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Why is it called the Legend of ''Zelda?''


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Lol I am just curious, shouldn't it be called the Legend of Link since he a the heroic man who saves his country from chaos?

I always thought because maybe they meant to say the legend of Zelda's kingdom lol I am guessing but obviously it isn't right.

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Lol I am just curious, shouldn't it be called the Legend of Link since he a the heroic man who saves his country from chaos?

I always thought because maybe they meant to say the legend of Zelda's kingdom lol I am guessing but obviously it isn't right.

If I remember correctly it had something to do with the fact that Miyamoto already named a series after the villain - Donkey Kong, Already named one after the hero - Super Mario, and so he named it after the princess... Zelda.

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At the same time Link did all Zelda's work. I know it will be weird it they changed it to the Legend of Link but what the reason after Zelda when all she did was being captured and Link is forced to save her lol.

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[spoiler=Story-wise reason]It has to do with Hylia ensuring that she'll always have a champion who is worthy enough to claim the very thing she had sworn to protect. And you get three guesses on what's Hylia's other known name. The first two don't count.

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It's only two L's. I don't see how that's too many.

But yeah, having the acronym be LoL would be awkward. Plus, imo, The Legend of Zelda does sound better than The Legend of Link. Miyamoto wanting to name it after the princess rather than hero or villain as with those other franchises makes sense too.

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I'm going to move this to other games, although I may end up moving it to FFtF considering some of the responses are rather silly.

[spoiler=Story-wise reason]It has to do with Hylia ensuring that she'll always have a champion who is worthy enough to claim the very thing she had sworn to protect. And you get three guesses on what's Hylia's other known name. The first two don't count.

That's a bogus, contrived plot element considering Hylia wasn't even close to existing when the first game was released.

Edited by Charlie
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Because Miyamoto liked the name of Zelda Fitzgerald. That's why he named the princess and the series after her.

And Princess Zelda is the reason why Robin Williams rose in my favourite-actor-list. Damn, I'd really like to meet him and his daugther.

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Because Zelda is the personification of the balance in the world that needs to be restored, be it as the holder of the Triforce of Wisdom that broke up in the first game, the 'original' Zelda that had to be woken up in Adventure of Link or the final maiden in Link to the Past.

Her role as said personification was then put out in front of everyone who didn't get it yet after over two decades with Little Al's spoiler.

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It seems like in most Zelda games, Link is less prominent and less storied than Zelda is at the start of the game. Link may also have a role in the legends, but it's more frequent that Zelda has some sort of acknowledged legendary role/lineage at the start of the game.

Put another way, Link often starts as some adventurous country yokel.

But in terms of the actual reason why it was named a certain way, Gorgar's post seems the most plausible...

Edited by L1049
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I am going to piggyback on what an earlier poster said by guessing it is mostly because of the fact that Link was name-able in it. I also quite like Gorgar's explanation, and will be remembering that for future mentioning if the topic ever comes up among friends. Nice idea, there.

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I am going to piggyback on what an earlier poster said by guessing it is mostly because of the fact that Link was name-able in it. I also quite like Gorgar's explanation, and will be remembering that for future mentioning if the topic ever comes up among friends. Nice idea, there.

Oh, right, also in the first zelda game, when link was named zelda it unlocked a harder quest, suggesting that the true hero is actually also named Zelda.

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My theory was that the player is meant to identify with Link. Zelda's importance is more plot-related, and being the royal (i.e. the one most likely to be remembered), she gets top billing. So basically, L's reason.

And in the original, Zelda did the most important stuff. Link was just the hired muscle.

Edited by Kamekameha
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Oh, right, also in the first zelda game, when link was named zelda it unlocked a harder quest, suggesting that the true hero is actually also named Zelda.

I thought that was just punishment for being silly enough to give a male protagonist a girl's name.

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Because Zelda writes the history books to make it look like she saved herself every time Link kicks Ganon's ass and uses her Shiekah skills to "silence" him so that he can't dispute her claims... or maybe that's just my interpretation.

Edited by Samven
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Because Zelda writes the history books to make it look like she saved herself every time Link kicks Ganon's ass and uses her Shiekah skills to "silence" him so that he can't dispute her claims... or maybe that's just my interpretation.

That's one morbid interpretation... I like it.

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Because Zelda writes the history books to make it look like she saved herself every time Link kicks Ganon's ass and uses her Shiekah skills to "silence" him so that he can't dispute her claims... or maybe that's just my interpretation.

Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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