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anyone else seriously concerned about growth rates?


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"every character is good and enemies are weak" was referring to sacred stones, I'm talking about the game on normal mode, not these new age bullshit hard difficulties they started putting in.

His point still stands. Judging by your responses, you're clearly under the impression that a unit only needs high growths to be good, when in actuality, growths are only a single piece to the puzzle that holds the picture of how good a unit is. In other words: Growths alone do not a good unit make. While high growths are nice to have, they alone aren't the be all and end all of how good a unit is.

Quoting what Othin said earlier, growths are generally there just to add fun to the trouble of raising a unit. Generally, units are given high enough growth to make them strong enough to be usable through the game. (Cases in point: Some Lord characters such as Ephraim from FE8 or Sigurd from FE4pt1. Cain & Abel archetypes such as Sain from FE7, Oscar from FE9, and the archetype namers from the Archanea FEs. Even some of the Jagens such as Marcus in FE7, and Seth in FE8.) However, not every unit that has good growths is automatically a great unit to use, and those that aren't can bring more trouble than they're worth in spite of how strong they eventually become. (Cases in point: Nino from FE7, Est from the Archanea FEs, and Donny from this game as mentioned earlier in the topic.) And sometimes, as a user on this forum can attest to, you probably wouldn't need any growths to beat an FE game. But growths or no growths, before you can start talking about how good a unit is, you need every single piece to the puzzle to the picture that shows how good that unit is.

Edited by Little Al
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