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[FE8] Long Hike Draft

Might Gaine

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Mancer: It's not a problem, since Ewan is the only trainee I didn't want.

Ring: Same as its been - you pick two, and then the rest of us pick one until we're finished.

re: Kon: best team: Not so. I have God(dess) on my team.

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Lol. I wanted to have another mage/healer and Saleh was right up there. It's sad, but I think I can make do without Saleh, though. Ewan requires slightly more babying during the initial chapters, otherwise, he's actually pretty solid too.

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Sad thing is, I'm not entirely sure which one's crappier.

I have decided that Dozla is marginally less crappy, leaving Kon with Rennac.

Yes, she gets both of the Thieves, but I'm willing to bite the bullet for a half-competent Berserker.

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Kon gets utility from Rennac though.<br><br>Alright, I'm firing up my game right now to start playing. I'll screenshot often, don't worry.<br>

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All the trainees need babying to start with and then end up as game breakers. Or at least, Ross and Amelia do.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

if i were playing i bet you 100% that i would get a lower turncount without using the trainees (drafted or no) at all

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I'm sure you probably could. But I worry more about killing things than about turn counts. Still, I will be blazing through the game a bit faster than I usually do.

Also, if I failed to make it clear, we're doing this on Hard Mode.

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As for playthroughs, I'll leave the amount of detail up to you guys. Post 'em on this thread.

Also please specify about whether you're doing the Eirika route or the Ephraim route.

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I think that we should fix the route that everyone has to do. Eirika's mode is definitely easier than Ephraim's so turncounts there would definitely be lower. I propose we all do Ephraim's route. =D

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Ring's right. If we were going to fix the route, then I should have done that before we started drafting. Besides, fixing one route over another could screw over some players while rewarding others (I have to wait longer to get Dozla in Ephraim's route, while Ring has to wait longer to get Duessel if he goes by Eirika's route). Just go for whatever one you choose.

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[spoiler=Prologue: The Fall of Renais]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]




This is my first playable character, Eirika. She's going to end up soloing a lot of chapters near the start, but end up as nothing but a "Seize" character towards the end. Hopes she gets some good level ups going, since she's not allowed to be promoted.


Seth. A prepromoted mount. He's just going to sit at where he starts from for most of the game, at least until the preparations screen comes up for us.

[spoiler=Attempt 1: 4 Turns]


Ending the turn to let the Fighter start the aggression. Eirika dies in two whacks of the axe, so safety is a precaution.

True enough, the Fighter comes up to whack Eirika. He misses, Eirika hits him twice.


As with the previous image, I'm ending my turn here.

The first Fighter attacks Eirika, Eirika got a critical, saving one use of her Rapier. The second Fighter comes up to attack. His attack hits and Eirika doubles him back.


The attack criticals, by the way, although that critical was unnecessary.


Ending turn 3.

O'Neill moves up to the Forest tile.


Using a Vulnerary. Not leaving my fate to the RNG, since getting hit happens often.


Nothing else I can do this turn.

O'Neill comes up to attack. He misses and Eirika one hits him with a great critical.


Great first level up of the game. I hope my luck stays with me throughout.

All my Draft posts will be formatted that way, since with map shopping allowed, and the fact that there may be skirmishes all over, I'll have to allow for Pre-Chapter stuffs to happen

EDIT: In that case, I'm going to be taking Eirika's Route, since that gives me Ewan and Marisa at a slightly easier to use and recruit position..

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Wow, that is a lot more detailed than I was expecting.

Status of my game:

Prologue: turn count: 4

Eirika gets an average LVup

Chapter one: turn count: seven

Eirika gets a few crappy level ups, Gilliam gets an okay one and a crappy one. Franz and Seth have no battles.

Chapter two: turn count: eight

Eirika gets a good LVup, Gilliam gets an okay one, Garcia is recruited. Moulder proves himself a badass by making eye contact with three bandits - including the boss - and making them look like douchebags.

Current stats, as of the end of chapter 2:

Eirika: LV 7 EXP 24, HP 20, STR 6, SKILL 12, SPD 11, LCK 8, DEF 5, RES 3

Gilliam: LV 6 EXP 22, HP 27, STR 10, SKILL 6, SPD 4, LCK 3, DEF 9, RES 3

Moulder: LV 3 EXP 36, HP 20, MAG 4, SKILL 6, SPD 9, LCK 1, DEF 2, RES 3

Garcia: LV 4, EXP 36, HP 28, STR 8, SKILL 7, SPD 7, LCK 3, DEF 5, RES 1

I'll be using the Eirika route, and am signing off for the night.

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Gilliam got attacked by a Fighter, so that means I have a 4 Turn Count penalty for Chapter 1. I expected myself to run into problems there, cause the AI is smart enough to actually not attack Eirika... Otherwise, everything else is going fine in Chapter 1.

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