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Female Generics?


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Just out of curiosity, are there any female generic enemies encountered through the game like clerics, dark mages, tricksters, heroes, assassins, etc? I was interested in seeing their artwork.

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Just out of curiosity, are there any female generic enemies encountered through the game like clerics, dark mages, tricksters, heroes, assassins, etc? I was interested in seeing their artwork.

There's the Pegasus Knights and their promotions, Battle Clerics and Valkyries. I believe the

rest of the Generic enemies are all Male.

Edit: Oh yeah and Sechs and Neun.

Edited by arvilino
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Wait not Funf? wasn't she meant to be Briggid?

The thing with the Dark Warlords is that none of them are meant to be anyone in particular; they are constantly created and recreated over the millennia using entirely new bodies (as discussed briefly in FE5's final chapter when Veld mentions recreating Eins from Leidrik). Fünf could indeed have been created from Briggid/Eyvel in FE5 if you failed to rescue Eyvel, but a) that incarnation was killed in battle by Leaf's army, not to mention that that was thousands of years ago by the time of FE13 so Briggid would likely be well and truly decomposed by now, and b) the canonicity of anyone other than Leidrik being turned into a Dark Warlord then is nebulous, but FE as a whole tends toward considering scenarios where every party member survived to be "canon" (by which I mean FE3/12 and 10).

At any rate, the FE4 and FE13 incarnations of Fünf are male (though I guess you could construe Fünf's generic portrait as looking ambiguous gender-wise).

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FE5 Funf was potentially Brigid, if she died. If not, she wasn't. Not clear at all if the FE4/5 Dark Warlords are the same "people". The FE13 Dark Warlords are definitely different, though; it's set 3000 years later and in the DLC, several of each show up at once.

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