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Histoy of Masu and Songbird


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The sun was shining,the wind was blowing, and the birds could be heard singing. This was a typical day in the small village of Salphyris,right on the edge of Crimea territory. In a schoolyard several kids seemed to be laughing and having fun.........except for one.

Child:Haha! Keep it away!

Kid:Catch! *throws a book to another kid*

???:Stop! Stop it! Give it back!

Child:Dont let that little wuss get it! *opens the book*....what is this? Ancient language!? You can read this!? You little nerd!


Kid:Awwww.......wook at cry baby Masu! Are you going to cry to your mom??

Child:He cant! Because she's dead!

Masu:Stop it! *covers his ears and falls on his knees* Stop! Whaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Kid:What a loser!*kicks dirt at Masu*

Masu:*sniff.....*....leave me alone!

Child:What was that? I didnt quite hear you!

???:He said leave him alone you jerk!

Kid:Shut up Jen!

Child:Hey dont tell my girl to shut up!

Jen:Im nobody's girl! Now go away!

Masu:*wipes his eyes*.....ugyuuuu.......

Jen:Are you alright?

Masu:*picks up his book* Yeah.....*sniff*

Jen:You cant let those meanies pick on you! You need to stand up for yourself!

Masu:I tried! I just......*sniff*...whaa.....




???:Hey class is starting. Lets go.


Allen:*sigh* You really need to stop taking mess from those guys.

Jen:Yeah! Man up!


The three ten year olds walk into their tiny school which is divided into only 3 classes sorted out by age groups 5-9, 10-14

and 15-18

Teacher:Alright class! Did you do your homework?

Tye:Like I ever do...........

Teacher:You think that makes you cool or something?

Tye:Sure does! *3 of his sidekicks nod their heads*

Teacher:Oh....im sorry! I had no idea that a Green eyed short blond haired 10 year old was capable of such coolness!

Tye:*scowls* I bet no one else did their homework!

Teacher:Who did the homework!?

Everyone in the class (including Tye's sidekicks) raise their hands.

Tye: <_< ..............hmph.

Jen:*turns around* Look at who's the looser now!*sticks her tounge out*

Tye:You still love me.

Jen:*slams her hands on her desk* I do not like you in the least!

Teacher:Alright then, who did you say you admired Masu?


Teacher:.........you DID do the homework right? Or are you "cool" like Tye back there?


Masu:*stands up*........I admire Jen. She's nice and she can stand up to anyone. And she's.........pretty.

Tye:WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? You admire a GIRL!? You loser!

Boy:Wow........thats just sad.

Kid:Well its to be expected from Masu the wuss.



Tye:You need to learn to be a man! Maybe if your dad weren't dead-

Teacher:TYE! QUIET! NOW!

Tye:*crosses his arms* What!? I was just saying if his dad wasnt dead then Masu wouldn't be such a loser!


Allen:Oh no..........

Jen:.poor Masu.....


Tye:Oh Im sorry baby! Did I hurt your feelings!

Allen:*punches his desk* SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

Tye:*shrinks down into his seat*


Tye:Stupid wuss. Thinking he can do what he wants just because he's friends with Allen.

*the class begins to whisper amongst themselves*

Girl:I would never make Allen angry.........

Boy:Yeah. When he gets mad.....

Girl:Ugh dont even remind me.

Allen:hmph. *sits down*

Jen:See Masu? The class was talking about Allen but he didnt mind. You should try to be like him.

Masu:....so.....you really dont like me.........*sniff*

Teacher:Okay okay moving on! Lets talk about our future aspirations!

Masu instantly became full of life and happiness. He couldn't wait to tell the class what he was going to do!

Masu:Oh oh! Me!

Teacher:*smiles* Alright Masu. What do you want to do in the future?

Masu:I wanna be a mage! I want to be the best magic user ever!


Tye:Yeah! REAL MEN fight with weapons!

Masu:*defensive* Magic IS a weapon! Its more effective also because it can be used at a range! And its also good for survival! Like if you were stranded in winter in a forest, you could make a fire with magic!

Tye:OH. Hes a sissy AND a nerd! Lets give Miss Magey Wuss Nerd a round of applause!


Tye:....What was that?

Masu:*looks at Allen who is looking at him sternly. His facial expression is screaming "dont take any crap!"* I SAID STOP!

Tye:*stands up and shoves Masu* Make me!

Masu:*petrified at the sheer thought of being touched by Tye,who he deeply fears* ...............

Tye:You arent gonna make me stop girly boy?

Teacher:Tye! Enough of this!

Tye:I almost feel bad for you that your parents are dead. ALMOST.


Jen:You creep!


Masu:...*looks down and trembles*..........

Boy:Is he gonna explode and kick Tye's butt?

Girl:Doubt it.

Masu:.....WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knocks into his desk knocking over various papers* Whaaa!!!!!*grabs his tome and runs out of the room*

Teacher:Masu! Masu wait! *stomps over to Tye and pulls him out of the class*


Jen:*picks up one of the papers that fell near her desk*...........................

Next Time:The tome.

Edited by MaSu
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And aww...I want to give little MaSu a hug...

XD. ur only 7 years old XD!!!!

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Cheer up! (This was written by Songbird since we share the same history for the most part)

After class had ended, Jen walked quickly through a trail that lead to a lake not too far from the school yard. It's a peaceful and queit place, where usually the only sounds that could be heard is the rushing of the water and the chirping of the birds. But today, the sobs of a young boy could also be heard. Jen speed up until a little boy hunched over crying was in her sight.

Jen: ....Masu?

Masu: *sniff*...Jen? W-why are you here? *Gives a hopeful look.*

Jen: Oh, um...my house is in this direction.

Masu: *The hopeful look disappears.* Oh...sniff...I see...

Jen: Masu...

Masu: *Gives her a watery smile.* It's okay, I'm sure you don't want to spend your time with a wimp like me. See you tomorrow, okay?

Jen: No! Masu... *Sighs and sit down next to Masu.* Listen to me. I don't think you're a wimp.

Masu: But everyone else does! Especially Tye! And I can't even...I can't even stand up to them! *His eyes begin to tear up again.*

Jen: Masu, listen to me! Bullies like Tye are just losers who pick on people that he knows won't stand up to him! If you don't learn to stand up to him, he'll make you miserable forever!

Masu: I-I know...but...

Jen: Look at Allen! He's never bullied, because everyone knows that he'll stand up to them!

Masu: Yeah, he's always strong and doesn't seem to fear anything...you probably like him better than me, right? In fact, you probably don't like me at all, after today...

Jen: What?! Masu, that's not true! I...I got embarassed when you said that you admired me the most, but...it made me happy. You're not the strongest person there is, but that someone as nice and loyal as you thought highly of me...

Masu: Of course I think highly of you! You're the smartest, strongest and prettiest girl ever! ...I-I like you alot...

Jen: *smiles* Thanks. I like you too, Masu. We're friends, which is why I want to help you learn to defend yourself, okay?

Masu: Okay! *beams*

Jen: Alright then. Anyway, I have to go home now, or I might get yelled at. So I'll see you at school tomorrow?

Masu: Yeah! *He waves at Princess while she walks off, still beaming.*


Later, Masu is walking down the trail to Allen's house in high spirits, untill he hears a girl calling out his name. He turns around to see a familiar brown-haired and purple-eyed little girl running after him.

Akari: BIG BRO! ...*huff*...W-wait up!

Masu: Sis!

Akari: Don't you 'sis' me! You left me at school all by myself, even though we always walk home together! It was scary, especially since that Tye guy from your class kept giving me weird looks before he went home!

Masu: Wait, sis, I can explain-

Akari: No! Don't explain! *Begins to cry.* You promised after mommy and daddy died that we would always be together! You said you'd never leave me behind...So why...?

Masu: I'm sorry! You know I never did it on purpose! You know I would never want to leave you willingly!

Akari: *Sniff* I know...I'm sorry for getting so angry...it's just, when you didn't come to get me...all I could think of was mom and dad never coming back......I was so scared

Masu: *Hugs his sister and sniffs, tearing up at the thought of their parents.* I know. Don't worry, I'll always come back.

Akari: Yeah...*wipes eyes.* I'm still sorry. Anyway, what happened that made you forget all about your little sister? *teasingly*

Masu then explained everything that happened in class and at the lake.

Akari: Wait, That Tye guy was bullying you AGAIN?! That jerk! When I'm bigger, I'm going to step on him and squash him.

Masu: *sweatdrops* Um, sis, he'll get bigger too...

Akari: Oh well. I can still throw rocks at him. I'm good at throwing things and then hiding before they see it's me.

Masu: .... *Doesn't want to ask where she got this habit.*

Akari: Anyway, lets go back to Allen's place. They're probably wondering where we are.

Next Time:The tome(for real)

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