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Shattered Honour Chapter Three


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The Drowned Bull is packed tonight, with a respectable crowd of quiet patrons alongside three groups that are particularly worthy of note. The regulars are attempting to ignore the mass of rowdy adventurers, celebrating after a great victory. Four very sober-looking mercenaries are playing darts, and seem like they really, really wish they could be hammered. Then there's the supply run. They seem to be enjoying the night.

Tending the bar is a tall, husky woman with a strong jaw and short chestnut hair. Judging from her painfully forced smile whenever she looks at the adventurers, she runs the place.

Oh, and there's literally a stuffed bull's head floating in a barrel of water near the door. It's... impressive.

Edited by Furetchen
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Varon, having run out of poultices and being dangerously low on bandages, desperately needed a sizable quantity of alcohol to comfort him and the wounds (physical and mental) he had been trying to walk off. After about three ales he finally noticed the members of the supply group. They looked intact and in fairly good spirits.

This caused Varon's left eye to twitch.

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After noting that every single member of the other group seemed perfectly fine, Jacob walks over to the bar and orders a drink. When it arrives, he downs it in a few seconds. He resists the powerful urge to get completely wasted, and stops there. He'd never been one for alcohol.

He remains sitting at the bar, uncharacteristically silent.

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The innkeeper sidles over to Jacob. "Evening. Things are a bit ... strained at the moment, I'm sure you've noticed. The name's Sheila; what can I do for you?"

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Izdihar mostly ignores everyone else because she does not particularly care about how much they do or don't exist as she, after falling asleep sitting down for a bit, wakes up and begins counting her money to see how much booze she can reasonably order.


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Jack lowered his voice as he answered. "About as major as they can get. On our route we were ambushed. We were told that they were told our position from a higher up at our camp. When we reached Lord Randel and told him who had sent us... Well, apparently Chisford is well known by him. For all the wrong reasons. We've been hired to kill Chisford. We've been offered a reward as well as a pardon. We were considering doing it on our own, but then realized we would have a better chance with you guys along. We've already lost one. We don't want to lose anymore. So. Are you with us?"

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Izdihar sort of vaguely nods at whatever Jack says without really caring. Upon learning that she has enough money remaining for three drinks, Izdihar interrupts Sheila's vague attempt at conversation with Jacob. "Hey, I want another drink." she says, as she hands Sheila the money required for it.

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Jacob glances at Sheila.

"Ah... don't mind me. I've just been a bit under the weather recently. I guess I'll just pay for a room and be on my way. I wouldn't want you to waste your time on the likes of me. I know how busy working in a place like this can get."

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And then Izdihar realizes that she gets to kill some more and goes back and asks Jack when they should get ready to leave, ignoring the fact that she just paid for a drink.

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Varon dug into his pockets to buy Jacob a drink to apologise for being unable to give his wounds the proper treatment. His pockets were completely empty.

Varon drove his head into the bench. "Fucking typical."

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"WHAT?!" Leon didn't care that he just yelled inside a bar, as he was angered at the sudden turn of events. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO JUST JOIN YOU LIKE THAT? First you threaten me into joining your group, separate me from my family, and now you say that the guy leading us is not what he seems?! How the hell do you expect me to go with this?!"

After his outburst, Leon calmed down a bit and spoke again. "...Sorry, it's just that there's so many things going on that it's all too hard to take in... I'm going for a walk, to clear my head. I'll tell you what I say when I get back, don't wait up for me." And with that, he left to walk and clear his head of all the confusion.

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Despite stating he planned to leave, Jacob remains seated at the bar, barely listening to the conversations going on around him. He closes his eyes for a while, lost in thought.

After a while, he mutters "I'm probably going to die soon."

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"Look, no one has to join us. We just figured you'd prefer to know the truth. If your group declines to join us... Well, I suppose either you could leave us and the camp alone as we do our duty, or we'll fight you to make sure that we aren't hindered by you joining him." Jack looked each person directly in the eye as he said this making sure to convey that he was deadly serious about it.

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"I'm probably going to die soon."

"Did I really do that bad a job of patching you up? I'm sorry..." Varon was barely audible as he sighed into the bench.

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Izdihar goes back over to Sheila and, forgetting that she literally just did this like ten minutes ago, asks her for a drink and hands her the amount it costs.

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"Ah. Varon. I hadn't realized I'd said that aloud."

He turns toward the man that had saved his life several times in the last month.

"That's not it."

He remains silent for a while. Just when it seems he's not going to say anything else, he begins speaking again.

'There's no reason to think I'm going to die. My wounds aren't too bad, and they're sure to heal over time, especially with you around. It's not logic that makes me feel like I do... I simply feel it. As if there were a shadow wrapping around my body."

He turns away.

"No more of this. let me buy you a drink in exchange for saving my life."

He moved to get the Sheila's attention before Varon had a chance to turn him down.

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"Look. I know this is a lot to dump on you. I'm going to go get a drink. Why don't you guys talk about it amongst yourselves and tell me what you've decided when I get back?" Jack stood up and walked over to the bar, sitting a little bit away from the people he knew there. He sighed. "Just one please. Also, we'll need rooms at some point. There are a decent number of us, though we'll go two to a room. Just thought I'd give you a heads up. If you don't have enough for us, we'll figure something out."

Edited by scorri
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Ibn winces as his sister immediately divests herself of all her money.

"If my sister wants to go with you, I suppose that puts me on the list too," he says, continuing queitly to Jack, "What's your plan so far?"

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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