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Who's buying a 3DS because of Awakening?


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I bought my 3DS months ago because of multiple games, I've been using it as my main handheld ever since. Anywho, I just need money, and I'll more than likely will have money by next year to get this and othr games.

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Me. :D But I'm not sure if I should wait in case a newer model comes out, since I'm not really liking the battery life, even in the XL. Guaranteed Pokemon games are another reason, of course, but FE is my primary one, even if I'm just a casual player.

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I already have a 3DS, so I'm just waiting for Awakening to be released. :P:

There have been plenty of reasons for me to have one anyway. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Super Mario 3D Land, the eShop, using the Poketransfer in Pokemon Black/White with my DS Lite, and I love so many of the features on it, like Swapnotes and stuff. Also, I'm looking to buy New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3D when I've got the money. I reserved Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon as well.

And of course, I plan to reserve FE: Awakening when it's available for pre-order at Gamestop. :3

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Yeah, that too. Surely Pokemon's gonna get mainstream games on the 3DS.

Which reminds me, I'm also looking forward to Zelda 3DS, which Aonuma hinted was in development awhile back. I've also got my fingers crossed that Zelda: ALttP will be remade for the 3DS instead of Zelda: MM. I heard that Ninty was contemplating doing one of these two. I favor ALttP over MM by far, so yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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The new Pokemon games aren't necessarily the only ones that will come out during the 3DS's lifespan.

Oh I'm quite sure they won't be the only ones. I have a feeling black and white 2 were in development before or shortly after the 3DS's release. But I could be wrong of course, but it seems weird that they wouldn't have went to the 3DS unless this was the case.
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I already bought a Nintendo 3DS before the price dropped and I had around before they announced FE13. So that I still get FE13 when they release it around in 2013.

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I bought my 3DS at launch, and I've been enjoying Mario Kart 7, OoT 3D, Tales of the Abyss, Kid Icarus, and some choice DS games that play better with the circle pad than they ever did with the directional control pad. I'm also waiting on Paper Mario. But Fire Emblem definitely tops my hype list.

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I got my 3DS at launch, so I just need to wait for it to be released.


Admittedly I only bought it so erly because my old DS Phat broke and I thought it would be dumb to buy a replacement DS when it would just go obsolete soon enough, but I've been happy with my purchase! :3:

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