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Was the Radiant Dawn planned to be a sequel?


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Same here. The whole thing was pretty vague. I'm sure I read somewhere that until the release of RD it was generally accepted that Rajaion's death was changed following the Japanese release because his survival would be met with more positive reaction from Western fans than his death.

Maybe it was true for a while, until IS realized that continuing the regional plot difference regarding Rajaion in RD would create too many plot holes and differences. Who knows.

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Ashnard's dragon actually being Rajaion was the reason why Ena was even in Daein in the first place. It's the entire reason why Nasir was a double agent (so to speak). The Ena/Rajaion sub-plot was his entire motivation to do what he did.

As for Almedha and Ashnard's son... iirc we didn't even know Almedha existed, or that Ashnard had a son. So yeah, that part was thought up for RD.

I thought Ashnard made mention about Daein being ok even if they lose the war when talking to that general, I believe Bryce was his name. That he came up with a plan for all scenarios leaving the door open for a heir to the throne to come into the picture if they should lose the war. I think I should played the game again though to confirm it as I'm most definitely could be wrong. Haven't played in a good while...

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