian made his way over there. The copious amount of people at the bottom of the ramp was the first thing that came to the swordsman's attention. That was... odd. Was a ship docking in port somehow a special occurrence around here? Maybe that's what the discussion was about. Regardless, he'd soon find out. The swordsman returned his attention to the current discussion, and listened in.

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Raquel and Bogdan

"You usually just sort of live in the Dauntless but if you want to come with, sure. It's a good idea, though like you said." Raquel replied to Connor. "Whoever else wants to come along for that can too-it's up to you. J-just don't run off by yourselves or anything." Raquel suggested. Ugh, listen to me, the kidnapping victim telling all of them what to and not do to be safe. "So, Captain? What do we do about those people exactly? I don't want to get in trouble for one of our people knocking them all out of the way with a horse or something."

"Leave that to me." And with that, Bogdan broke away from the conversation, appearing to be reaching for his pistol, though he only left his hand resting on it rather than taking it out of its holster. He began heading for the ramp at around the same time Fred was stopped and surrounded.


"I figured if anyone was going to convince me to go back there, it would be Nadine. Never thought I'd even see Raquel again after she dropped out of the academy. Then again, never thought I'd be dropping out of the military after working my ass off there. I had to, though." Reign looked down at the table before continuing. "I realized far too late that what I fight for in this life had better mean something to me. So it probably doesn't come as much of a surprise that Ursium couldn't give me that. I got into a really rough battle with 'the enemy' earlier in this war; most of it's a blur now ... me and the other mages were swimming in stimulants. There were two dragons on the field, and the unit I was in was assigned to help take out one of them." He cracked a smile as he shook his head. "We were all dead. Cannon fodder. That's what it was going to boil down to, since the commander had to sacrifice a whole unit to buy the slayers time to get into position. I didn't begrudge the decision ... hell, I didn't even realize what they were planning until after the fact."

He shrugged as he continued. "It was technically the right call given the circumstances, but as Nadine, Wynn and I fought to stay alive ... well ... my eyes were opened. I realized that I'm not willing to die for Ursium's principles. All of that crap they filled our heads with at the academy had leaked out after ... I'd say the third or fourth blow I took to the head during that fight. Wynn just didn't want to die period, so when I decided it was best that I leave, he wasn't far behind me on that one, heheh. I'm not desperately looking for something to die for but ... I certainly don't want to jump back into that old mess called war before I find it. That's not the whole story but ... yeah."


<"As much as I would like to wait for her, time spent doing that is time that ..."> Well ... no need to finish that thought. It was obvious enough what he was getting at. <"It can at least deal with the average demon. The White Devil is an elite among their kind, and we were at a horrible disadvantage at the time. We hadn't eaten or had any rest, and were caught fighting her in the rain. I thought the weather conditions alone would lead to defeat if only because of how difficult it was to secure my stance on that slippery grass. I won't let something like that happen ever again, I assure you, Daichi-san.">


<"Do whatever is necessary for the bangs, but the back stays at its current length."> Helga instructed.

<"Of couuuurse. She can get cuts done if it's 'necessary', but I'm expected to fight in this getup."> Bryn complained quietly while fiddling with her long white locks. The news about the spa seemed to be more important though, and so Bryn dismissed the situation with her mother and took a drink before following the assistant. Twas time to get her spa on or whatever she was doing.

Svan meanwhile sat down, seeming to be somewhere else entirely. Being preoccupied was pretty common with her, so Helga and Bryn paid it no mind whatsoever.

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''Um, so why is that crowed gathered near the ramp in the first place?'' Sophia asked.

''First time in Tracea huh. Well, it's because they love visitors, so much in fact they don't want them to leave, heh,'' John answered. ''Seriously, it's a more complicated matter. They do want to see their population increase though, so they can gain enough support of gaining independence.''

''But wait, isn't the island shared by the nations?''

''Yes, but all sides involved are united under that common goal.''

''Really? Too bad it's just them.''

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At first, Daichi was a little reluctant, but then slowly nodded. <"Yes, you are quite a capable swordsman. You are no stranger to Kigen's wilderness either... You'll be fine"> Daichi assessed, <"so long as you keep your mind strong. Your battle with the White Devil was quite taxing on you, after all, if you thought I was her for even a moment."> It was a small attempt at humor at best before he began to head out of the detached room and back to the main house. <"I hope you will at least stay for breakfast and allow Sumire and me to help prepare your provisions before you leave.">

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A Man Called Gar

Gar's pair suggestion was more meant as advice to everyone else. Anything they tried against him he could deal with. It was the soft targets like Raquel and Zachary that would be overwhelmed. But there was really no point bringing any of that up so he just kept silent.

Bogdan meanwhile marched off with a mind on how to deal with the invasive below. Maybe bail out Armor-guy the second in the process. "So," Gar said while waiting for whatever situation below to resolve itself. "Does anyone else have any plans for our trip through town?"

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While Armor-guy was talking to his girlfriend Zach was leaning over the railing alongside Gar watching Fred get the shit kicked out of him observing the crowd that was gathered at the bottom of the ramp. Armor-guy's explanation about the local's behavior was good and all but it really didn't seem logical they'd try to make people stay to get independence, seemed hypocritical

"I'd say we do the obvious thing and try to find the local portmaster, he can probably direct us towards any ships heading Ursium way. If not well, there's always simply asking around or heading to some taverns to get information." Zach said in response to Gar's question. "Though we should try to see if Seth Weyland has any presence here as well, would certainly save time yeah?"

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I have been spending a lot of the time in the Dauntless...oh well I'm here to work on my research mainly, not socialize. he justified to himself.

No one appeared to react to Nadya's announcement. "Lazy good for nothin's" she muttered under her breath, going below decks and unhinging Luca, Riley, and Sandrock. At least Sandrock's pretty docile and Luca should be able to keep 'em in line anyway she thought to herself, leading Sandrock and Riley by their bridles as she began ascending to the deck.


"So you weren't willing to risk your life for a cause you didn't believe in- that's understandable," Veronika summarized after digesting the information. These Nadine and Wynn people seem to be friends of his- maybe Raquel knows them too? "This group goes through life risking events regularly though, so be prepared. I'm not sure what motivates all these people to stay frankly- the pay can't be that good for the kind of danger we end up in, but I'm not going to complain about it. Still, good to have someone on board with Raquel's best interests in mind I think."

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Hearing the Troubadour's words about the horses made Zach remember about the horses from the manse they had brought along..... was he technically the owners of them now? 'Bah, might as well bring em along right? Couldn't hurt to have a horse, but what about the other one?'

"I'll be right back guys...." Zach said as he started to walk off below deck "Hey! If anyone in Raquel's group wants a horse follow me!" He called out behind him as he started to descend

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So after they came into port and were just that much closer to land (thank Mercy), Synthia got her stuff together and headed below deck to the makeshift stables. Phyllis was already gone she noticed, probably picked up by Valter earlier, but that wasn’t who she was here for. The two horses from the manse that she’d been looking after were still hitched up. Nadya came down while she was brushing them down and untying them, but the mage didn’t really pay any attention.

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Zach arrived down at the stables to see that a girl around his age was tending to the horses that were evidently his now? Shaking that thought away the young man walked up to one of the equines and patted it's face, trying to look over the animal to see if anything was wrong with it. "You're a member of Raquel's group right? I suppose I have you to thank for taking care of these guys, because I think that legally they might be mine.... or stolen depending on how you look at it." Brushing off his hand he offered it to Synthia "Name's Zach, Zachary Fairweather. You are?"

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