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American Presidency season


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The problem is with the current system of government you can't get a ton of shit down even if you wanted to. Congress has to pass a bill, and it's not very easy to get hundreds of people to agree with you on something that isn't drastic. So diverting from the norm is practically impossible. Fixing an economy isn't as easy as just printing out a bunch more money and giving it to everyone either. Things take time...a LOT of time. If you expect immediate results from the government, you're gonna have a bad time.

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Everyone should shut up and vote for a hopeless candidate. And no, I don't mean Mitt Romney, fuck that. I mean Jill Stein of Green Party.

Edited by Hikarasuman
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I think the American president race is interesting, but I haven't watched the debate since its airing on 3:00 in the night in our place.

I guess i'm pro Obabam since he's merely far right instead of extremely far right winged like his opponent. Not meaning to be insulting, but the political climate in my country is a little different.

It's interesting how America is so much further right than any other country. People in my state(Texas) make socialized medicine out to have come straight from the gates of hell. America is extremely rare for being a country as large as it is without socialized medicine in this day and age. I find it to be somewhat ignorant of these people to say things. They feed into the stereotype that Americans don't observe anything and just do as they're brainwashed. With kids in my highschool, they just say shit like, "Socialism/communism is bad" with no supporting evidence, they were raised thinking it is fact.

The problem is with the current system of government you can't get a ton of shit down even if you wanted to. Congress has to pass a bill, and it's not very easy to get hundreds of people to agree with you on something that isn't drastic. So diverting from the norm is practically impossible. Fixing an economy isn't as easy as just printing out a bunch more money and giving it to everyone either. Things take time...a LOT of time. If you expect immediate results from the government, you're gonna have a bad time.

I agree with this.

I also would like to throw in my opinion to this surprisingly sort of serious thread. I'm pro Obama. I can't get behind a guy who refers to people as "Binders", I don't care if he was being insensitive or just stupid. I don't want a president who is either. Definitely don't want a president who let's rich people off easier than poor people. Romney also looks pretty freaking horrible at foreign policy. Not to mention he wants to throw 2 million at the army when we don't need to spend that money. And he claims he can cover the US debt by fixing the loopholes in our tax system he has exploited his whole life. I also believe poor people should be able to get medical treatment. /rant

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