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Why, oh WHY do they jump around?

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I'm very frustrated with Radiant Dawn. I love it a lot, I really do. I love the skill system, the chars, the plot, the everything. Except supports.

But WHY, WHY, WHY does it have to jump From DB to Elincia, to Geoffry, to Lucia, to Elinica again, to Ike, to DB, to Geoffry, to Ike, to DB, to Ike, then again EVERYONE splits up.

Seriously, this game would have been better if they just made the story FE7 style- one route follows Ike/Elincia, and one that follows Michiah/Sanaki. Or something similar.

I just hate the constant jumping. Constant jumping makes frustrated Weisspraline frustrated.

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This is probably my main issue with the game. Just when I get going the pace changes and I am forced to use people who really don't figure into my long term plans.

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This is probably my main issue with the game. Just when I get going the pace changes and I am forced to use people who really don't figure into my long term plans.

But that's just the thing, you might find they DO fit into your long term plans very well.

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That is not how I play. I plan everything out from the beginning, set goals for what level they need to be by when, etc. It just bugs me to no end to have to deviate from my plans.

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That is not how I play. I plan everything out from the beginning, set goals for what level they need to be by when, etc. It just bugs me to no end to have to deviate from my plans.

I'm kind of the same way. I vaugely plan my team out in the begining. (Do I want to use lots of magic users? Do I want to use any mounted units, fliers? Should I level up a healer from the begining, or just promote a mage?) and go from there. The only non-Greil Mercinary chars I plan on bringing into the final chapter are Laura, Edward, Danved, Elincia, and Sanaki. Maybe Geoffry. I don't mind when one whole part has the SAME lord (Such as Part one), and Part two wouldn't be bad if Elincia was the commander in every map; but the fact that you jump from this to that to this and that is very confusing, and really makes it confusing when I try to figure out who I want to bring to the final chapter; for example, one char might be a god in one part of the story, but really horrible when compared to units of another army. It's just a pain in my buttocks.

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As I suspected, some people love the new style, some hate it. I actually didn't care for it at first, but grew to love it.

Here is the full path: (P1) Micaiah, (P2) Elincia, Nephenee, Lucia, Geoffrey, Elincia, (P3) Ike, Micaiah, Ike, Geoffrey, Ike, Micaiah, Ike, (P4) Micaiah, Ike, Tibarn, Micaiah, Ike, Tibarn, Ike/Micaiah.

it is based on the one who can direct and order units

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it's frustrates me...my issue is, I never have more than a few units I want to use...then I get to the mercenaries, and crap, now I have too many units I want to use...and smaller maps...

Part 1: I used Micaiah (to Lv. 20), Jill, Eddie, and Nolan...large maps mean I have to use units I don't like...

Part 2: huge maps, and you only have a few units, and I really only wanted to use Neph & Haar...

Part 3: ah, here are the good units, but wait 3-P and 3-1 are small maps...which makes it hard to use everyone

by small I mean, 3-P you have 3 squares across and few enemies, 3-1 is cramped...and I haven't gotten any further than that...but still jumping frustrates me...because instead of having the units you liked and have used and are well good, you get thrust to another group that well, does not have the units you were counting on...and it's annoying, I like having all my units together, makes life better...the jumping is also annoying, because you can't do supports easily (until part 4?) because everyone is split up...

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i dont really pay attention, lol. I just kinda play and then when the new group comes around, i'm like "oh, looks like its Geoffery's group for now". I do kinda like it, though. A little change in scenery and units

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  • 2 weeks later...
the only thing i don't like about this is that it's hard to get certain supports.

true that. it is kind of a pain to support with some people

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I actually like it.[2]

This is the first FE(for me at least) that you can use All your chars without fear that your team become Weak, I did this my first FE and I need to restart it ;_;

They could have give Decent Support conversations... Well nothing is perfect...

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I thought it is kinda fun to keep switching teams 0.0

In PoR I have this huge amount of characters sitting in the back never seen the sun. In RD, it kinda force you to use gives you the opportunity to try out most of the characters.

I found this quite enjoyable. Maybe just me...

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I'm not one for anything spontaneous. Everything has to go a certain way for me.

I see what you mean, but keep in mind that the developers designed the first playthroughs to be played without the help of walkthroughs.

If you focus on a handful of characters, you'll struggle when it comes down to Part 4 and you have to split your forces. And don't get me started on 4-E. XD

So by doing it this way, beginners are likely to level up their characters evenly, resulting in a balanced team for the final battles.

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also i kinda like the jump around cuz it has been 3 years since the end of PoR and i dont think everyone is still together. Everyone starts to slowly come together after 3 years and at the end, they all team together to kill


. Genius i tell u!

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also i kinda like the jump around cuz it has been 3 years since the end of PoR and i dont think everyone is still together. Everyone starts to slowly come together after 3 years and at the end, they all team together to kill


. Genius i tell u!

Everyone except Largo that is. It's kinda like the SubSpace Emissary. Everyone slowly comes together to kill the final boss.

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