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Gantz: The RP! - The Sign-up!


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You see a light, is it the light? You awaken to find yourself in a small room, surrounded by complete strangers. Something isn't right, did you just die?

Welcome to Gantz: The Argh Pee! Set in the universe of the manga/anime Gantz, with a few cruel twists to keep things interesting, the goal is survival. If you die, you're dead. Dying isn't exactly hard either, but you've all got to take risks, no?

To win, all you need to do is kill aliens! Get 100 points and you win!

The system is loosely based on the one used in Inspectres. Roleplay is done normally but dice rolls are used during key events, dictated by me! I'll take the first 10 or so people, it's very experimental right now.

Character creation

Well, the way Gantz works is that everyone who has died recently is transported to a room with a floating black orb. There is no way out of the room, and it's impossible to contact anyone outside of the room. To make things easier, the setting has been moved to some generic city in the US.

Name: Duh

M/F: Duh

Age: Duh

Apperance: Duh

Backstory: Please include how this person died.


Now here's the fun part. There are the following attributes;

Macho: How strong you are, used for strength based tasks

Guts: How tough you are, used to stop yourself from dying.

Brains: How smart you are, used for thinking thingies

Quick: How fast you are, used for agility tasks

Mojo: How appealing you are, used for nothing in particular

Luck: Roll modifier, cannot assign points to it.

You have 15 points, you must use a mnimum of 12. Cap of 6 for each stat. If you smile nicely, you can have 18 points... but you might be a little unlucky. A luck stat also exists, which add to your rolls. This is 15- total stat points. A random number is also added to it at the start of each round. Luck will add to your rolls. Any stat which is 0 will fail every roll in that stat.


Pick one from each list. Some are good, some are bad. Try to pick ones which make sense with your character;


First Aid: BRAINS ROLL. Get a 12 or more to restore one GUTS. A 5 or less results in causing 1 damage.

Thug: +2 in melee attack rolls

Sharpshooter: +2 in shooting rolls

Martial Artist: +1 in melee attack and dodging rolls.

Lawyer: +1 BRAINS, your neutral point is -3 karma. You are evil after all

Highschooler: Your chances of being a main character increase, +1 luck.

Unemployed: You'll get a job eventually, choose 2 lolwuts.

Cashier: +1 QUICK, you know how to get the chicken to the customers in a timely manner.

Salaryman: Monday to Friday, 9-5. It doesn't get much better than this. +1 LUCK, stat cap is 5.

Student: -2 in all stats, if you succeed while helping someone, you get their ability. Learning is fun!

School Bully: +1 MACHO but you have to pick on any wimps you see.

Prostitute: +10 MOJO, you're so hot you should do this for a living...oh wait.

Engineer: BRAINS ROLL. Get a 10 or more to restore 5 points of energy to a weapon [can only be used if the weapon has 5 or more points of energy]. Getting a 10 or less will deplete 5 points of energy from the weapon. A 1 will break that weapon.

Cram School Student: +3 BRAINS, -2 LUCK. This is the third time you've failed the entry exam.

Priestly/Priestessly: You can give your stats to other people, and get two points of karma/stat.


Coward: Leave one bad situation a round and lose 2 luck.

Jerk: +1 macho as long as you're a JERK, -2 macho for breaking character.

Bandit: +1 MACHO/GUTS, negative karma cap is -5... you're a horrible person.

Crash: -2 BRAINS and MOJO. Allowed to reroll 3 times a game by arguing with GM.

Conscientious Objector: -1 GUTS/MACHO to leave a battle every round, but you lose no karma for doing so. It's against your morals, after all.

Tool: You gain/lose no karma when helping other players. You're just a tool, after all.

Slob: -1 MOJO, you smell really bad.

Airhead: Reduce BRAINS to 1, +2 MOJO. Thinking isn't fun!

Snob: +1 KARMA every time you refuse to help someone. It's just who you are.

Hyperactive: +2 QUICK, -1 BRAINS

Nerd: Raise BRAINS to 6, reduce MACHO/GUTS/QUICK by 2... wow, you should really study less.

Jock: +2 MACHO/GUTS/QUICK/MOJO. You fail every BRAINS roll ever.

Normal: You're so boring.

The Hero: +1 GUTS, how courageous!

Reckless: +2 MACHO -1 GUTS... life's too short anyway

Apathetic. +1 to a random stat for each round [is not cumulative]. You couldn't care less either way.

Andro/gynophobic: +3 MOJO, however you're too afraid to use your MOJO.

Hipster: +1 to a random stat if nobody else shares a trait with you.

Elitist: If you roll the highest in any category per round, you get +2 for that stat in the next round.

Nice: You're actually a nice person! Neutral point is +2 karma.

Pacifist: +5 LUCK, however your morals won't let you kill anything.

Accident Prone: +3 Macho, reduce all attack rolls by 4

Psychopath: +3 to QUICK. However, you sometimes forget who is friend or foe.


Weak Bladder: +2 luck, but your bladder isn't exactly strong.

Red Shirt: +2 in all stats, if you're with someone who will die, you will die in their place.

THWOMP: +3 GUTS, -2 QUICK. Running is too much effort.

Mr Boner: +1 MOJO, but it happens at the worst of times.

DDR Pro: Your dance moves are amazing.

Don't pick this skill: no really, don't.

Dog Lover: The dog will follow you around everywhere.

Moe: -5 Mojo. Why?

Shin Power: -2 luck, you get lost everywhere you go. However, you score double points.

Sharpy Power: -1 to all stats, +4 Luck, good things just happen despite your incompetence.

Mary Sue: You can cheat death one every two games... however, nobody likes you.

King of Cranium: +1 BRAINS, but your head is massive.

Failure: None of your rolls ever succeed.

Magikarp Power: -1 all stats, however, a random stat goes up by 1 for each roll you do. Is reset at beginning of each round.

Psychopath: +3 to QUICK. However, you sometimes forget who is friend or foe.

Trap: +1 MOJO, but everybody gets it wrong.

Traitor: +2 to all stats whenever you kill a friend

Token evil team member: Karma is reversed

Oracle: Whenever you predict the next person to die, you get +1 to Brains

Scientologist: Improbable things just happen.

Horace Power: You will always beat anyone with Shin Power.

Refa Power: +2 luck, but you swap your luck bonus with whoever has Shin Power every other round.

Forgetful: +4 Luck, but you may misplace your weapon.

Droll Power: Nullifies all other powers. Seriously, could you be more of a buzzkill?


When fighting, you need to roll MACHO for melee attacks and QUICK for shooting. Some of the weapons are a little tricky, so you need to BRAINS to figure it out. When fighting an enemy, you will roll an appropriate value for the action. If you roll above it, you get to write an increasingly good. The lower you roll below the value, the worse thing that you must write in. A 20 is auto success and no consequences, a 1 results in severe injury/death. There is no turn-based system. However, you run the risk of taking some serious damage if you keep on going at it. Don't post again until I've confirmed that something happens.


Refa attacks THWOMP monster with his sword! In order to succeed, Refa needs to get a 12 on a macho roll! Refa has 3 macho and -1 luck!

Refa rolls 6 2 13 ---> 5 1 12

Best value is 12

Refa gets his attack in, narrowly avoiding taking a hit himself. He's not in a great position but it could be worse.

Points are awarded for each successful kill. Not assists, just kills. Each hunt will have a target to kill. Once the target is dead, the round will end.

Death List



Here's my sign up, just to clarify.

Name: Abel Lawly

Age: 24 (Male)



Backstory: Abel was never the strongest, nor the smartest, not even the most charming. However, he liked to think he always did the right thing. However, he never really aspired to do that much, plagued with his own mediocrity. It wasn't that he was unhappy with it, but he would have liked to do more to help people. He'd help someone with their shopping or hold the door, but nothing particularly grand. His death was rather unexpected, he'd stopped at the roadside to make a phone call. It was a real shame that he didn't see the lorry coming.

Skills: Salaryman, The Hero, Dog Lover

Macho: 3

Guts: 2+1

Brains: 3

Quick: 3

Mojo: 3

Luck: 1+1

Happy hunting!

Edited by Admiral Shin
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Okay, here goes.

Name: Alex Watson

M/F: Male

Age: 17


Backstory: Alex was just another high school boy who happened to look like a girl. Unfortunately for him, his mother dragged him along with her shopping center on the same day a vicious serial killer who only targets woman appeared. Naturally, when trying to flee from the man, he tripped over his own feet, and couldn't escape. The knitting club has never been the same since.

Skills: Highschooler, Accident Prone, Trap

Macho: 2+3

Guts: 3

Brains: 3

Quick: 5

Mojo: 3+1

Luck: 2+1

Should be right I think.

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Name: Matthew "Mat" Washington

Gender: Male




Backstory: Matthew was a college student with a knack for tinkering with things. Very fitting for his background in an engineering school. Never much one to be active aside from his DDR skills Mat always chose to use his brain over brawn when able to, why fight when you can avoid it with thinking after all. Sadly for the young man his life happened to be cut short during a gas station robbery when he was stabbed by the robber after accidently startling the criminal by walking into the store while listening to his headphones.

Skills: Engineer, Nerd, DDR pro (stylish as fuck)

Macho: 3-2=1

Guts= 5-2=3

Brains 0+6=6

Quick= 5-2=3



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Name: Fran Carlisle

Age: 32 (Male)

Apperance: Average-looking. Will describe later.

Backstory: Fran hates this bullshit. She was cheering on Bournemouth, red and black scarf in hand, when suddenly he's transported into some bullshit japanimation or some shit

this sucks

Skills: Prostitute, Jock, THWOMP

Macho: 5 + 2 = 7

Guts: 4 + 2 + 3 = 9

Brains: 0

Quick: 6 + 2 - 2 = 6

Mojo: 0 + 12 = 12

Luck: 0

Edited by Furetchen
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Name: josé elber "pene-de-hierro" galarga

M/F: male

Age: twenty something? late. like twenty eight.

Apperance: just sort of like. idk. snoopeh, the clg.eu guy.

Backstory: severe syphilis

prostitute, jerk, traitor

mucho: 3 + 1

guts: 4

brains: 3

fast: 2

mojo: 4 + 10

luck: 0

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Name: Drake Fendell

Gender: Male

Age: 16



BackStory: He was a martial artist in training. He was at red belt, about to get his black one. Until some pissed of student broke a fucking gun.


Macho: 3

Guts: 2

Brains: 4

Quick: 4

Mojo: 2

Luck: 0

Skills: Martial Artist, The Hero, (for some reason i can't see the lolwut)

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