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That Random New Person...

You Know Shinon Is God

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I'm not a forum newbie at all, but I'm new to these forums. So hi, gaiz~. I've already posted a bit, since I usually just do that and don't even post in introductory forums, but for some reason, today, I decided to enter such forums.

I'll probably be hanging around almost all the threads. I'm sure you'll all get sick of seeing my name in loads of threads soon enough - especially if you don't like Shinon. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif And no, I'm not a double-posting, argumentative, self-centered forum user. Promise. I'll be nice. I'll be not as nice as Roy himself. :)

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Your name was sufficiently intriguing to make me see what you're about. Welcome.

I hear the quickest way to get Camtech to like you is to go into the hacking forums and ask questions that are answered in the pinned threads, and ask for troubleshooting help without giving details of your error.

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CT, I think I hate you, too. :) And hate is a beautifully strong word.

Konnor, thank you, and I hope to and intend to. :)

Melon, are you talking stats/as a unit or personality? Or both? And thank you for the welcome~.

Minor, why, I am so glad to hear it.

Ah, is that so? Well, I guess Camtech won't be liking me. Ever. Hopefully you will be, though. You seem to be an amusing man. I'm in your approval.

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Melon, are you talking stats/as a unit or personality? Or both? And thank you for the welcome~.

Probably both. Shinon is obviously the better unit when you get him, and can stay that way unless you put a bunch of time into Rolf. His Strength growth is just too good to pass up, and he can double quite well. That, and Unky Shinon.

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I've actually already posted about Shinon in the favorite character thread. But as for stats, they're actually about evened out in the end. Rolf does get more Strength, but Shinon's Speed is faster. I think his Skill is better, too. They both basically end up being each other's opposite in stats. If Shinon gets more Skill, say, Rolf gets more of something else to compensate. I've used them both in Trial Maps, and they both performed wonderfully. Granted, they scared the living out hell of me on more than one occassion, but considering it's a Trial Map, well... ._. I usually expect scary scenarios on those things. Unless Ashnard's on the field. Then I am clearly coming out of that fight with no issues told.

Freohr, you may not who his god is, but at least you know he IS god.


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The question is though, do gods have gods. Also I'm an atheist. So nope. Also hi.

Gods of god.

There's one god, and he has a pantheon of gods he worships.

Also if you don't have a god then you might as well be a statue - Ike said so.

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Dear Shinon Sucks,

My name is Waha Kife. You may only refer to me as Waha Kife. If you call me anything but Waha Kife, you will be seriously punished. This is no joke mortal. Also, do not quote me without changing the title of the quote to Waha Kife. You better not vanish or I will cut you down in real life. This is no joke. I hope you enjoy your stay. You had better...

With these ghetto times, you might want to consider using a Knife for protection instead of a Gun. You can conceal Knives easier and they are more lethal at close range. Unless you got a Gun to someone's head. Why am I capitalizing Gun and Knife? None of your business. Is this paragraph relevant to the introduction? Shaddup.

There are many weirdos on these forums from furries to hard core FE fans. I say this with great sincerity: do not go to Far from the Forest. If you do, you may never return to the main forums again. This has happened to many of our rank and we don't need anymore weirdos to be away from the forest. The government wants to contain all the weirdos inside the forest.

Many people were weeded out by the travel back in time. Oh yes, this forum is actually 3 months older than it appears. That is because of a drug which caused the site to have amnesia. The forums reopened up in early January 2008, although it was open for 2 months before that. Our master had great payment issues.

Call me Waha Kife. I am restating this for emphasis and to save your life. There are certain people who can get away with calling me the name that shall not be uttered. They are usually brawlers. If you're a brawler, you can call me the name that shall not be uttered.

I've never used the copy and paste tool. I like to take my time writing out all my messages to make more of an impression. I am Waha Ashamed of everyone who uses copy & paste. How can I tell? I just do. I don't know why the computer weirdos added in a copy & paste feature, but I think that was the worst move ever.

I've been here longer than 4 years (with a bunch of breaks in between), so respect my elderness. Don't be a Waha Idiot. Some guys in the intro threads seem to be following me around trying to piss me off. If you become a Waha Idiot and annoy me too much, you will be Waha Punishedâ„¢.

Why don't I change my display name to Waha Kife? Why don't you shut up? What was that? You never ask? That is Waha Bullshit, I can read your mind. I know your deepest fears. Like I said, if you go inactive, I will find you. Only I have the power to do that. How? Curiosity killed the cat.

Now I must end this speech, because you probably stopped caring about whatever I said. What was the point of writing this message? To test you. If you skipped everything, you can go Waha Fuck yourself. But if you took the time to read this, maybe we can be friends and maybe you could call me the name that shall not be uttered. But whatever you do, don't get on my bad side or you will receive Waha Punishmentâ„¢.

What is Waha Punishmentâ„¢? You don't want to find out. The last guy who received Waha Punishmentâ„¢ didn't post for an entire day. A week later, he got banned. Surely you do not want to suffer the same fate...

Written in blood,

Waha Kife

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eCut, I'm so glad you approve of Shinon. And thus far, I am enjoying my stay; thank you.

Florina, generally, in the world of Tellius, everything IS a lie. All that stuff they taught you, well... it's a lie. When they told you, which they didn't, that Shinon was a mortal, they lied. But only Rolf knew that, which is why he so admired Shinon.

I thank you for the welcome~.

CheatEnabled, yes. The reason it is so confusing toward the end and why nothing makes sense is because Shinon hexeredz it. And because he's God. There never was a Goddess. But it's because he is God that he haxeredz it.

eclipse, I sees me a Roy. Such joy! ...Rhyme was not intended.

IDPFT - yes, I just abbreivated your whole name, and you are free to do so for me if you wish to :P - thank you and I thus far am.

In terms of religion, no worries. Your religion won't punish you if you believe in Shinon~. At least, I hope it won't. Nothing against your religion, by the way~.

Waha Kife, I apologize, but I prefer a Stiletto...

No worries about that! I'm too much a true Fire Emblem fan to run off to random things that make no sense. I might find myself Far From the Forest someday, but I will always return.

A brawler, you say? Well, a little. But not entirely! I suppose I can utter half the name, then.

So, does the Quote button count as copy/paste to thee?

Well then. You should, too, respect Shinon your juniors and you in turn shall be respected. Unless you disrepsect Shinon. Which you have, therefore I owe you one disrespectful comment to arrive in the future, whether near or far.

Oh, inactivity. Well, you see, I used to go to other forums for other fandoms... and am now inactive. But so long as I stay in the FE spirit, I will be active. However, should I lose my spirit at any point, inactivity may occur as a side affect. Though, you have said you have had forum breaks yourself. Was this... inactivity? In which case, you should hunt yourself down...

Well, I've replied to most if not all of this, so... I don't believe I have skipped your message.

I can only be myself. Should I be a terrible, horrible person, only time will tell. So if myself is a terrible, horrible person, time will slowly begin to express this fact to you.

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I hear the quickest way to get Camtech to like you is to go into the hacking forums and ask questions that are answered in the pinned threads, and ask for troubleshooting help without giving details of your error.

you need the words "leave me alone im new" somewhere in there as well

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