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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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I'm home!

So now I can like, access a PC, and post more often, and like...participate again!

Helios (and anyone else who missed my announcement), I took my kids (no wife...short notice drop) to Disney last friday, and just pulled in my driveway like...a minute ago.

On that note.

Shinori, stop bullshitting around. This isn't a farm. And hurpaderp derp Shin hasn't responded to my allogations yet, so vote stays.

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I've still been answering questions and making my own opinions. I don't see the problem.

What exactly is the problem with my current playing? I have reasons for everything I've done so far today.

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I don't really have that much of a problem with Shinori so I still don't see where other people are coming from maybe it's just me

Rapier strikes me as odd because it's like he's trying extra hard to make it look like he's being helpful

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@Rapier- Like I said, I was sheeping Shinori, meaning I agreed with his (and, for that matter, Bizz's) reason for voting Marth. I phrased it in such a short manner because I was running late for one of my classes. To expound, he's made a lot more jokeposts than he normally does, and even though there's stuff he could be talking about, he's not talking about any of them. He didn't say anything about Shinori's various actions until Shinori started prodding him, and even when he did, he just spoke about how nothing yet had mattered at all.

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I don't really have that much of a problem with Shinori so I still don't see where other people are coming from maybe it's just me

Rapier strikes me as odd because it's like he's trying extra hard to make it look like he's being helpful

How am I trying to look extra hard when I only made one significant post?

Shinori, my only problem with your vote on Marth is: The same motives you used on him can be used on anyone else. RVSing? Yes. Joke voting? Yes. Voting for info? Yes. So tell me, why is Marth scummy to you in particular? How's he different from everyone? Not being serious on early D1 isn't a big issue.

Since BBM justified himself, I don't think I need to be voting him any further.


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How am I trying to look extra hard when I only made one significant post?

That doesn't even really matter, that was a super irrelevant rebuttal to my statement

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Ugh, remember when I said that I'd be back around 5 my time? I lied. >_<

Okay, so ... thoughts and stuff. Shinori, I admit my comment on saying you were being "unShinori-like" was dumb. I didn't know how else to phrase it at the time. But right now, I'm looking at you funny because I legitimately think you're overreacting. Your post read really defensively and it isn't helping your case at all.

I don't really understand what's going on between Rapier and Levity, but I think she was just pressing him on some of his points.

Psych, so glad you exist. Could you type normally, though? Taking the extra time to decipher your post is distracting.

Elieson, why can't I remember anything from you? I'm not getting a lot of content from you. Do you have opinions on anyone besides Shinori and Shin?

As for the whole Marth vs. Shinori thing ... I'll look through it again and see if anything jumps out at me.

Also, WTF at votals on Shinori.


##Vote: Elieson

What are your thoughts on people not named Shinori or Shin? Why can't I remember anything memorable from you?

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Shinori, stop bullshitting around. This isn't a farm. And hurpaderp derp Shin hasn't responded to my allogations yet, so vote stays.

Oops, sorry I missed your post :P. That negative next to Shinori's actually my doing, I wasn't too sure what it meant at first, but Prims cleared it up for me.

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I don't really understand what's going on between Rapier and Levity, but I think she was just pressing him on some of his points.

... he was the one pressing me on strange things

also your entire post just now rubs me the wrong way

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... he was the one pressing me on strange things

Ah. Like I said, I didn't really understand what was going on between you two. I was rushing out of my office around that time, so I only got a quick read.

also your entire post just now rubs me the wrong way

Well, I can't really respond to this if I don't know what about it rubs you the wrong way.

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And here I thought you all were voices in my head. >_>

Scumlios can't read because he thinks that I disbelieve in bastard roles. I was referring to scumnori's assertion that he only believed Scumnix's miller claim. It wouldn't make sense otherwise to keep my vote on Scumnori, and not switch to Scumnix, who claims miller survivor.

I still don't like Shinori, now for being overly defensive, but votals provided a better target.


##TireIron: Admiral KneeShincaps

Not declaring a negative voting role is anti-town behaviour, and I don't even get any of his posts.

Rapier also looks sketchy if only because his defense of Shin is vague and sort of non sequitored into getting around to his point.

P.Edit: OK, newb mistake?


##Vote: Boron

Weaksauce and redundant reason to vote scumieson when it appears from your post that Scumnori's case looks worse. I was going to vote her earlier for talking a lot without casting a vote or truly contributing too too much, but uh realized belatedly that she had a vote on.

Also keeping an eye on scumios, for much of the same reasoning.

Also also Bizz whyyyyy

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well #1 it seems list-y

and #2 I still don't understand the case on Shinori, he's like my hugest town read and the way you addressed Shinori just feels like you want to repeat what everyone else has said against him /:

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Weaksauce and redundant reason to vote scumieson when it appears from your post that Scumnori's case looks worse. I was going to vote her earlier for talking a lot without casting a vote or truly contributing too too much, but uh realized belatedly that she had a vote on.

Don't get me wrong, I still don't like Shinori much. But at least he's here and I can remember things he said. I almost forgot that Elieson was even playing and, looking back at his posts, I don't think he's doing much of anything. I'd like to hear something from him now.

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Cam needs to actually contribute instead of jumping in and making quips

The appropriate response to Shinori's crumb is actually Vengeful, not Hunter (pick anyone when lynched to kill)(yes I thought of this earlier but didn't feel like saying it)

In case anyone missed it (I did the first time); Psych also claimed Miller.


I'm going to agree that Marth isn't looking terribly great

Shinori still isn't great, but eh

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@Rapier- Like I said, I was sheeping Shinori, meaning I agreed with his (and, for that matter, Bizz's) reason for voting Marth. I phrased it in such a short manner because I was running late for one of my classes. To expound, he's made a lot more jokeposts than he normally does, and even though there's stuff he could be talking about, he's not talking about any of them. He didn't say anything about Shinori's various actions until Shinori started prodding him, and even when he did, he just spoke about how nothing yet had mattered at all.

Pray tell, what I could've said. I actually did point out Shinori taking jokeposts srsly. How could I point out anything more? I'm echoing scorri over here: there's nothing to talk about since so far D1 had consisted of jokeposts and a modkill.

Shinori, you fail to realize tha my votes on you and Aere were obviously reaction tests. Had you been more calm and thought about it, you would've got your answer. Do tell me what else I could've done with my vote, because the only thnng else I could've done was prodding and unvoting.

Brb re-reading

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well #1 it seems list-y

I'm not really seeing how it's list-y, but those were the major things on my mind after I reread what I had missed.

and #2 I still don't understand the case on Shinori, he's like my hugest town read and the way you addressed Shinori just feels like you want to repeat what everyone else has said against him /:

I stated earlier in the thread that I didn't like the way Shinori seemed to (over)react to my vote on him, and a belated RVS vote. Basically, I think he got too defensive and angry over something that shouldn't have provoked that degree of a response.

In regards to "repeating what everyone else has said against him", I stated that I didn't like his overreaction several pages back in the thread. If I am not remembering wrong, before the others did. :/

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The appropriate response to Shinori's crumb is actually Vengeful, not Hunter (pick anyone when lynched to kill)(yes I thought of this earlier but didn't feel like saying it)

Not sure what the difference is aside from being like a bomb at night as well. If Scumnori is lawyering over that then we should lynch him in post game for being a tool.

I don't get how rapier does not know what a hunter is, though.

@Boron: Elieson also explained his sporadic posting 9 posts before you bloody voted him, soooooooo....

also not getting good vibes from scumnori now since he could be jester due to this game.

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@Boron: Elieson also explained his sporadic posting 9 posts before you bloody voted him, soooooooo....

I wasn't referring to the "sporadic" part of his posting, and I did notice that post. But even slightly further back, when he WAS present, I still feel like he wasn't doing much. (Unless he is just offline more often than I am remembering ...)

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