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I want FE4 Mage Knights to use staves


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Hi. I'm making an FE4 tweak hack of sorts for myself and I want Arthur to be able to use the Valkyrie Staff if he inherits it from Claude. However I'm quite sure the animations don't exist in-game so I don't think it'd work if I just added staves to Mage Knights in Nightmare. Is there any way to maybe add in the animation they used in FE4 RM or something? I checked the Binary topic but it seems the link to the animation pack is dead.

My current solution is just to swap Teeny and Arthur's inheritances so Teeny would end up with the Valkyrie Staff (since she can actually use it), but this has some side effects I don't really want (Teeny inherits Holsety if Levin's her father, Arthur specializes in Thunder magic...).

I've played the FE4 RM hack but it changes a lot of things. I liked many of the changes, but many other changes I didn't like. I love FE4 mostly as is, and I'd rather just have a couple tweaks here and there to change some things that bug me a little.

Oh by the way, this is my first post. Nice to meetcha. smile.gif

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You can set it in the battle animation module. If you can't insert a new animation, you can get away with using the Master Knight staff animation.

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Yeah, no idea how to insert animations, so the Master Knight animation will have to do. Also I apparently don't have to change the map animation since Mage Knights use the same animation as for offensive magic (I did not realize this). Thanks!

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