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Fire Emblem: Exalted Legacy


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I like this concept a lot, but it should definitely have might decreasing too the further the range. I mean, if an archer had a killer bow, it could go critting enemies on the other sides of walls in indoor maps, which wouldn't make it much of a challenge

I think the idea is that debuffs can depend on the weapon, so you could reduce the might at 3 range of just the killer and brave bows, for instance. (unless you are just asking for might debuffs to be possible, in which case i agree with you.)

Yeah it's in FireShell by default where the item table used to be. All of icecube's hacks are relatively easy to uninstall, and I'll be including a folder on notes for uninstalling pretty much everything that comes with the default package. The patch that I offer is about maximizing the capabilities of hackers, and this feature doesn't factor in unless you open up the Nightmare modules and implement it yourself. It's just there as an option.

So in other words, the functionality will be technically there, but will not actually assigned to anything until a romhacker does so in the special nightmare modules. Right?

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As for EN, I think that decreasing bow might by 3 when shooting from past the normal max range would be good.

Indoor map design might need reworking due to this? I also hope the animation softlock issue won't become an issue.

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The idea of increased range with a cost is interesting, but I think some of the penalties should be nerfed slightly so that nobody throws a fit. (maybe -10 Hit instead of -15?)

Also I have some suggestions and questions for the actual hack itself and not FireShell:

  • You're probably doing this already, but Xane should be made into a bard. (makes up for the lack of Feena in Book 1 and the inability to replicate his original class)
  • Do what Superluigi is doing with manaketes (unarmed is untransformed, etc.) I almost forgot you did this in Elibian Nights. It would be nice to see it again.
  • Wing Spear is literally the same as Reginleif in FE8, so why not use that?
  • Are Trial Maps possible?
  • A side hack that is basically this, but with pantless Marth and all numbers converted to their original NES values and non-existent Res. growths
Edited by Kiseki
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Because getting an additional range to attack from is only a buff and does not nerf the usage of bows in any way as it currently works, there either should be a general nerf to archers or the extra range penalty should be very large. Overall I'm not sure whether it would be easy to balance out - not that everyone needs to be the same as there are many ways to play the game - but giving a new mechanic that only buffs an already decent class doesn't sound too good. Maybe if the Sniper crit bonus is changed to the extra range attack, it might work out better..?

Although, to be honest, while I can understand the hackers being excited at the possibilities, from the player-side of things, I'm not sure if that's really a feature anyone cares too much about. It's a nice bonus, but like with a lot of things, I doubt many would miss it even if the hack didn't have it. If implementing it doesn't take a lot of extra work, I guess whatever. (It's definitely nice for FireShell as long as it's fairly customizable, though)

Edited by mmKALLL
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So is Navarre/Nabarl in this? And if so, do you plan to expand on his backstory at all?

Also, are you going with the American or European localization?

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Navarre is in, although I don't know what his plans are for him development wise. And I'm not even sure if he plans on sticking to one localization or the other as far as names go ~o3o~

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Umm, I noticed that you said in the first post you still needed Writers. I don't have much history in this forum, but I have played ShadowDragon, and Heroes of Light and Shadow, and will be more then happy to assist in writing, reviewing, and playtesting this. If you don't want me touching anything, I could just read the scripts and comment on them. Do you want any help?

And by the way, my two cents on the last few topics.

Having a tremendous range like 4 for archers is just kind of breaking the game. Even with penalties, you could just feed archers stat boosts and snipe everything on the map. The Archer won't be an archer, they'll be like a portable nuke. A hit penalty might be a horrible thing to do to a fighter(Which has a 60% hit rate half the time), but to an archer? The one thing Archers had in spades was accuracy!

Fliers will become a joke, and besides if player controlled archers have this ability, enemy archers will have it too, right? If that's the case then goodbye white wings! Catria, you might be stupidly overpowered, but if an archer can snipe you from 4 squares away and I can't block the firing zone reasonably, I'm not going to use you, ever. Think about it, would you ever use anything remotely squishy like a healer or a pegasus knight on any map with more then two or three archers ever again? To begin with making this remotely fair, you'd have to nerf archers completely to the point where they'd do 10 damage at most to clerics, but then it becomes a case of dumping energy drops and speedwings to make them strong enough to wipe out enemy armies.

As mentioned before, one possible solution could be to make the damage scale with distance, which makes sense, as the projectile will lose force as it traveled, but that may just be a little over the top.

If I may, could I suggest something else? How about only Archers get 2-3 range, or maybe the 3 range is unlocked on promotion to sniper? Archers were in the beginning pretty gimped compared to Nomads as they were often slower and had less movement. Pick a small Crit bonus compared to three or four movement, and I'll take the three movement any day of the week. Even a extra point of range will give archers an immense competitive edge over their horse riding counterparts, much less two.

So Archer --> Have power. (Either start with or gain 3 range on promotion based on director's opinion.)

Nomad ---> Speed and movement. (+ swords on promotion, (Restricted to two range the entire game due to a lack of specialization.)

This way, the dead zone for fliers is small enough to avoid them, yet Archers still get utility. Jeorge also becomes twice as awesome(And scary) when you face off against him when he has Parthia. Take it as you will, but keep in mind, anything crazy awesome that we're getting, the enemy AI will obtain too. Don't only think of using it, but imagine it being used against you.

By the way, is this going to go all the way to book two? Like, Luke, Rody, Cecille, Ryan and all of those guys?

Edited by GenericMercenary
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I played the demo, and it seems pretty good! All the gameplay was good, if more than slightly bug-ridden. I assume when you transport the project to Fire Shell you'll fix the dialogue troubles?

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Where did you find the Demo?

By the sound of it Exalted Legacy has a team set up as you already have scripts for a demo. I don't mean to be crass but if you already have a group you want to kee then please edit the OP and state that you do not wish for any additional applicants.

If not, then a post that accepts or rejects any one of us would be nice, any news is better then no news.

Edited by GenericMercenary
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"A link to the link?"

That is one sexy Sedgar. . .would I be a bad person for replacing Edwyn in my own game? :P:

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Makes me happy, seeing that a work made by Dei and touched up by me can look pretty good up there next to a piece by Merc. Kinda makes you think how long it's been and how far we've come.

But enough with the sentiments.

Looking forward to this, couldn't really get into the DS remake so hopefully this finally allows me to experience the story that started it all.

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Just started the Demo and overall it seems fairly good. However Caeda's sprite glitched up and was all sorts of crazy colors. Also, the wing spear's weapon icon is an axe, and Abel's Iron Hasta shares a portrait with a sword. I'm not sure how I feel about the overly cheerful Abel though. I got the impression that Cain was the fiery one while Abel was the mellow serious type from the FE11, but I guess as there was so little dialogue to go off of it is up to interpretation.

Did Gordin get buffed in this version? I really like using Snipers(And Swordmasters/Assassins) due to their ridiculous crit rate, and frankly speaking in FE11 and FE12, all the archers were pretty bad.

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Just started the Demo and overall it seems fairly good. However Caeda's sprite glitched up and was all sorts of crazy colors. Also, the wing spear's weapon icon is an axe, and Abel's Iron Hasta shares a portrait with a sword.

This can be summed up with the fact that it's an alpha alpha alpha. When playing something in this sort of a demo stage you need to consider pretty much everything a work in progress unless the creator says otherwise.

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The armory in chapter has Iron Hasta's for 0 gold.

EDIT: You can't sell them either, so you can't really exploit that. Still, I think it's important enough to report.

Edited by Darkpaladin109
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The armory in chapter has Iron Hasta's for 0 gold.

EDIT: You can't sell them either, so you can't really exploit that. Still, I think it's important enough to report.

it really isn't lol

especially since at this time, most of the simple errors like that have already been discovered(you're a bit late to the party).

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